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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What is up with UVA?

So the Cavs are down in the dumps. They are 1-3 and have been outscored in their three losses by a total of 128 points to 20 points. They were throttled by Duke last weekend 31-3 and allowed the Blue Devils to get their first ACC victory in like 25 games and their first conference win in like 4-5 years. They play Maryland at home next. Hopefully they will have a better showing because right now they look terrible.

JMU is the consensus #1!

After beating Maine on the road, JMU is the consensus #1 team in the country. Hofstra is next. Hopefully we can keep this thing going.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Danny Boy Chest Bumping!

Robs will love this. Actually, I think this is kind of funny. Danny boy trying to act like one of the guys in the locker room. Zorn kind of has a "silly Danny boy" look on his face after the hug.


HUGE game yesterday. It was another big step in the evolution of this football team. We took care of business at home against two quality teams (NO and AZ) but then went on the road against a divisional opponent and our arch rival and a team that many consider the most talented team in the NFL and we beat them. Also, we didn't steal this game, we won it. We took it to them. We shut down their run game and we shut down T.O. Great play by our defense. In particular, Shawn Springs, Chris Horton, Carlos Rogers and really our entire secondary for taking care of business.

Also, great game by Jason Campbell who continues to play very well. He made the throws he needed and then eluded tacklers to make his own plays. He is looking more and more comfortable and confident out there. The best part is that he has not turned the ball over yet.

It was just a total team effort from the players. Also, great game strategy and calling by Zorny. Again, I grow more and more horny for Zorny. This guy has brought a modern system to the team and the players seem to be enjoying the higher offensive production.

That's three in a row now and I can't be more pleased with the team right now. I figured there would be more in the way of growing pains and JC and Zorn and the entire offense having to learn the system and trust each other. It is happening much quicker than expected. There is still a long way to go but I am really liking this team. We seem to be building on something which is something that I feel that we haven't done in the past.

In the past, we have largely been inconsistent and sure we have made the playoffs two out of the last three years but we were always erratic. We seem to be showing signs of improvement each week and there is a growing sense of camarderie, confidence, trust, and belief. This has to be one of the better wins in the last several years that I can remember in that we proved a lot to everyone for not only winning the game but for winning it the way that we did.

Great win but now we can't have a let down going to Philly next week. Philly is coming off a tough loss to Chicago and they are in the cellar of the division and they won't want to go below .500 and lose to a division opponent. I expect Westbrook to come back even if he is injured because despite it being early, every NFC East game is considered critical.

For now, lets enjoy but tomorrow it's back to business and look forward to taking on Philly.

Finally, props to Deepie for showing the courage and foresight in picking the Skins to beat the Cowboys. Well done, Deepie.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dallas week!

The rivalry has become just a token rivalry now. There isn't the animosity that there was back prior to free agency. Still, I think the players get a little more pumped up for the game. It's going to be tough going facing a very talented team in Dallas. Here are the keys to the game:

1. Pretty simple -- the game will be decided at the line. Offensively, our O line needs to protect JC. The Cowboys have some big, strong guys that are talented up front. They run a 3-4 defense which we will struggle with. Ware and Ellis are essentially like two additional DEs. There strength and speed are going to really hurt us. Also, given that Heyer may be out and Jansen is going to play that is an additional factor.

To counter this, I think we need to try and get the running game going. We also will have to focus on short, quick routes because I don't think JC will have much time. We should probably employ the shotgun a fair amount to buy JC additional time. If we can manage to get JC time, it would be good to take a few shots down field because I think we can exploit their secondary.

2. The D line will need to get pressure on Romo. Again, the Cowboys have a huge, talented group protecting Romo. Also, it looks like it will be more challenging for us to get pressure since Jason Taylor will be out. Still, Demetric Evans and maybe Erasmus James and Chris Wilson are pretty decent so hopefully they can get some pressure. It will be key to knock Romo down a few times. However, if he is given time, he will pick us apart. We also cannot give up the deep ball. I know T.O. will be running some fly routes so we will have to watch against that. Too bad Sean Taylor is no longer here. He seemed to have a special relationship with T.O. and there is no question T.O. knew that Taylor was lurking around out there waiting to get a shot in on him. At least we have Landry who I think is faster than Taylor and certainly plays with an intensity and fearlessness that is similar to Sean. Landry will have to be quick and fast back there to get to some of those deep balls.

It will be a tough game, no question. However, I think we can compete and we will be solid. We'll see what happens.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Millen Fired!

