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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's Dallas Week!!!!

Time to forget about the Eagles. Time to focus on Dallas!


Rob said...

Dream about 2005, because 2007 is going to be a Redskin bloodbath. I don't really believe the coaches or the players really think they have a chance and I expect the Cowboys to win by at least 20.

Good luck Deadskin fans.

j, k, and s's d said...

Are you for real? If any team/coaches believed that they were going to lose to an opponent (other than maybe the Pats), the whole team should be shot. I mean don't even show up.

It will be a tough game but I think we can be competitive. The thing that concerns me most is that Romo is at his best when he scrambles and the last two weeks the QBs we faced (Clemens and McNabb) made good plays and hurt us when they scrambled. Also, the loss of Taylor is going to hurt. Still, I think we will be able to move the ball and get some points. I just think our defense will continue to struggle.

Rob said...

The Redskins are a demoralized and defeated team, and it will show on Sunday.

If they are going to win it is going to take a huge defensive effort, but the loss of Taylor by itself makes that unlikley. Add to that that the linebackers have started to slow down and Smoot is out there as a starter and it doesn't look good.

I believe the Redskins know it also.

Rob said...

Let me ask you, do you really believe the Redskins will win this week?

Assuming you don't think so, if you had to choose, do you think the game will be a narrow win for the Cowboys or an easy win for them?

I think I know the answers already, but unlike you I don't make up your answers for you.

The overwhelming majority of folks (including many of the Redskins players in my opinion) know what the outcome is going to be. They probably don't even need to show up and are wasting the fuel to fly down there. But, I suppose NFL scoring records are on the line and Romo needs his statistics.

j, k, and s's d said...

Demoralized and defeated team? What are you talking about? Do you think the Bears are demoralized and defeated? If not, prior to the Raiders game did you think they were demoralized and defeated?

Taylor's injury definitely hurts. No question. The LBs haven't started to slow down. Why do you say that? Fletcher leads the league in tackles. McIntosh still plays well. Smoot hasn't played poorly. In fact, I thought he played very well in the Jets game and I don't recall them throwing against him in the Eagle game. I know he came out for some time because of injury.

I will answer your questions now. I hope you have the same courtesy and answer my questions above.

If I had to bet on the game, I would not take the Redskins. I do think it will be competitive. I don't think that we are a down and out group and demoralized and defeated and guys will go in there wondering why they have to bother to show up.

I played sports throughout my life and I can't think of a single time when I went into a game thinking why bother. These guys are professionals and they have been competitive in every game outside the Patriots game so why would they even think for a second that they don't have a chance? If you are trying to be a jerk, I can understand why you are saying what you said but if you are for real, you are ridiculous.

I know you played sports too. Did you ever go into a game and think why are we bothering?

Rob said...

Had the Bears lost, I would say they would be demoralized.

The Bears are also getting healthier on D unlike the Redskins who also don't have the depth to overcome their losses. Look at how the Bears D played the last three weeks, and look at how the Redskins D has performed the last three weeks. The Bears started 1-3 and the Redskins started 3-1. Yet after 10 weeks they may very well be tied.

I also think there is a new energy because of Rex. There isn't anything that is sparking the Redskins.

When I played on our JV football team, I know there were games where I knew we did not have a shot. It wasn't fun to even make the trip.

I'm not being a jerk, I am expressing an opinion that I believe many people have - including many Washington Redskin fans. That opinion is that the Redskins have no chance - 0, nada, nil, zip, - of winning the game. On top of that, I don't think it will be close.

My friend, you are the one who is in the minority - even among your own fans - that your team has any sort of chance of winning.

I don't think the Redskin players are idiots. They read the papers, recognize their injuries and mediocrity, and the Dallas Cowboys dominance over many teams (including the Bears) and are likely to have come to the same conclusion.

Good luck, you'll need it.

j, k, and s's d said...

When the Bears lost to Detroit or Minnesota were they demoralized and defeated? I am not exactly sure what your definition is.

The Bears squeezed by the Raiders and suddenly you think that they are back on top. I am glad Rexy is back but for me it will be interesting to see if he can step it up. For you, it's like it's the messiah coming to save the world. OKAY!

I didn't ask you whether it would be a fun trip or not. I asked you if you ever felt like it would be a waste to even show up. I never felt that way. If you ever did, you should have been cut from the team.

