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Friday, September 10, 2010

Skins Prediction

It's Dallas week. If you can't get excited about playing Dallas at home in prime time on national tv in Week 1, you're a gaylord.

Can't wait for the game. It will be interesting to see what this new regime of the Redskins can do. The last few years the Redskins have pretty much embarrassed themselves, their fans, their families, and their ancestors when they have played on national tv. I do feel like that will change on Sunday.

The Cowboys are the most overhyped team in the NFL. They are decent but they aren't one of the strongest teams in the NFL. They have gotten a lot of buzz because they are the Cowboys and they got the new stadium and they make noise because of guys like Romo and Jerry Jones.

I actually feel like the Skins are going to pull this one out. The Cowboys have good skill position players in Austin, Witten, Bryant, Jones, and Barber but their O line is weak and even weaker considering they will be without two starters on Sunday. The Skins will take advantage of that and we will get to Romo a few times and I am convinced we will get at least two turnovers.

I think our running game will be decent and I think McNabb will play within himself and the system and do enough to pull out the victory.

Some keys to this game are:

1. Get to Romo. Attack him and get him beaten up, flustered, and prone to make mistakes.

2. Doughty will have to be better than he is. Doughty is a smart, strong hearted player but doesn't have the most talent/athleticism. He is going to need to make sure he gets to his assignments fast enough or else he is going to be exploited. The Ravens exploited his lack of speed on three consecutive plays in the preseason game once Moore was knocked out of the game. He will be someone that we need to watch.

3. Redskin WRs need to step up big time. Moss cannot drop balls. I have no idea what Galloway is capable of since he hardly played in the preseason. Armstrong is much like Doughty. He's got a huge heart but he isn't the most talented guy. We will really need to utilize Cooley and Davis. The problem is that I imagine these guys are going to be needed to stay back and help with protection.

4. Need to get the running game going. I believe CP is going to have a solid game. I think he is chomping at the bit to get out there and prove what he can do in this system.

5. Watch the Williams/Ware battle. I love what I have seen/heard of Trent Williams so far. I really believe he wants this challenge and will step up to it. Williams and Jamal Brown play with an edge to them as if they are the ones attacking as opposed to the DEs/LBs they are blocking. I love that attitude and I think they will do well.

6. I am assuming that Brandon Banks will be returning punts and possibly even kickoffs (although he is more suited as a PR). If that is the case, he needs to hold on to the ball. He can't get lost in the moment and needs to play within himself. Also, he needs to protect the ball. He is a little guy and the ball can get stripped away from him easily. We can't afford him giving the ball away.

7. Finally, and most importantly, our coaching is better than their coaching. I truly believe that Shanny and Co. will get our guys in position to win this game. As long as the players can execute, we will pull out this victory.

Looking forward to the game and showing the nation just exactly who the Dallas Cowboys are.



Rob said...

Here's my prediction for the season - the 'Skins will go 6-10.

There is no way McNabb makes it through the season and Rex will actually deliver the wins for you.

The problem will be the wide receivers and running backs who are old and if Portis gets hurt the offense will really struggle.

As for this week, the 'Skins won't get blown away, but they will lose by 10 points. I say 20-10.

j, k, and s's d said...

Funny how the only real positive in Robs post was that Rexy would deliver the wins for us this year. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised with Robs undying affection for Rexy.

I do agree that we will probably see some of Rexy this year as it is hard for any QB to play the entire year. I also agree that the WRs are my biggest concern right now. RB is less of a concern so not really worried about that spot right now.

Regarding prediction for the season, I have no idea. I could see us going 6-10 or 10-6. There has been too much change for us to really understand how good (or bad) the Skins will be. I will say that most of the changes have been good but it still takes time for things to gel.

I am focused on this week only and I believe we have a very good shot at beating Dallas.

Rob said...

The Cowboys may be overrated, but they are much better on both sides of the ball than the Deadskins.

I think you are looking through your Burgundy and Gold glasses - wipe off the colors and take another look.

j, k, and s's d said...

Took the glasses off and I saw you trying to make love to a home made paper mache Rex Grossman doll!!!

Glasses are quickly back on!!!

I don't think the Cowboys are significantly better on both sides of the ball. Their skill position players on offense are better than ours but I think the O lines are comparable. In fact, the edge may go to us since they have injuries there.

Defense is close. They are probably a little better because they have the same personnel and have been running the same defense for some time so they are more comfortable with it.

Bottom line, we'll see how it plays out.