After a 31-84 regime under Millen and having never made the playoffs, the Lions finally decided to fire him. Best move the Lions have made. Would have been even better if they had done it like 5 years ago.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good MJ Commercial

This is a good MJ commercial but it would also be a good lesson for VY. Especially the words, "That my game was built on flash and not fire. Maybe it's my fault that you didn't see that failure gave me strength. That my pain was my motivation. Maybe I led you to believe that basketball was a God given gift and not something I worked for...every single day of my life."

VY has unbelievable natural abilities -- the kind we could only hope and dream for but he needs to feed that gift and become the QB he is capable of becoming. He needs to not get down and use tough times as motivation to get better. No question he has the talent. He just needs the heart and toughness.

The Beasts of the NFC East.

At this point of the season, I don't think there is any question which is the best division in football. Clearly, the NFC East is the toughest. The combined record of the 4 teams is 10-2 and the only two losses came from other teams within the division.

The East is the only division to have two 3-0 teams (Dallas and NYG).

They are also the only division to have all 4 teams with a winning record.

Last week, the NFC East teams knocked off the division leaders in the NFC North and the NFC West (Dallas beat GB and Washington beat AZ).

Playing in the NFC East is going to be the biggest challenge for the Skins this year. All the teams are stacked and considered playoff contenders.

Every one of these divisional games is a rivalry and every one of these games is hard fought. The Skins play two divisional games on the road in the next two weeks (Dallas and then Philly). If we can manage to split those two games, we are in great shape going into week 6.

Clemens snubbed at Yankee Stadium tribute

Rocket is an arse and apparently he was hurt for not being invited to the celebration or being included in the clips they showed of the all time great players/pitchers in Yankee history. The guy is a jerk and he got what he deserved. It's a shame that this guy went from one of the greatest pitchers to have ever played the game to one of its greatest jokes. I wonder if does get into the HOF if he will still want to go in as a Yankee.

JMU ranked #1 in coaches poll!

After a tremendous victory over consensus #1 App State last Saturday, the Dukes vaulted to #1 in the coaches poll. We are #2 in the Sports Networks poll. Certainly, we are one of the top teams in the country and positioned well for the playoffs right now. Still, our conference is very difficult so there is a long road ahead.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Redskins beat the Cards!!!

Great game on Sunday. It was a tough game against an improved Arizona Cardinals team. It was also another step for Jason Campbell, Jim Zorn, and the entire Redskins team as we look to continue to grow in this new look offense. Here are my thoughts:

1. JC had another good game. He is looking more and more comfortable back there and seems to be making better decisions. He also is limiting the mistakes. Last year, he fumbled a lot and had his share of INTs. He has yet to turn the ball over. He still has a ways to go but what you really like to see is the improvement. Apparently he is getting better at calling the plays and calling audibles at the line which is a requirement in the Zorn offense. He even "mush mouthed" Zorn (as Zorn said) on one play and called the right read. I like JC and hope he can continue his progress. You also are starting to hear the fans talk positively on JC's development. No "We want Colt!" silly banter...for now.

2. Portis and Moss are emerging as offensive leaders as well they should be. Each are having solid starts to the season so hopefully that will continue as they are much valued and needed.

3. Good to see Thomas get out there and get some playing time. He is still raw as we can see with his two pass interference calls but he needs work and he certainly has the size and talent to be a threat on this offense. Hopefully he and Kelly can emerge as solid options in this offense.

4. Cooley had a nice game and we need to get him to ball about 5-7 times per game. He is that solid option on 3rd and 5 that can get us the first down.

5. I like our aggressive play calling. We are not so one dimensional and conservative as we were the last few years. Zorn is not afraid to throw the ball to ensure the first down late in the game so that we can run out the clock. We have done that now two weeks in a row. We also seem to have opportunities to throw the ball deep. I expect more of this as JC and the rest of the offense get more comfortable with the system.

6. Defense was solid. AZ has a talented offense and we were able to hold them often. I didn't like that James looked much more effective than I think he is and also there were plays where it looked like Warner had all day back there but still we held them to 17 points and I am okay with that. I like that Jason Taylor got his hand on a couple of balls and we did get pressure on him. We are seeing more sacks and more turnovers this year. Our plus/minus turnover status has to be very solid and we all know turnovers can be difference makers in a game.

7. Was disappointed in their bomb to Fitzgerald. Doughty does not have the speed to keep up with some of the more elite WRs so it was a poor matchup. I'm sure the coverage was right but we need Landry back there. He has made some really great plays in the last two weeks with his speed and aggressiveness.

