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Monday, June 18, 2007

Tommie Harris wants Donovan McNabb to QB in Chicago!

Speaking this weekend from Philadelphia, where Harris was a guest of McNabb's at the quarterback's charity golf tournament, the D-lineman had this to say: "I'd love to have [McNabb] as my quarterback in Chicago. … Hopefully, he comes here and helps the Chicago Bears win the Super Bowl. … If he comes to Chicago, we'll definitely win the Super Bowl. … He's my friend and I would like him to play on my team. … I'd love him to play for the Bears."

He just kept going.

And Harris wasn't done, capping his comments with, "Hopefully we get Donovan."

Seems not everyone on the Bears have full faith in Rexy.


Rob said...

What's so surprising? McNabb is one of the best QBs in the NFL when he is not injured.

I would say the same thing.

If Clinton Portis were to be at Tom Brady's golf tournament and say, "Tom, I'd love for you to be the QB of the Redskins." What would be the big deal?

j, k, and s's d said...

The example you gave is completely different. You were saying that if Portis went directly to Tom Brady (he and Peyton Manning have to be considered the best QBs by far in the league today) and say to him that he wanted him as the QB. That is different than mouthing off multiple times to the media that you want McNabb. If Portis said that in the media, I wouldn't be happy with it.

I'm surprised you don't care given your love for Rexy. Also, it does not set off a good message to everyone that you aren't supporting your embattled QB. Not what Rexy needed now.

Still, why would I expect you to say anything otherwise because that would mean you would actually be going against your beloved Bears.

Rob said...

I meant that if Portis said that in front of the media at Brady's golf tournament.

I like Rex. I think Rex performed well given his lack of experience last year. Certainly, I have shown you that by historical standards Rex's numbers were not bad - in fact they were pretty good. I also think he has been unfairly criticized.

That said, if McNabb (who is a Chicago guy) was healthy, I would love to see him be the QB of the Chicago Bears. There is nothing wrong with saying that you want one of the best QBs in the NFL to QB your team.

Rex has gone through a lot worse over the last year than having Tommie Harris say he likes Donovan McNabb. I don't think it will make one bit of difference.

Of course, Peter King argues that McNabb is worse than Kitna and Cutler. Which is why I say his rankings are bizarre. You don't believe King's rankings are bizarre - that makes you bizarre.

j, k, and s's d said...

Fine. I wouldn't like it if Portis blabbed that all over the media. UNLESS, I didn't believe in our QB. AND if was either Peyton Manning OR Tom Brady.

McNabb is coming off of serious injury and will have to work hard to be ready for the season opener (I'm sure he will be ready). Still, I don't put McNabb in the class of Manning or Brady. You may be fine with what Harris said. I think it is disrespectful and I'm sure Rexy doesn't feel great about that. Given all the heat he has gotten (fair or unfair) from the fans and media, it doesn't help when your teammates are not supporting you.

Rob said...

I don't like it. But Tommie Harris is known as a joker with a big mouth on the Bears. He has apologized to Rex. It is just now big deal and I doubt it will have any effect whatsoever.

You are the one who grasps at straws so that you can hate on the Bears. You say I do it for the Redskins, but you do what you accuse me of. Then you claim that you are objective and I am biased. Well, here is another example of where that is not true.

j, k, and s's d said...

What he was saying isn't a joke.

How did I hate on the Bears? I simply shared something about a defensive standout saying that he had a lot more confidence in McNabb than his own QB. How is that hating?

I admitted that if Portis did the same thing, I wouldn't like that.

Don't be so defensive and quit acting like a RobsObs stiffie.

Rob said...

My point exactly - I am not hating on the Redskins any more than you are hating on the Bears. SO STOP ACCUSING ME OF DOING SO!

j, k, and s's d said...

You have admitted that you don't like the Redskins. You have admitted that you say and post things to annoy Deepie and me. I don't do that. I am ambivalent to the Bears.

Rob said...

I have admitted I don't like the Redskins and I do like to annoy you. So what? I don't post up anything that is false. Your problem is that I post things that are negative toward the Redskins. They are negative, but they are true.

Tell me, since you are SOOOOOO ambivalent toward the Bears (and like to remind us about how objective and unbiased you are), why did you bother to post this article?

Why did you post the Rex-hating videos?

You are not a Bears fan and claim to be ambivalent. What point are you trying to make? It certainly seems like you don't like Rex or the Bears, and that you want to annoy me.

