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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

JC - Week 10

Here are the updated stats:

Ranking: 19 (plus 6)

QB Rating: 79.9 (plus 5.1)

Completion Percentage: 59.8% (plus 1.2%)

Yards: 1735 (plus 215)

TDs: 9 (plus 3)

INTs: 7 (no change)

Yards per attempt: 6.65 (minus 0.05)

Sacks: 14 (plus 1)

Very good game by JC. It was nice to see the game plan open up a bit. The no huddle was a nice change of pace. JC has kind of been held back but he showed that if you give him some opportunities, he can make the plays. All year, his decision making has been good and that is what is hard to teach. I don't mind mistakes here and there or some growing pains but if he constantly makes the same mistakes and if they are bad mistakes, that is what is unacceptable to me. I like JC and I have thought he has played well this year. We had a nice balance of run vs. pass last week and hopefully that is what we continue to do.


Rob said...

I like JC, but expect him to make his mistakes in coming weeks. He'll be inconsistent - sometimes good, sometimes bad. I think he is facing some tougher defenses in coming weeks, so we'll see how he hold up.

j, k, and s's d said...

His decision making has been good all year. It's been 9 weeks and he has been solid. The games where his numbers have been down appear to be more because the playcalling was too conservative. You have said the same thing all year but have been wrong. Your record indicates how much you know so I will take your comments for what they are worth.

Don't get me wrong. I don't expect JC to light it up every game but I expect solid play and continued good decision making.

Rob said...

He has been mediocre in most of his starts. That is what I have been saying all year and I fail to see how that is not true.

After 9 games he has 9 TDs, 7 ints, and 9 fumbles. Those are the facts.

He has had 2 great games where he has 5 TDs, 0 ints, and 2 fumbles.

In the other 7 games he has 4 TDs, 7 ints, and 7 fumbles.

Clearly his play has been inconsistent, and his overall numbers are very mediocre. That is what I expected from the very start and exactly what I have been saying all year.

I don't expect you to admit that he has been mediocre because you cream all over JC's picture every other night, but I certainly am not wrong in my assertions about his play.

j, k, and s's d said...

Here we go again. In many of those games that his numbers were down, would you agree that the game calling was conservative?

If he is playing within the system and doing what is asked of him and making good decisions doing so, how can you fault him for the numbers? Still, if you believe the game plan is to air it out but he just isn't doing so and his decision making has been poor that is a different story.

I love how you are selective when it comes to insults too. You like to shell them out but are ultra sensitive if anyone pokes fun at you.

Rob said...

I give you the numbers and you want to make excuses. That's fine.

I have no idea what you are getting at about the insults.

j, k, and s's d said...

There you go again not answering my questions. To be expected. I think we had over a 100 posts on this issue, if you want to rehash it, that's fine with me and lets go ahead and do it.

By insult, I meant the following, "I don't expect you to admit that he has been mediocre because you cream all over JC's picture every other night."

Was that not an insult or were you being sincere and genuine in saying that to me?

Rob said...

I know my insult to you, I have no idea what you are referring to about being ultra sensitive.

As for being sincere - obviously it is a joke - how would I know whether you regularly cream all over JC's picture?

Rob said...

As for your questions. We have discussed them ad nauseum.

Even if the play calling is conservative, he is throwing far too many interceptions and fumbling far too often. He is fumbling at a faster pace than Rex last year, and certainly relative to his production so far, he is throwing as many interceptions as Rex.

I keep pointing to the numbers - but you don't like the numbers. You like to just go with your gut. That's fine, no problem. But it is not objective and that does not change the fact that JC has been inconsistent and mediocre through most of the season.

j, k, and s's d said...

Do you honestly not see the difference b/t JC and Rexy? If they are SO similar, again, why are MOST critics high on JC but the same ones down on Rexy last year? Why did the fans turn on Rexy and why have they not turned on JC?

Is it because they just don't like Rexy's face? Is it the race card? Is it, as you said, JC's voice is deeper? Could it possibly be the decision making? Could it possibly be that Rexy's mistakes were so much more egregious? Could it be that Rexy played on a championship football team but most people felt like the rest of the team had to bail Rexy out for his blunders? Again, we had this discussion but if you want to keep it going, that's fine by me.

Rob said...

We've gone over it all before.

Please don't come back with your standard B.S. about how I won't answer your questions.

j, k, and s's d said...

Sure we have gone over it all before. That is what I have said my last two posts. Still, we don't seem to understand each other.

It still doesn't explain why MOST (not all) of the critics, reporters, fans, etc. thought Rexy was erratic but the same folks have praised JC. You will cry numbers and even if they are the same, it doesn't explain the difference in treatment.

You will say that this is my standard B.S. but you have your standard B.S. as well. However, you will say that you are different somehow. Whatever. I will assume this subject closed since we can't seem to resolve it.