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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another simple question...

Is Jim Fassel a good head coach?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Simple Question...

Is Norv Turner a good coach?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Who I want to win the Superbowl.

Obviously, I am a 'Skins fan and since they are not in, I really don't have much preference. I suppose it's not so much who I want to win rather who I would prefer not to see win. That said, here is the order of teams it would bother me least if they won:

1. GB: Obviously, you have to like the way Favre has come back and had the year he has had. He is the feel good story and I'm sure everyone would want him to get another ring. You also have to like the way this team seems to have overachieved. I don't think many people thought much of GB at the beginning of the season and even when they started out the season hot. However, guys you hadn't heard of before like Greg Jennings, Ryan Grant, and much of their defense have really stepped up. Frankly, GB is the only team I will be actually rooting for because I really don't like any of the other 3 remaining teams.

2. NYG: Don't care too much for Eli but I suppose it would be kind of nice for him to get some redemption for all the heat he has taken. I am also glad that they knocked Dallas out since I really didn't want to see them win.

3. Chargers: Frankly, I don't mind this team. Norv is kind of annoying with the way he is always yelling up and down the field but that's no big deal. He also deserves credit for turning the season around and they are playing good football here down the stretch. I like LT and the defense. The only thing that really bothers me is Philip Rivers. The guy acts like he is an elite QB in the league. He hasn't earned the right to act the way that he does. It was ridiculous the way he yelled at Cutler from the sideline. Reminds me of the little punk kid that wants to be cool hiding behind his big friends for support. Also, annoying the way he was yelling at the Colts fans this past weekend. Pretty childish and classless. I know he can do whatever he wants but that is my opinion of him.

4. Pats: I used to really like them and admired them for playing solid team football. Now they just seem like a bunch of arrogant SOBs. No doubt they are great and I expect them to win it all but it would still be nice to see them fall short. It would be tremendously disappointing after going undefeated during the regular season. Basically, they have become the bully and I'd just like to see the bully get whipped.

Again, I am glad Dallas is out of it and I am also glad Seattle is out of it. Couldn't root for the team that knocked out the 'Skins.

Whoever wins I can only hope that we see some good, competitive, exciting playoff games. Sadly, it's hard to believe that the season is already coming to a close. It's amazing how quickly football season comes and goes. It seems to only quicken as I get older.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Who will be the 'Skins next head coach?

It's an interesting question because the 'Skins are coming off of a solid year where, due to unfortunate circumstances, they really grew together as a family. Many players want to keep the team as intact as possible and not have much turnover/transition. However, we all know Snyder wants to make a big splash and won't want to give the job to someone that isn't proven. That said, to me there is only a few possible choices:

1. Gregg Williams: There is a clause in his contract that says if he is not named the head coach after Gibbs, he will receive $1M bonus. He would result in the least amount of change in the team as he is a known quantity and knows the players. His style is very different than Gibbs in that he is more fiery and in your face. Many of the players seem to endorse him again that may be in large part due to his not disrupting personnel too much.

My take: Gregg hasn't had tremendous success as a head coach previously. Perhaps he has matured and learned with age and being around Joe Gibbs. As mentioned, he would result in the least amount of change with the team as far as players/coaches which is a plus. The $1M clause in the contract will play no part in Snyder's decision. $1M is chump change for Snyder. Personally, I don't think Gregg is head coach material. He seems like a solid coordinator but seems like a guy that will try and impose his will on the team and that might not go over too well with today's professional football player. I don't think he is much of a people person and he seems that he will be more of a dictator. It was mentioned that he lost control of his team in Buffalo and I can imagine the same thing happening here. I don't think he would be pleased with the "U" guys wanting to train in Miami and that sort of thing. He seems better suited to serve as D coordinator. However, if he is not selected as head coach, he may decide to leave.

2. Bill Cowher: He has said that he wants to take two years off before a possible return (he has only taken one off so far). Reports are that he is very comfortable being a television analyst. He may want to wait for the Carolina job to open since that is close to his home. However, D.C. is not too far from Carolina and the Redskins are a much higher profile team than the Panthers. Also, I am sure that Snyder will make him by far the richest coach in the NFL with a salary around $10M a year. That might be too much to pass up. However, Cowher would probably want full control of personnel decisions and that might be difficult for Danny boy to swallow.