Saying you are ambivalent does not mean that it is true. You just want to pretend that you are not biased. At least I am up front about my dislike for the Redskins. You hide behind your facade, "OOOOHH LOOK AT ME, I AM SO PIOUS AND FAIR. I DON'T HATE. I LOVE EVERYONE AND AM FAIR." But here everyone, look at the funny Rex-hating video I found on YouTube. Oh, here is another. Oh, I found another. YIPPEE!


j, k, and s's d said...

Who is putting words in who's mouth now?

My point with those videos and this article is that you have this undying love for Rexy. I am trying to show you that the fans, the media, his teammates have serious concerns about him. It is like you are blind to all of this. I have never seen this type of abuse for a guy that is as good as you think he is.

I have said that I agree with you in that Rexy is a young QB. Maybe he has learned a lot playing last year. Maybe the shotgun will help him and maybe he will have an unbelievable year. He really needs to since it is a contract year and the Bears window for winning a championship is still open but will be closing. I'm sure even the other teammates read/hear what the fans/media are saying and if he starts out slowly, there will be grumbling in the locker room.

My point is that the Bears have a team ready to win now and can't be hampered with a young, inconsistent QB who is trying to learn and improve. They are not in a rebuilding mode.

The 'Skins are in somewhat of a rebuilding mode. They went 5-11 last year and the expectations aren't super high for this team. Jason Campbell will be allowed to grow. If he flat out sucks, no question he will hear it but he will be given some latitude because we don't have a championship caliber team.

I hope Rexy improves for his sake and the Bears sake. In a way, it would be great for him to shut his critics (like me) up.

Rob said...

Again, you make stuff up. I have said:

1. Rex is young.
2. Rex had a good year last year for a young QB (I proved this with statistics).
3. Rex faced an unfair amount of criticism.
4. I expect Rex to improve (just as other young QBs have in the history of the NFL - again I proved this with stats).
5. If he doesn't improve then he won't be the QB of the Chicago Bears.

Please show me ANYWHERE where I have written about my undying love for Rex and how I do not have realistic expectations for him.

You agree that the Bears D was not as strong down the stretch. And, your "solution" for what you perceive to be the Bears QB problem is for Lovie to abandon Rex (even though he helped them get to the Super Bowl), and to play Brian Griese instead. Dumb.

You go searching YouTube for some Rex-hating and then post it up. Then you say, "I'm not biased." Feed you B.S. to someone else.

j, k, and s's d said...

What did I make up?

You are the one making stuff up. When did I say that Griese should start this year?

Yes, I have said that the Bears D was not as strong in the last few games of the season. That is no surprise.

AGAIN, my concern for the Bears was that their QB play was so inconsistent last year. Given their team (yes, I know the D struggled some down the stretch), they still needed a QB that was not so inconsistent (see Roethlisberger for the Steelers when they won it all, see Dilfer with the Ravens when they won it all). If Griese had shown me confidence and strong play in practice, I would probably have given him an opportunity.

I believe Rexy should start the season at QB. Why would you not start him at the beginning of the year? Griese didn't play much last year. It is Rexy's job to lose. HOWEVER, I have said repeatedly, if he struggles early on and demonstrates inconsistency and the Bears lose a couple of games early in the season, I would strongly consider the change (this is of course, if I felt like Griese had shown me something in practice).

You are the one making stuff up now.


Rob said...

You said, "you have this undying love for Rexy." I have never indicated that - in fact, I have given you plenty of evidence that I have been fair, and approriately critical of his bad play.

Do you know what a hypocrite is? Making stuff up is not being hypocritical.

Saying you believe one thing (i.e., "I am not biased") and then doing or arguing the other (i.e., posting up Rex-hating videos) is being a hypocrite.

I was not clear. I was referring to last year - the Bears D last year was not that good. I have asked you what they should have done. You said, that the Bears should have played Griese. That was your "solution." Am I wrong about that?

j, k, and s's d said...

I know what being a hypocrite is. You hammer me for making stuff up about you but then you go and make stuff up I said about Griese starting this year. THAT IS BEING HYPOCRITICAL!

"Bears D last year was not good?" They statistically ranked in the top 5 of every major defensive stat. Most fans would say that they had a good defense last year. Not sure what you are talking about, dude.

