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Monday, May 5, 2008

Rocket, you're an idiot!

So after a week of these extra marital affair articles floating around, Rocket finally decides to make a statement. The delay in speaking about it alone sends the wrong message. If someone accused me of something that was not true, I would blast them immediately.

Still, I'm sure Rocket started panicking and called Rusty for some more cod stroking. After blowing out a couple of rounds and relaxing, they come up with, "Now, I have been accused of having an improper relationship with a fifteen-year-old girl. Nothing could be further from the truth. This relationship has been twisted and distorted far beyond reality." The interesting thing is that this could just be word smithing. He never says that he didn't have an affair with Mindy McCready, who by the way has already admitted to having an affair with Rocket. He just says that it is not true that he had an improper relationship with a fifteen year old girl. That may very well be true. I'm sure it is just legal mumbo jumbo that tells half truths and is trying to salvage some of Rocket's reputation.

Again, even now, if he just came out and told the truth, he might be able to salvage some dignity. The longer he runs and lies, the worse it will end up being for him.


Rob said...

If I were his lawyer, I'd say shut the F up. Drop the suit against McNamee. Spend quiet time rehabilitating your relationship with your wife and kids. Start a charity and rehabilitate your life and reputation.

j, k, and s's d said...

Just go away.