My take: I like Cowher and if we can get him, lets get him. He is very passionate and given the changes/turnover in Pittsburgh when he was coach there and to still be successful, there is no question he knows how to get the best effort out of his players. He seems like a players coach in that he truly cares for them and just a great overall leader.

3. Russ Grimm: Solid choice. He was coached by Gibbs as a player. He served as a long time assistant under Bill Cowher. He knows Washington. He seems to have the right temperament. However, he is an unknown quantity. He has never been a head coach and might be in a little over his head coming to D.C. where the expectations are really high.

My take: Not a bad choice. I don't think he would get the same treatment if a Bill Cowher were to take the job. I think Snyder would keep a closer eye on Grimm and not give him the same latitude. The little I know of Grimm the coach he seems like a guy that won't put up with much but isn't a yeller/screamer type. You do it his way or you don't play. He has learned from some of the best and I think he is ready to be a head coach. Again, I wouldn't opposed to the selection.

4. Pete Carroll: Has had tremendous success at USC. He has previous NFL head coaching experience. The Falcons are making a play for him and reports are that he is interested in that position. He would command a high salary and would want full control of personnel decisions.

My take: He's a jackass. We all know that being a good college coach doesn't mean you will be a good NFL head coach (see Spurrier or Petrino). He seems like a good recruiter which is easier to do in California with the abundance of talent they have there. He seems arrogant and I don't think his personality would match well with Snyder and he might have difficulty meshing with the professional football player. He seems like the little kid that wanted to play football but couldn't but wanted to hang around the football players and try to be cool like them. Not sure if he would be a good choice.

I know there might be some other candidates out there (Billick, Singletary, etc.) but I think the above four are the most legitimate. We'll see how it plays out. Should be interesting.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

This is pretty funny.

Gibbs to retire.

'Skins will be holding a 3 pm press conference to announce his retirement. Interesting news considering that he said that he would fulfill his 5 year contract all along. Also, when he spoke to the players on Sunday it appeared that he did not give them any indication he would be leaving.

I don't think it is all together bad. Gibbs coaching skills and decisions were put into question throughout his second tenure. I'm sure this season really wore on him and at 67 years of age and being the oldest coach in the NFL, I'm sure he is having some difficulty keeping up with everything.

The interesting thing will be who is going to take over. Gregg Williams signed a contract that said that he would become the next head coach and if he didn't, he would be given a $1M dollar payout.

I suppose I am a little disappointed in that you want to keep the same pieces intact that we had from this past season. Now with Gibbs leaving, what other changes will that affect? Which assistant coaches will be gone? I suppose it all depends on if we decide to have Gregg Williams serve as coach or if we look to the outside. We'll see. Again, I don't think this is all bad news.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Redskins lose...the dream is over.

First, let me say that it was a great run. I had predicted 9-7 at the beginning of the year and I got that. I had hoped to get a playoff game and I got that. When we had that great 4 game win streak at the end of the season, I was thoroughly impressed and I said that I was satisfied with the season. They had met my goals and anything more would be a bonus. Sure, I would have loved for the season to continue but I am happy with the season...particularly after the 'Skins had to deal with all that they did during this difficult season. I know they were the feel good story and people talked about them being the team of destiny but it didn't work out that way. Still, a great season in my mind and I am very proud of this team.

As far as the game, I will say that I was disappointed with the overall play. The thing that really marked their 4 game win streak was how well they were prepared, how well the game plan had been formulated for each of their 4 games, and how well that plan was executed. That didn't seem to be the case in the Seattle game. We were thoroughly dominated in the first half. What I found interesting was that the weather was not at all what was predicted. It was expected to be rainy and windy and it was quite the contrary. With that expected weather, I had predicted that the 'Skins would try and establish the running game and do short passes. That actually seemed like the gameplan but it didn't work and realizing that there was good weather we should have altered the plan and played more like we did in the previous games with aggressive playcalling. We should have passed downfield more to help open up the run. I know that is easier said than done and it would have been difficult against Seattle's quick and athletic defense but still it would have been the right thing to do.