You don't make a change at QB because the defense is playing poorly. That was not my "solution" so the answer is "NO." The defense late in the year was not as good as they were earlier in the year but they were still a solid defense. They still had good special teams play. The running game was strong. Rexy was inconsistent. Now I don't know what Griese's understanding was of the offense and how good he performed in practice and what the team thought of Griese but assuming all the above were positive, I would give him more time in practice with the starting team and then if Rexy continues to struggle, I would make a switch. Again, Rexy may end up being a great QB but we don't have the luxury to train someone on the job (especially the QB) when everyone else is fully trained and ready to win now.

Rob said...

I already corrected myself about what you called for this year.

I stipulate to the fact that there are a lot of folks who don't like Rex. You are fooling yourself if you are claiming that the only reason you are posting the Rex-hating B.S. is somehow to show me that I am wrong.

I have constantly said he is inconsistent, but that he is young and will improve with more play.

So you agree that the Chicago D fell off last year. My point is that it wasn't Rex that hurt them. In fact, if not for Rex's great play against St. Louis and Tampa, they probably lose and have to go on the road in the playoffs.

We also agree that putting in Griese would not have changed anything. So, I have no idea why you want to continue to make a big deal out of Rex. That is why I contend that you are just a hater, and not just "ambivalent."

All you are doing is complaining about Rex's inconsistency - but you don't think the Bears should have done anything different. So why do you continue to hate on Rex?

You are hilarious. On the one hand you will say that all of the press were wrong about predicting the Redskins were going to the Super Bowl last year. Then, you say, "See Rob, all the press is against Rex." Well use your own logic - the press is often wrong!

I give you numbers and facts and you just say, "Well, why is the press against him?" WHO CARES THEY ARE WRONG REGULARLY - LOOK AT THE NUMBERS I GAVE YOU.

Rob said...

I just looked it up. Here is what you said (June 6):

I don't think he is an idiot for sticking with Rexy but I think Griese may have been more ideally suited for the job. I can't say for sure because I am not there day to day and don't see how good Griese performs and how the players react to Griese. Still, Griese seems like he may have been the better QB for the Bears. He is a proven veteran that is accurate and can play smart and within the offense. Seems more like the type of QB the Bears could use right now.


I never said that Griese was great. I don't think he is great. I think he is a proven veteran and would seem like a good fit for the Bears team. He didn't stick in Denver because he wore out his welcome there. He seemed to start partying too much and tripped in the driveway and just started acting up. He struggled and was gone. In Miami, I don't think he was ever intended to be the starter. I can't really remember what happened there. He performed well in TB but got injured and Simms stepped in and played well so he lost his job. Again, I'm not saying he is Marino, Elway, or Montana but he may have been the better fit.

Again, the Bears are built on defense, special teams, and strong running. Rexy made some boneheaded plays that the other facets of the team had to bail him out of. I think Griese would be a more solid/stable QB.


j, k, and s's d said...

In reading what I said about Griese, I feel the same way right now. I don't think Griese should be the starter going into the season. Rexy should be; however, if he struggles and continues his inconsistent play AND I feel good about Griese, I will pull Rexy. This position has not changed.

You corrected yourself after I called you a hypocrite so I don't know why you felt the need to provide the definition and an explanation of what a hypocrite is. It is clear I know what a hypocrite is. Yes, you corrected yourself and then it made sense. However, what you said PRIOR to your explanation made you a hypocrite and warranted my claim.

I don't hate Rexy. Yes, another reason why I post those "anti" Rexy things is that I find them amusing AND also, I know it annoys you. Still, I don't hate him and I have already said that I hope he can turn it around and shut everyone (including myself) up. He will have the opportunity and hopefully he can do the job.

I have stipulated that the D did not play at the same level late in the year as they had early in the year. Still, it was the defense and/or special teams that saved Rexy in both Minnesota games, the Arizona game, they lost the Miami, Pats, GB game in which he played poorly, and the defense also stepped up in the Jets game.

I don't know if Griese could have changed things. We will never know. I felt like he could provide more veteran leadership, manage the game better, and more consistent play. Maybe it would have had a difference or maybe it would not have.

Yes, I am complaining about his consistency. So are you. I would have probably been more likely to make a switch at QB.

The press was wrong about the Redskins. The numbers show Rexy's inconsistency. The press points that out and say they hope he can improve and that Rexy will be watched. That is what I say. For the umpteenth time, Rexy will have the opportunity to prove everyone wrong.

Rob said...

