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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

CP's comments

CP has been relatively quiet this entire offseason but he made news yesterday with the comments regarding women reporters in the locker room. He said, "I think you put women reporters in the locker room in position to see guys walking around naked, and you sit in the locker room with 53 guys, and all of the sudden you see a nice woman in the locker room. I think men are going to tend to turn and look and want to say something to that woman," Portis said in his weekly appearance on 106.7 The Fan.

Stupid comments to say in the public but I'm sure the vast majority of players think the same way. I'm sure despite his apology CP believes in his comments.


deepie said...

I believe his comments. He didn't say anything that isn't true to some degree. The public outcry against his comments is largely driven by the media and it's never ending need to create news cycles. What better way to fill the airwaves than to exploit a situation where an athlete makes some provocative comments followed by pictures of some hot-mama's arse somehow fitting into skin tight jeans...which apparently is what the Spanish news channel's reporter was wearing at the time.

This reeks of outrageous and over the top political correctness. Sure CP's comments were not the most tasteful comments, but at some level, at some point, even the most professional female journalist in a locker room full of male athletes will notice "53 packages" in front of her. The media can blame Portis for being a pig, but it's ignorant to discredit Portis' comments as false.

j, k, and s's d said...

100% agree.

These are not the type of comments that he should have said on radio but he along with almost all the other athletes believe it.

Can you imagine a male reporter in a women's figure skating or soccer or softball locker room? I'm sure the dude would be checking out some of the women.

His comments are not false. He just shouldn't have said them on the radio.

Rob said...

If you guys are serious you are sexist pigs.

He went beyond truth and good taste when he suggested female journalists wanted to get with athletes.

"you put a woman and you give her a choice of 53 athletes, somebody got to be appealing to her. You know, somebody got to spark her interest, or she’s gonna want somebody. I don’t know what kind of woman won’t, if you get to go and look at 53 men’s packages."

Stupid comment - and completely false. Do they notice the "packages" - sure they do just as male journalists do. But that doesn't mean that they want to get with these athletes. Portis is basically saying that women in the locker room are looking to hook up.

The outrage is not because of over the top political correctness - it is an effort to instill professionalism and basic respect for human beings that should exist.

Rob said...

CP just showed how ignorant he is - this isn't new - but maybe it will get him to shut his mouth and keep his stupid comments to a minimum.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't necessarily think the reporters are looking to hook up but I do think that they will notice.

I believe that if you put a pretty reporter in a football locker room, the players will do what they did in the case with the Jets. If they don't do it, they will think of doing it. That's how guys are in particular football players in the locker room.

j, k, and s's d said...

CP opens his mouth too much and I think he says a lot of things that he doesn't fully intend. He is not the most eloquent of speakers nor is his vocabulary the most expansive. However, I'm sure the women check out the athletes as do the athletes check out a pretty reporter. It goes a little overboard to say that they look to hook up.

Rob said...

I put his quote - he says women reporters are trying to hook up once they check out the players. That is utter sexist B.S.

There is no defense for his comments. He's an ignorant sexist pig.

You think Lindsay Czarniak is in the Redskins' locker room checking out players and noticing their packages? But, Dan Helling doesn't notice a dude's package?

Only female reporters notice the naked men, but the male reporters don't - that's B.S. also.

deepie said...

You're taking his comments out of context and you're ignoring the fact that he was being interviewed by the Junkies, whose morning show is about as racy as there is in terms of the topics and language being used. CP's not the most eloquent speaker. He used the wrong words, but his point was that a woman who comes into the locker room all sexed up is going to get noticed by the players and probably has a motive of her own.

Look up the comments that readers have made on to Dan Wetzel's column. I had trouble finding one response that didn't side with Portis. Everyone agrees that what he said probably shouldn't have been said, but the PC angle is being force-fed to us by a news media that is just trying to stir things up. It's extremely ignorant to think that what CP said isn't true to some degree.

Scott said...

Correction, it was B-Mitch and Kushner because Wise was out not the Junkies.

Portis is an idiot. He should not have rambled like that on live radio.

On the other hand, this is 2010, why should any reporters be in the locker room at all. Why can't the interviews occur after they have showered and dressed in a different room? B-Mitch stated that not only the women reports look at the packages, he's seen some of the men do it also.

deepie said...

B-Mitch and Kushner...The Junkies...who cares. It was sports radio and the conversations can get a bit racy at time.

CP was asked a question and he answered and unfortunately for him, he rambled. He admitted that he wasn't aware of the issue in the Jets' locker room. He was just offering an opinion.

This issue has totally been blown out of proportion. I bet half of the media who is accusing Portis of being a sexist actually believes what he said. This is just a media creation to feed into the PC mentality that festers our society.

j, k, and s's d said...

Per usual, agree with Deepie and Scott and Robs again plays the contrarian role.

Rob said...

I'm not taking his words out of context. I heard the full interview and read the quotes. What he said is just plain wrong.

No excuse for being an ignorant sexist. I would think you guys would be a little more reasonable given that you have daughters.

deepie said...

Robs...The daughters angle is just plain stupid. If my daughter dresses like a bimbo and walks into a room with 53 naked dudes walking around and then complains that she was verbally harassed...Or...if one of those dudes later questioned why she was in there looking like a bimbo if she didn't want attention, I'd reprimand my daughter for putting herself in a bad situation and for dressing like a bimbo.

CP was simply stating a fact. It's human nature. We're attracted to the opposite sex...well...JKSD likes to comment about the male arse a bit much, so maybe he's not.
If you want to call him a sexist for putting two and two together and stating that females in the men's locker room may not just be there to do their jobs, you're not being true to yourself.

Rob said...

CP was not referring to any particular journalist - he cast aspersions on all female journalists. That is why it is wrong.

