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Thursday, September 23, 2010

And the winner is...

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

It was a tough choice as they had a great selection. I considered the following:

1. Modelo Especial - really enjoy this beer but I like it more in the spring/summer and it was a 1/4 barrel and they had quite a few selection in the 1/6 barrel size so I deferred on this one for now.

2. Sam Adams Oktoberfest - I just finished the Sam Adams Summer Ale so I wanted to branch out from the Sam Adams family this go around. Also, I am not sure if I have tried the Oktoberfest and wasn't sure how I would like it so didn't want to get a keg of it.

3. Harpoon Oktoberfest - I like Harpoon but similar to the Sam Adams Oktoberfest, it is an unknown and didn't want to get a keg of something without having an idea of what it tasted like.

4. Dogfish Pumpkin Ale - Dogfish is quality beer and the alcohol content was much higher in this seasonal ale (I believe around 7% - 8%). However, pumpkin ale is a distinct taste/flavor and would probably rather have a few bottles of this as opposed to a keg.

5. Miller Lite - good fall back beer but they had too many varieties for me to consider this one this time.

After much internal debate, I ended up with the Sierra Nevada as it is a quality Pale Ale and a known quantity. It is a nice fall beer that has a deep amber color and an exceptionally full-bodied, complex character. Generous quantities of premium Cascade hops give the Pale Ale its fragrant bouquet and spicy flavor.

After tapping the keg last night, I poured myself half a glass. It is slightly bitter so Scott will wuss out on this one but I can appreciate and enjoy savoring this beer as opposed to a Miller Lite which can be chugged.

Stay thirsty, my friends!


Scott said...

Sierra is ok, but not that good after a couple of weeks. My neighbors get that in their kegerator. If we were to play 99 with you drinking that, you wouldn't be slowly sipping it because I'd kick your ass 7 or 8 times in a row. Maybe the Miller Lite would have been a better choice under the circumstances.

j, k, and s's d said...

As I recall, I have a 8 game win streak with you.

It's only a 1/6 of a barrel so it is relatively manageable to drink in a reasonable amount of time.

I'm just happy at the variety offered.

JSR said...

Good choice! we'll be there Saturday to take that 6th down to a 36th.

True beer connoisseur in my books... with words like "Generous quantities of premium Cascade hops give the Pale Ale its fragrant bouquet and spicy flavor." Makes me want to go get a tall glass of right now...

Rob said...

Sounds good and I am thirsty my friend!

j, k, and s's d said...

Will be looking for help to put a good dent into the keg on Saturday so come thirsty, my friends!

Scott said...

I'll have to come for the after party. I guess that will be a more intimate affair, anyway.

deepie said...

I will come thirsty my friends...

But I still think Seagrams would have been a better choice for JKSD.

j, k, and s's d said...

Should you bring over some Seagram's, I suppose I will have to stay thirsty, my friends.