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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What is Bean's deal?

First, he wants to leave and then he wants to stay. Now he wants to leave again.
If Kobe Bryant's trade-me, trade-me-not public drama didn't already resemble something out of the Paris Hilton playbook, now there's a scandalous video tape of Bryant on the market. The latest twist in the saga is a 24-second, profanity-peppered clip in which Bryant reportedly reiterates his desire to be traded and derides Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak and center Andrew Bynum.
This guy calls out his owner, his GM, his teammates and acts as if somehow all along he has been the model employee and taken "bullets" for the team and organization and just been the ultimate standup guy. He is looking for sympathy from the crowd and wants to make himself look like the ultimate martyr.
I'm tired of Bean! He's an ass and if I wanted to hear an ass talk, I'd fart!


Rob said...

Kobe is no Michael. If he was, he could make his team play better. He can't.

j, k, and s's d said...

He's a whiner. A loser. Selfish. He may be the most talented player in the league but there are a lot of guys that are better players/leaders in the league.