If you don't agree that it is wrong, I assume you think that if your daughter chooses to be a female journalist and walks into a locker room she is going to be trying to hook up with players?

I don't think that about my daughter, and I certainly don't think that about female journalists.

Rob said...

Deeps, in reading your comments and thinking about what you are saying it seems to me that you have not fully understood or even heard/read CP's comments.

He did not know any details about the Jets situation, he was just commenting on women reporters in the locker room in general.

deepie said...

I understand what he said and I am tempering what he says with the understanding that he ALWAYS overstates what he really means. When he says women in the locker room are looking to hook up, do you really believe he's talking about Lindsay Czarniak, who is as attractive as any woman, but is the consummate pro? Or Hanna Storm, or any other respected journalist? If you want to believe he is including them in his statements, go ahead and believe it. I can tell you that's not the female reporter he's talking about.

It's just like when he said JC isn't a leader, but what he meant was JC's not a vocal leader...Or when he said "hunting is legal," then he had to backtrack and clarify that he meant Vick was wrong for killing dogs, but there are plenty of worse things that people do all of the time that go unnoticed. He blabbers and says more than he should all the time. This is just another case of him taking a thought and stretching it into something more than he intended it to be.

Rob said...

I do think he is talking about all women reporters - he didn't distinguish and I cannot see how one can assume he is not speaking about them as a group.

If he were speaking about one particular reporter - and we know for sure it wasn't the one in NY because he didn't even know about the case when he was asked about it - the reaction would likely have been very different.

j, k, and s's d said...

Was watching the Redskin show with Larry Michael (hate that guy) on Comcast last night and they had Kelli Johnson on there who is the Comcast Sportsnet Redskin reporter.

She said that she consistently deals with comments and jokes and whistles and so forth but she says as a woman reporter that she expects that kind of treatment from a bunch of guys on a testosterone filled football team. She also said that she is a tomboy and grew up with that kind of mentality and understands it and throws it right back at the guys.

Where CP goes overboard is talking about women reporters going in there to hook up but no doubt, as Kelli states, there will be comments between women reporters and players.

Also, I'm sure that while CP is saying the words, he has cajoled and joked around with teammates about women in the locker room. He is far from alone on this matter.

You can call it sexist or whatever but imagine a group of college frat boys at a bar having a few drinks and they are in there by themselves and a hot girl walks in. No question they will stare at her and have choice comments. It's somewhat the same thing. That's more of an extreme example as I know the women reporters are in there to do a job but the mentality is a somewhat similar.

Regarding the Ines situation, I don't think she is a credible football reporter. She was a former Miss Spain and in there to do an interview on Dirty Sanchez. No question she will garner more attention and comments. She didn't even mind it.

As a guy, I figured you would understand the mentality. Then again, it is just more evidence of the truth. That Robs is actually a woman.

Again, CP was stupid for sharing the comments on the radio as he does have a big mouth and no real filter but I'm sure he believes what he said and those feelings are shared by many of his peers. Again, he is probably not talking about respected reporters so much as more of a person like Ines.

BTW - the daughter angle is ridiculous.

Rob said...

It is a place of work - not a frat party. I know it is a locker room, but if any reporter is hitting on a player they would be fired.

The problem with what CP said was the part about female reporters looking to hook up.

Unlike you (apparently), if dudes are making my daughter uncomfortable in a work setting, I'm not going to just say that's what dudes do.

j, k, and s's d said...

Why do you bring daughters up? I'm wouldn't be happy with any dude making my daughter uncomfortable. I would not be comfortable with a guy wanting to take her out on a date when she in her twenties. I am not comfortable with any guy being around my daughter in general.

It's not necessarily hitting on as opposed to being ribbed a bit. Are you naive enough to think that these football players treat the male reporters the same as attractive female reporters? Come on, man. There's what's supposed to happen and there's what actually happens.

I am telling you a first hand account from Kelli Johnson that she faces ribbing and comments and whistles and what could be considered as being hit on but she knows that comes with her territory and she gives it right back.

Again, any self respecting reporter doesn't go into the locker room looking to hook up and that is going over board but there is a difference b/t male and female reporters and to think that there isn't is ludicrous.

Rob said...

Ribbing isn't what Portis was talking about. I have never been talking about ribbing, I have always been commenting on what Portis said.

Let's not confuse the discussion with joking around or ribbing.

deepie said...

I think we all agree that what Portis said was stupid. The difference is you want to take what he said literally instead of accepting the fact that the dude always overstates everything he says. To me when he says (paraphrasing) "All female reporters are looking to hook up and the sight of 53 packages turns them on," I don't think he's referring to every single female reporter out there.

I'm sure he's had first hand experience with some female reporters being flirtatious with him before/during/after an interview. I'm sure that he's noticed female reporters staring at him and/or other players, because that's just what's going to happen. I'm also sure that the more respectable reporters are more professional with him and he is able to make a distinction between the two. I tend to believe Portis is a smarter guy than he sounds like sometimes. He's just too dumb to know when to keep his mouth shut. The point is, just because he gets the impression that female reporters are not always there just to do their job, it doesn't make him a sexist pig. He said something that 99% of the world apparently agrees with. See the reader responses to the Dan Wetzel column on Yahoo if you don't believe me. The only problem is the language he used when talking about it.

j, k, and s's d said...

Once again, agree with Deepie on this one.

Was listening to sports talk (B-Mitch and Holden Kushner) and they were saying how the whole thing got blown out of proportion.

In fact, CP is in the locker room now with black tape on his mouth that Haynesworth put on him and he has a couple of pre made hand written notes that he uses to answer questions.

Robs, you pulling out daughters and all this other mumbo jumbo is just silliness. Go back to looking at your Rexy pictures.