Show me a team in the NFL that doesn't have its starting QB off for a few games of the year. The fact that the D won the Arizona and Minnesota games is fine.

Who had huge games against the Giants, St. Louis, and Tampa to overcome the weak defensive efforts? Rex.

Tom Brady had a poor game against the Bears, but his D carried the day for him. That happens in a long season.

The Bears were 13-3, 2-0 in the NFC playoffs, and lost the Super Bowl to a superior Colts team. Griese would not have made any real difference. The idea that he would have beaten the Colts is laughable. The Colts were on a mission. They abused the Bears D, they came back from 18 down to beat New England. They beat 13-3 Baltimore on the road, and they beat KC to win the Super Bowl. But you think that it is possible that the Bears may have won if Griese was the starter. You have to be one of the only people in the world who thinks that could actually be true. The bottom line is that the best team in the NFL won the Super Bowl - plain and simple.

Oh, and by the way, look at what the Colts D did for Peyton when he struggled against KC (3 interceptions) and Baltimore (2 interceptions). It happens to the best of them. If not for their stellar play in the early rounds, the Colts would have been out. The Colts overcame Peyton's mistakes, just like the Bears overcame Rex's mistakes in a couple of games last year.

I keep giving you facts that show he was not terrible, and his experience was not that different from some of the top QBs, but you want to just hate on Rex. That's cool, but it would be better if you would just admit it.

j, k, and s's d said...

You're right, RobsObs, Rexy is great and is part of the NFL QB elite. Still, for some CRAZY reason, he remains one of the most hotly debated questions going into the season. AND for some reason, people just love to make fun of him on their blogs and make funny videos of him in their spare time.

Fine, maybe it is a little much. Maybe there has been some unfair treatement. Who gives a shat? Why are you continuing to argue? For the umpteenth + 1 time, Rexy will have every opportunity to show how great he is. AGAIN, I sincerely do wish him well and hope he can silence all his critics and win over his home town fans.

BTW - Brady wasn't that bad against the Bears last year. He was 22 of 33 for nearly 270 yards and had a rating of 76. Not to mention two key runs that kept drives alive. Who can forget the 11 yard scamper where he juked out Urlacher and then got up and said something right in the face of Urlacher. CLASSIC!!! It was the play of the game and a play that defines Tom Brady. He is a leader and knows how to win games. Brady exudes confidence every time he steps on the field and he is one of the rare QBs in history that is able to will victories.

Yes, I thought that Indy would win the Super Bowl. I thought and said that pretty much the top 5 AFC teams were better than any NFC team. The REAL Super Bowl was the Indy vs. NE playoff game.

I'm not saying Griese is unbelievable but last year he seemed like he could have brought more stability and consistency to the QB position. We are going in circles now and again, lets see how Rexy plays this year. Hopefully the shotgun and a full year under his belt and everything will allow him to be less erratic and more consistent in his throws and play.

Rob said...

Fine, when Rex shows some more maturity and improvement this year, and becomes one of the Top 10 QBs in the NFL, I'll expect the call that say, "Gee Rob, I guess you were right . . . again."

deepie said...

Not that I give Peter King of SI much credibility (I despise him for his anti Redskins comments and his agenda against Art Monk), but he ranked all of the starting QBs entering next year and put Rexy in at #26...just behind J.C. at #25.

This is more proof of the lack of faith people have in Rexy's ability to perform at the level he needs to to help the team.

As I've said many times, I'd like to see Rexy prove everybody wrong, but I don't think he can. He doesn't seem to have what Manning, Brady, Farve, etc. have. Drive and dedication. Prove me wrong Rexy. Your team could be great if you do.

Also, as I've said in the past, Rexy wasn't pulled for Griese because Rexy provides more upside and potential. I don't think Griese would have made much of a difference. Rexy succeeded in areas that Griese may not have...the deep ball and simple gunslinging...maybe Griese would have made less mistakes, but he may not have taken chances for quick scores like Rexy so it probably wouldn't have mattered.

As far as Tommie Harris is concerned, what he said was stupid. There's no problem with saying he wouldn't mind if McNabb had a shot at coming to the Bears, but to imply that the QB position was the reason why they lost the Super Bowl was a slap in Rexy's face and it shows lack of confidence. I don't think he would have said it the way he did if others on the team didn't feel the same way.

Prove 'em wrong Rexy...But I bet you can't!

deepie said...