8. Special teams was okay. Brooks was inconsistent but he did get that one big punt late in the game that was important. Hopefully his inconsistency is a result of his youth but he really needs to step up and play the way he is capable of playing because 35 yard punts are not going to cut it. Seriously, that is his career. That is all he needs to do. He doesn't have to do anything else. Given that, he has to do better than 35 yards a punt. I think I could punt 35 yards and I don't even practice that. I do like Suisham though. He seems fairly accurate and certainly has a big leg. The guy consistently puts the ball in the end zone on his kickoffs. We have to take Randle El off punt returns. The guy plays two hand touch. He dances around WAY too much and goes down at the hint of being touched. We need a fearless guy that can just take it up field and get us some yards. I don't like the idea of Moss back there unless it is an emergency.

9. Horny for Zorny. The guy is staying the course and even during the difficult stretch of late in the preseason and the first game, he has maintained his demeanor and not been shaken in his belief of his system or players. I like that.

Finally, all we can hope for is continued improvement. I think there will still be growing pains but I like that we have been making progress. We play in probably the toughest division in all of football so it will be hard to stay on top. The AZ game was a must win game given our tough division and we came out on top. We defended our home field the last two weeks and that is big. I said at the beginning of the season that the first 5 games were brutal and if we came out 2-3, I would feel pretty good. We already have our 2 wins so we are in good shape. We play Dallas and then Philly on the road in the next two weeks and if we can manage to some how split those games, we are in great shape.

Again, the NFC East is a beast. Right now, the combined record of the teams in the NFC East is 10-2 (by far better than any other division) and the only two losses have come against other NFC East teams. So we know it is going to be a tough road ahead. However, I like the direction and make up of the team and believe that we will continue to progress and that we can compete against any team we face. I'm looking forward to playing Dallas away. It will be a huge test -- we'll see how we do.



In a true clash of titans Saturday night, #5 ranked JMU took on and beat 3 time national defending champion and consensus #1 ranked Appalachian State 35-32. The Dukes were looking to avenge last year's playoff loss to App St. when we had a chance to win it at the end of the game but we fumbled inside of their 5 yard line with seconds remaining. JMU was down 21-0 at halftime and it looked like we wouldn't be able to get our revenge but we stormed back outscoring them 35-11 in the second half. It was a great game in front of a record setting crowd in Harrisonburg and should give us a few #1 votes this week. JMU's QB, Rodney Landers, is proving to be a threat with his arm as well as his feet having scored a 62 yard run on the first offensive play of the second half. We have now beaten two top five teams in teh last two weeks and are certainly one of the perennial powerhouses in the nation. It's still early so a lot can change but I like our chances to secure a playoff berth already. GO DUKES!!!


So the Cubs clinched the NL Central this past weekend and ensured their spot in the playoffs. It's been 100 years since their last championship. I don't want to put too much pressure on them but they look awfully good. They have good starting pitching (assuming Z is healthy) and they have one of the better bullpens in the league. They also have solid offense that seems to come from different guys every night. Lou is a great manager and seems to know what buttons to push to get the team going.

The best part about the Cubs is that they have been playing great team baseball for most of the season. Again, every night it seems like a different person is coming through to win the game. Also, even when they are down big in a game, they are never out of it. There have been several come from behind victories all season long. This is a team with a lot of talent but the emphasis should be on the word "team." They all seem to know their roles and seem to enjoy being around each other and they seem to know what the end goal is.

It's great that they clinched their playoff spot but once the playoffs start it's a new season and everyone is 0-0. I like their chances and it's theirs to lose in my mind. However, I know that these are the Cubs so anything can happen. Hold on to your hats -- the playoffs are just around the corner.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

CP vs. B-Mitch

So these two guys got into it on the John Thompson show earlier this week (you can hear the argument on the Sportstalk 980 website). CP was annoyed that B-Mitch is always complaining about CP. B-Mitch is old school and believes that CP should play in every pre season game and play every down of every game and so forth. CP doesn't want to get injured in the preseason and is particularly sensitive to that given his shoulder injury in preseason a couple of years ago. He also pulls himself out because he does get fatigued and we have a very capable backup in Ladell Betts. CP is still a workhorse if you look at the number of carries he had last year.