I said that I don't expect the team to win. However, I do think we will compete. You make it sound like the team is folding in the season and packing it all up. We are in the thick of the playoff hunt, why would we pack it in?

Rob said...

I can think of at least one game where the overwhelming consensus on our team was, why are we even bothering to play this game.

Our coaches had no game plan. We had a number of injuries. I literally learned how to play tight end on the bus going to the game - even though I had never played before. We lost that game and our team knew we would lose before we even got there. If the coach had cut me from the team then he should have cut the rest of the team and he should have been fired himself - because it was clear he did not believe we had a chance.

You played one year of organized football and it was on a championship caliber team. Of course the hard work and effort of the varsity teams I played for laid the groundwork for your team's success. In any event, I hardly think that that one year makes you an expert. That's my opinion - don't bother trying to justify your credentials.

I'm telling you that the Redskins won't win. They may or may not be demoralized, but it is hard to see how they are not demoralized after their tough loss this week. Dallas is going to destroy them. If I'm wrong then I will admit that I was wrong, but the only reason you are deluding yourself is because you are a fan of the team.

deepie said...

RobsObs...This defeatist attitude of yours is ridiculous, especially considering your optimism when it comes to the Bears. Tell me, which team has a winning record and which one doesn't? Oh yeah.

Yes, the Cowpokes are a very good team and yes, I'm sure the 'Skins players and coaches know it, but do you really think a team that is still in the hunt for a playoff spot would go into a rivalry game with the preconceived notion that the game is already lost? Com'on now. For a smart dude, you say some pretty silly things.

If you've heard any of the player interviews this week, you would know that they love playing for Gibbs and they do not want to be responsible for tarnishing his HOF status. They are angry with their 2nd half collapses and are taking ownership of the problems the team is having. This is hardly the reaction of a team that has quit or doesn't believe in itself.

Worry about your Bears. Going from the Super Bowl to 4-5 and a QB carousel is more of an indication of a team that has given up than 5-4 and being competitive in all but one game.

Rob said...

The great part about all of this discussion this week is we will see what happens on Sunday.

The Bears have to get a tough road win against Seattle. The Redskins need to at least show they can compete against Dallas.

I'm happy to just wait and see.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yes, I played one year of organized football but I played three years of varsity soccer and played on a much higher level of soccer than you for the majority of our youth careers. I played on good teams and played on bad teams but I cannot think of a single time where I went into a game thinking why did we bother to show up.

The example you gave is ridiculous. From the sounds of things, you guys quit. Your coach quit, your teammates quit, and most disappointing is you quit. You should have all been cut, the coach fired, and the team disbanded if you literally went into a game with no preparation and the mentality of why bother to show up. That is pathetic.

Again, no one said that this game would be easy but the notion that a 5-4 team getting ready to play their rivals in an important divisional game would have the mentality of why are we bothering is just ridiculous. You claim to be serious in that remark and I will believe you and that is just a silly comment.

I will agree that most fans know this will be a tough game and most fans, if they had to wager, would bet against the 'Skins. However, I would also say that most fans would never say that the team is going to lay down and is heartless and will have a why bother attitude.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yes, I played one year of organized football but I played three years of varsity soccer and played on a much higher level of soccer than you for the majority of our youth careers. I played on good teams and played on bad teams but I cannot think of a single time where I went into a game thinking why did we bother to show up.

The example you gave is ridiculous. From the sounds of things, you guys quit. Your coach quit, your teammates quit, and most disappointing is you quit. You should have all been cut, the coach fired, and the team disbanded if you literally went into a game with no preparation and the mentality of why bother to show up. That is pathetic.

Again, no one said that this game would be easy but the notion that a 5-4 team getting ready to play their rivals in an important divisional game would have the mentality of why are we bothering is just ridiculous. You claim to be serious in that remark and I will believe you and that is just a silly comment.

I will agree that most fans know this will be a tough game and most fans, if they had to wager, would bet against the 'Skins. However, I would also say that most fans would never say that the team is going to lay down and is heartless and will have a why bother attitude.

Rob said...

Personally, I think you are fooling yourself about how you approached every soccer game of your career. It is just a lot of politically correct nonsense as I think back to some of your tougher days and some of the poorer teams that you played for. There is a reason you quit and did not play your senior year. But that is neither here nor there and since I cannot prove that there is no point.