I don't blame Collins for the difficult first half. He didn't have much protection and he had at least 3 bad dropped balls. Cooley in general just didn't look like he had much energy in this game. There were a number of missed blocking assignments. There was one run where Portis ran to the right and Kendall pulled and he ran right by two Seattle defenders who came in and made the stop on Portis. Kendall was just standing there! Where was he running?! Who was he looking to block?! Anyway, there were a number of breakdowns like that from the entire offense that hurt us. If Collins had a second more on that bomb to a wide open Moss, we could have tied the game and swung the momentum. Again, another breakdown.

What was interesting was that as badly as we were dominated, the score was only 13-0 and I was thinking if we can get a score than just like that we are back in the game. Sure enough, Randle El gets the TD and things look better. Than Landry comes up big with the pick that leads to a quick Moss TD. Just like that, in 2 and a half minutes we take the lead. The sideline looked animated and all of a sudden there was a feeling like we could pull this thing out. Then Seattle botches the ensuing kickoff and we get the ball again deep in their territory and we have an opportunity to really stick the dagger in. However, Cooley drops a ball right in his hands that would have set up a first and goal at the 1 or 2 yard line. Not only do we not get a TD but Suisham misses a 30 yard field goal. That hurt badly. To not come away with any points on that gift that Seattle gave us was a pivotal point in the game. We let them off the hook.

When Landry got his second INT on the ensuing Seattle drive I was thinking we again have an opportunity to take this game but we couldn't do much and then Frost kicks a 30 yard punt giving Seattle good field position and they marched down and scored. On that scoring pass, what was Prioleau doing? He was playing off of the receiver in man to man coverage. The receiver ran right at Prioleau and Prioleau stepped up to try and get a chip on the receiver but missed and the guy ran right by him for a wide open TD. If you want to get a jam, get right up there on line of scrimmage. I didn't really understand Prioleau's technique/thinking there.\

On the ensuing kickoff, Cartwright gets a great return setting us up at midfield with plenty of time remaining; however, Collins threw a prayer to Moss who wasn't expecting the ball and we all know what happened. The rest of the game is history and we suffered a disappointing loss.

As tough as the loss was, again, I am proud of the team and proud of the season. We achieved the goals that I had layed out at the beginning of the year. Sure, you get greedy and always want more but it was a decent season. The good thing is that I think we have a lot to look forward to for next year. Hopefully we can keep most of the team in tact. I think this team really grew together as a family and I think they still feel like there is and will be unfinished business as they enter camp next year.

I think Springs will be gone. I would prefer he stays but if he is looking for top dollar, the 'Skins shouldn't pay that to him at this point of his career. Also, I don't know Washington's contract status but he isn't really worth top dollar either anymore. We need a stud DE/DL to complement Carter. I think the front four do a good job of run defense but we need another DE that can put pressure on the QB. We could also use a good replacement for Washington. Smoot had a very good year and hopefully we can get a healthy Rogers back. Landry always seemed better suited at the FS position and Doughty did an admirable job at SS.

On the offensive side, we need another playmaker at WR. Moss is good but he had his health problems. Randle El and Caldwell are solid #3 guys but we need a tall physical WR that can also be a deep threat to complement Moss. Cooley is one of the best and I really like Portis. We also need depth on the O-line. I liked the way guys like Wade, Fabini, and Heyer stepped in and played but the starters are aging and we could use better quality up there. I would still be okay with the starters that we have but I am just not sure they can all stay healthy and some better quality up there would be good. Portis has already said that he would be open to restructuring his contract. He said that he would love to be back. Again, I think these guys really grew together and became a family and I think it is important to keep the key pieces together as there is a feeling of unfinished business which will be important going into next year.

It will be interesting what happens with Collins. No question Campbell will go in as the #1. To me, it only behooves Collins to come back. At 37, he is not going to land a huge lucrative deal to come in as a starter for another team. Frankly, I don't think he would perform nearly as well on another team anyway. He has been in the Saunders system for 10 years and understands it so well and that has helped him in his play this year. It would be good to see him come back as our backup. Frankly, the way the NFL is, you have to expect to see the backup at some point during the year so he would probably get playing time even if he is the backup. Seriously, Todd Collins played well during the win streak; however, he also showed his limitations. He is not very mobile and his arm strength is weak. It takes forever for his ball to get there on those out patterns. Again, I would like to have him back as the backup but it will be interesting to see what he decides.

Again, great year and hopefully we can build off of this season for next year.