B-Mitch was also bothered by the comments CP made regarding him wishing he could play behind another line and another scheme. I read that article and I actually didn't have much of a problem with it. CP has said that he loves being a Redskin and he is happy to be here. I have always felt that CP gives maximum effort when he is on the field and not just when he runs. The guy is a tremendous blocker and will run down the field to make blocks for receivers. He seems like a great team guy and a guy that is good to have in the locker room. He also was told by coaches before the start of this season to be more of a leader and really take on the face of the team role and he readily accepted. We all know that it is a long season and 5 preseason games only adds to that. Frankly, I had no problem with CP's workload in the preseason as long as it works for him. He is 27 years old and we need him for the duration of the season.

I like B-Mitch but I find some of his comments overly critical especially when it comes to CP. He gives some very good analysis but I have also found him to be somewhat of a typical fan. When the Skins lose, he'll rip them apart but when they win, he is a big fan.

He doesn't really believe the new offense should take this long to learn. He believes JC should be picking up things sooner. Again, I agree with some of his analysis. I think JC should be better at going through the progressions but I also think JC is still a young QB and we need to give him some time. We need to give him and the rest of the offense and coaches some slack to learn the system. Whatever. I enjoy the commentary of B-Mitch (don't necessarily agree with all of it) but I think CP is a solid back and a good guy to have on the team.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Redskins pregame thoughts

Tough matchup this week against the Saints. It's the home opener so it will be a packed house and there will be a lot of energy. The good news is that Saints top WR, Marques Colston, is hurt and won't be able to play. Also, Saints DT, Hollis Thomas, will be out. That will certainly help the Skins.

The critical part of this game is that we need to get our offense off to an early start. The fans will be energized but given the offensive struggles we have had, they will let the Skins hear it if they struggle early. Despite it taking time for a team to learn a new system, most fans are ignorant and want immediate results. I think the key will be converting the 3rd down plays. Last week, we consistently came up short. We have to do better this week. Also, Zorn has employed more shotgun formation to help JC have a bit more time to make the play. We'll see if that helps. Again, we need to get the offense moving some and show progress so we keep the fans in the game.

Another key will be stopping Reggie Bush. We should be able to handle his ground attack. However, he is most dangerous catching the swing passes in the flat where he has space to make something happen. He may very well be the toughest one on one player to take down in the league. Not sure how we plan to game plan against him but it will be a tough test for our LBs. Covering Bush on the outside will leave Shockey open in the middle. Again, I expect our LBs to be busy. It will be critical we get some pressure on Brees. Taylor is still nursing his sprained knee and is supposed to see less action. He may only come in on 3rd down passing downs. We'll see. I am confident in the Evans, James, Wilson combo so hopefully we can get that much needed pressure on Brees.

I expect Portis to have a solid game running the ball. He typically does well in the home openers and the Saints gave up a fair amount of running yards last week so we need Portis to have a good game. That said, we need to help Portis by spreading the defense with passing so hopefully that gets moving. I expect that to be improved from last week. We should take a shot or two down the field.

I expect the Skins to pull it out in a close, exciting game at home 24-17.

Dukes and Cavs

JMU is ranked #7 in the country and we go up against #3 UMASS. It's a tough conference game in Harrisonburg. Both teams are expected to compete for the National Championship. JMU stumbled in the second half of their season opener at Duke but came back with a big win last week. UMASS is 2-0 but will have to make the trip to the 'Burg. I like JMU at home. I expect a strong running game and our QB to be efficient but get plenty of yards with his legs. Both offenses are strong so I expect a higher scoring game. JMU wins 34-24.

UVA won a lot of very close games last year. I don't think that is going to happen this year. UCONN is a solid team but nothing special still it will be UVA's first away game and they will struggle. UCONN wins 20-10.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


What is up with Vince Young? Coming off of a sub par year last year and an offseason when there was talk of VY retiring, he was looking to get off to a quick start last Sunday. Apparently he struggled and the crowd started booing him and he didn't want to return to the field. Jeff Fisher forced him back out there where he subsequently got hurt.

Now there is a report saying that Nashville police were asked to search for Vince Young on Monday evening after family members placed a call to the Tennessee Titans informing them of their concern for the quarterback's state of mind.

According to Nashville Metro Police spokesman Don Aaron, Young "abruptly" left his home in Williamson County at around 7 p.m. Monday without his cell phone. Those with him at his home, including family members, were "concerned with his emotional well-being," Aaron said.

Police issued a bulletin to all on-duty officers to be on the lookout for Young and negotiators were also placed on standby, a procedure that is common in such situations, Aaron said.