With respect to the Deadskins, like I have said, the great thing is that we will see on Sunday.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am being honest when I say that I cannot remember ever thinking why am I bothering to show up. Sure, there were games where I was tired and games where I felt like I wasn't playing my best and there were times where I thought it would be a tough game but I cannot remember a single time where I thought that why am I bothering to show up. You can believe what you want. I don't really care. I think it is pathetic that you admitted to giving up on your team and yourself.

The reason why I did not play my senior year of soccer was that I was very happy with the football season. We were successful and I had a good year and I was proud of that accomplishment. I was not happy about the soccer team because they were bringing in a new coach and it would have been my third coach in three years and I didn't like that. I felt slighted by not being named a captain my junior year since I had played varsity longer than anyone else on the team. I like our coach my junior year. It took a little while before the players bought into his system but by the end of the year, we were much better. I didn't want to have to prove myself all over again and I didn't want to restart with a young team and a coach that didn't know any of us.

With respect to the Redskins and Rexy, we will see. You made a claim last year that the 'Skins had no heart and had quit on their coaches, you were wrong then. The 'Skins probably played their best ball at the end of last season. I am not saying that we will win. I am just saying that we will play with heart and no one will show up thinking why are we bothering to come here.

Rob said...

I can be perfectly honest with myself. I don't think you can. I love your self-righteous B.S. and false indignation. The mere fact that you say that you didn't play your best at times or that you were tired at times tells me that you weren't always doing what was best for your team. Being upset about not being a captain and not wanting to prove yourself your senior year further points to a failure in leadership.

With respect to the Deadskins, like I have said, the great thing is that we will see on Sunday.

j, k, and s's d said...

So now you question my claims and pretty much calling me a liar. I always wished I could do more and play better. You already admitted that you quit on your team and quit on yourself in thinking that you shouldn't have even bothered to show up for at least one game. Tell me, in all the games that you played, did you ever feel like you were dragging? Did you ever feel like you weren't playing your best? I am not talking about effort. I am just talking that for some reason or other, you just didn't have it that day. Did you ever feel like that?

That is what I was talking about. I always practiced hard and I always played hard. My accomplishments speak for themself. I was always selected to play on the All Star teams or the select teams. I was considered a leader on every team that I played on. Everyone knew that I was one of the better players on every team that I played on. I can think of countless examples where I was recognized by my coaches and more importantly, by my teammates, for my work ethic and leadership. I am proud of my achievements. Just because you are a quitter doesn't mean that everyone else is too.

Rob said...

You have made this extremely personal. I never quit on my team and I never called you a liar.

The fact is you are going to pick against the Redskins because you know the Cowboys are better.

I'm done.

j, k, and s's d said...

I made this extremely personal? You participated in this discussion as well and you gave just as you received.

You never quit on your team? "I can think of at least one game where the overwhelming consensus on our team was, why are we even bothering to play this game."

Fine, the team quit on itself. The players quit on each other. I assume you were part of the overwhelming consensus that you talked about and you felt like you shouldn't even bother to show up.

You may not have called me a liar but you certainly implied it, "I can be perfectly honest with myself. I don't think you can. I love your self-righteous B.S. and false indignation."

I do think the Cowboys are better right now. I have maintained that position throughout this discussion. That is why I said early on that if I had to bet, I would bet on the Cowboys. The point of this whole discussion was that you said, "I don't really believe the coaches or the players really think they have a chance." You continued by saying, "The overwhelming majority of folks (including many of the Redskins players in my opinion) know what the outcome is going to be. They probably don't even need to show up and are wasting the fuel to fly down there."

I countered by saying that it is ridiculous to think that a 5-4 team that is in the thick of the playoff hunt would just lay down and give up and have the mentality of why should we even bother to show up. That is what is silly.

I'm done.

deepie said...

I'm not done!

What's with the self-righteous, pompous BS!?!? What does the fact that one or both of you were more interested in jerking each other off instead of playing soccer on a loser team when you barely had any hair on your balls have to do with "It's Dallas Week!!!"???

Get over yourselves! This is football we're talking about! The NFL! Which stands for, "Not For Long" if you keep tugging at each other's dicks like you are. (I'm not sure what I meant by that but it makes me laugh).


I'm done!

j, k, and s's d said...

Once again, well said, Deepie. Focus was lost. It is Dallas week so lets get it on!