Someone contacted Fisher out of concern for Young, and Fisher contacted the police department, police said.

After the cops, Fisher, and VY all met, it was determined that the concerns were unfounded and VY was allowed to return home by himself.

Still, all this can't be sitting well with the team. The guy clearly has issues and when he is able to physically return from the injury will he have the respect of the team to be the QB? The last thing you want your team to question about you is your toughness. VY is coming across as a fragile guy that can't take the heat. It reminds me of Tim Couch when the fans booed him and he cried in the locker room in front of the media wanting to be accepted. That was the beginning of the end for him. I wonder if the same thing will happen here. VY will have a lot to overcome to regain the respect of the fans and team.

Redskins WRs

I have pretty big concerns with the Redskin passing game. Sure the team needs time learning the WC offense and JC is still developing but another issue is the WRs. Moss drops his fair share and Randle El has never appeared like a #2 WR. I like James Thrash and think he is a good special teamer and a good guy to have in the locker room but he isn't talented enough to be the #3 in my opinion.

I am pretty disappointed with how Kelly and Thomas have not been able to contribute. They both came in to camp out of shape and both suffered injuries in training camp that have caused them to miss extended time learning the offense. They have the size and tools necessary to be successful in the league but it's pretty imperative to get them on the field for us to have success. What's even more disappointing is you look at guys like DeSean Jackson in Philly and even Eddie Royal (local kid) in Denver and the types of games they had in Week 1. Thomas and Kelly were considered by many to be the best WRs in the draft. We need them to produce. Hopefully they will be able to contribute at some point this season. Apparently Kelly is ready to return to practice full speed this week. Again, we need one or both of these guys to step up.

The Pack win!

Good game last night. I watched most of the first half and a little of the third quarter and I am pretty happy for Aaron Rodgers. He played well and really seemed to have the support of the fans. On their opening drive on a third down, Rodgers scrambled for a first down and the fans really let him hear it. I don't know if there has ever been a more pressure filled start. The guy is stepping into some large shoes and is the first GB QB to start for the Pack since 1992. He stepped up to the pressure and had himself a very good game. He seems like a good guy and seems to have won over the team. Last night's win helped him win over the fans.

I don't like the way Favre flip flopped and handled the whole retirement/off season with the Pack. I lost a lot of respect for him so I am just happy that Rodgers came out and had a good game. I think he will have a solid year and he will help the Packer fans forget about Favre pretty quickly.

BTW - the Vikings are pretty good but Tavaris Jackson is going to hold them back. 16 yards passing in the first half is not going to get it done. Glad the first week is over. There are a number of impressions after the first week. As mentioned, it typically takes a few weeks for things to shake down. We'll see which teams/stories hold up and which ones fall apart.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Dukes and Cavs win!

Dukes rebounded from a difficult loss at Duke to post a a 56-7 win in their home opener against North Carolina Central. Next up is a tough test against UMASS.

Cavs struggle but pull out the win against Richmond. The game was 3-0 UVA going into the fourth quarter. Next up for them will be UCONN away.

Fantasy Football!

So I am in three leagues this year and in two of the leagues pulled off very close victories -- one was by 4 points and the other by a mere 1.5 points. The difference between victory and defeat is ever so slight and could be as little as a defensive player making a single tackle. I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!

BTW - I am leading in the third league but my opponent has several players playing tonight (including Cutler and Adrian Peterson) so I am not expecting my lead to hold up (although I have Ryan Grant).

Friday, September 5, 2008

Redskins Lose!

What can you say? The first 27 minutes of the game was an absolute embarrassment. Our offense was ridiculous. We could not move the ball if the Giants weren't even on the field. It was pretty pathetic. The numbers were pretty ridiculous in the first half. Thoroughly beaten in time of possession, first downs, yards gained and pretty much every other offensive statistic.

Defensively we couldn't stop them either in the first half. The good thing is that we only limited them to one TD in that half despite them having their way with us.

Still, we managed to keep the score 16-0 late in the first half and then we put together a nice drive right before the half scoring a TD to make it 16-7 going into the half with us getting the ball to start the second half. I was actually feeling pretty good. Momentum was starting to shift and you have to feel good only being down 9 points after the type of first half that we played.

The second half was better. The defense did not allow them any more points and tightened up. Still, we had opportunities to get some INTs and missed out on those. However, the thing that really killed me was how often on third downs we made a play but came up just short of the first down. It seemed to happen on nearly every drive. Now I don't know if that is poor play calling, poor route running and not knowing where the sticks are, poor decision making on JC, or what but it just can't happen. We needed to convert some of those third downs.

Here are some general thoughts:

1. Defense was pretty bad the first half.

2. Offense was pathetic in the first half.

3. Special teams actually had a decent game. Brooks was fine. Cartwright was good (he had some nice kickoff returns and a nice tackle on a punt). Sellars had a good tackle on the opening kickoff.

4. Need to convert those third downs in the second half. I can count three off the top of my head (Moss coming up just short when he lost his helmet, Thomas coming up just short on his one catch, Portis coming up short on a third and short). That has to change.

5. Defense played pretty well in the second half.

6. What was up with the play calling in the final minutes? We were down 9 points and needed two scores and there wasn't much urgency. We ran the ball a few times. I just didn't understand it.

Finally, let me finish up with JC. It's kind of hard to evaluate his performance because I honestly don't know how much was his fault and how much was the play calling and route running and WRs just not getting open. I do know that the first play of the game when he was sacked was his fault. The protection wasn't bad but he walked right into the DL who got the easy sack. I personally don't think he was great but I don't think he was given much help with his receivers and coaching. Still, as is the NFL today, the focus will be on him. The interesting thing is that people may get upset with JC but you really don't hear the clamoring for Todd Collins. That may change. In fact, you will probably hear a lot of screams for Colt which would be just plain nonsense and bad for Colt, JC, Todd, Zorn, and the entire team. Again, I don't think JC did anything to catch the sole blame for the offensive woes yesterday (although he will be the focus of the fans ire). He didn't fumble or throw poor INTs. The offense as a whole was just anemic. Without seeing and understanding the game film, it is hard to put the sole blame on him. From my perspective, it seemed like the entire offense (all players AND coaches) were just off.

Hopefully they can get this cleaned up. Frankly, Robs and I talked about this earlier that we should expect growing pains with a new head coach, new offensive system, and a young QB. I still believe we will be fine but there will be some growing pains. It will be interesting to see next week's home game against a tough NO team.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Redskins Pregame thoughts

First, I am just excited that football's back. I'm excited to see the regular season and see how things start off for the Skins agains the Giants. Here are some general thoughts on my predictions for the game:

1. No question it will be a tough game against a divisional rival and reigning Super Bowl champions on the road.

2. I expect mistakes on both sides of the ball for both teams. That is typical for the first couple of games.

3. I think the Skins offense has a lot to prove given the lack of production the last two preseason games. The O line will have to be solid against a tough Giant D line. That will be key. If JC can get the time, I think he will deliver. However, if he is pressured, I think he will make some bad mistakes...especially if we are down.

4. I think the offense will be interesting to watch given the installation of the WC offense and being called by Zorn. How Zorn calls the game will be one thing I will be looking at.

5. I think our defense will step up -- especially if Jason Taylor can play. I am a bit concerned about Landry given that he hasn't played at all in the preseason. I do think that his speed and aggressiveness in the rover spot will be key this season and if the Giants try to throw a deep ball, I expect Landry to get an INT or at least break it up.

6. I expect a very physical game with both teams and the battle will be won in the trenches.

All in all, I think it will be hard fought. I think the Skins are going to be prepared and going to pull out the win. I think JC will perform well and have solid numbers and the defense will step up. Portis will carry the ball for 20+ times and get over a 100 yards rushing. Defense will get a couple of sacks on Eli and force him into a couple of turnovers. Skins will get a big win 24-17 on the road.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

UVA AND JMU get trounced!

UVA never had a chance and were beaten badly. It was one of their worst drubbings in history. I'm glad they took the chance rather than opting to go against Heygivemebackmyjockstrap high school. Still, rather poor performance all around. We'll see if they can bounce back against Richmond this week.

JMU got it handed to them pretty good too against Duke. We held close in the first half. It was 7-7 late into the first half but I am not sure what happened in the second half but I believe the final score was 31-7. I really expected to win this game and maybe on another day, we could have performed better but it is what it is and it's time to move on.

Jansen out, Heyer in!

I like the move. Now I don't think that Heyer is an All Pro or anything but Jansen is clearly struggling. He seems to have real difficulty in pass protection and as difficult as it may be, it was time to make a move. Apparently Jansen is a solid run blocker and has been practicing at Guard. It may be a way to extend his career. I also know Jansen has a lot of pride and probably expected that the RT job was his but too bad.