Link to "I have a little" Peter King's rankings:

Rob said...

OK Deepie, so what should the Bears do? Criticizing is fine, but what is your solution?

Rob said...

FYI Deepie, you are late to the party. I posted Peter King's rankings on my site and we had a discussion about some of the crazy stuff. Look where Kitna is.

j, k, and s's d said...

I have admitted when I was wrong and I will be the first to admit it if Rexy has a great year. Again, I actually hope he does prove everyone wrong and can silence the critics and win over his hometown fans.

deepie said...

What do the Bears do?

If they feel they need to win this year because the team is going to fall apart due to contracts, etc. and IF McNabb is healthy, do everything you can to get him.

If McNabb is not an option and/or they feel they can secure the nucleus of the team, then stick with Rexy. Let him develop for one more year. If he flops, I'm sure the 'Skins will release Brunell in '08 and you can have him.

deepie said...

And by the way, how was my comment a criticism? I simply stated other people's opinions of Rexy as supporting evidence to the argument that people don't believe he is the solution to the Bears' QB issues. I said he's being given his chances because he's young and he has upside. I said I'd like to see him succeed so the team can reach their potential. When I say I don't think he has the drive to take it to the next level, I'm just being objective, not critical. Relax bro...I'm not a player hater...

Rob said...

The Bears do not have cap problems and do not have looming contract problems that will threaten the core of the team (unlike a certain team you are all well aware of).

OK, since the team is not going to fall apart because of contracts, I suppose you support Lovie and the Bears' choice to go with Rex.

Rob said...

Hilarious. Who wrote,

"Prove 'em wrong Rexy...But I bet you can't!"

That is your idea of objective? I mean really, you just wrote it. Did you forget?

j, k, and s's d said...

RobsObs, those are Deepie's opinions. What's wrong with that? He is taking a side. If he didn't do that, you would say he is "hedging."

We don't hate. We just have our opinions. Our "hate" is the same as your "love" for Rexy.

deepie said...

RobOb...Did you wake up on the wrong side of Tank Johnson's prison bed again? That's my opinion. I say over and over again I want Rexy to prove me wrong because I want to see the team succeed, but given how badly he's played on occasion, I don't think he can do it. When he's not on his A game, he's as bad as they get...maybe worse. He's young and still a little green so I say let him have some more chances to improve. I support Lovie's decision...I'm just saying at the end of the 2007 season, I don't believe Rexy will have Lovie's complete confidence any longer.

I'm not being critical. I'm just basing my opinion on what I saw last season. A few spurts of great play doesn't make a great QB. It just means he's inconsistent. Based on your theory, there's nothing wrong with Kitna being King's #9 QB. He's has some very good seasons. He passed for 4200 yards last year. Just because the sun has shined on his ass once in a while doesn't mean he's a top 10 QB.

deepie said...

The Bears don't have cap problems like the 'Skins. They have problems for the opposite reasons. They don't keep their players happy with long term deals at the going market rate. My point is, the team could fall apart because of key players opting to leave. The front office should keep that possibility in consideration when deciding on McNabb.

Rob said...

OK, you are entitled to your opinions. No problem.

I give you facts and evidence to support my argument, and you go with your gut. Let's see who is right.

As for the Bears losing players in the future, who are you referring to? Briggs was offered a fair contract and he turned it down. I don't see other teams giving him anything better. Alex Brown wants to be traded. He has three years left on his contract and lost his starting job. He is working out on the wedge on kickoff return.

Rob said...

When I give you my opinions, please don't accuse me of just hating on the Redskins.

j, k, and s's d said...

YOU have admitted that you hate the Redskins and that you like to annoy us.

What argument? What facts? Rexy was one of the worst rated QBs in the league last year. He was unbelievably erratic. He had 20 INTs and 8 fumbles. Yeah, he had some very good games where he had QB ratings of 100+ and some horrific ones where he was 30 or below. If he was just a consistent 76, he might not be so bad. It's almost like every game which Rexy are you going to get? On every play that he drops back, what is going to happen?

What are you arguing about?

deepie said...

Huh? But you've said yourself that you hate the Redskins and that you say what you say in part to annoy JKD , me, and any other 'Skins fans out there. Now you want me to believe it was all a sham? I think not, Mr. Self-Proclaimed Redskin Hater and Intentional Annoyer of 'Skins Fans.

You present facts for Rexy, but you ignore facts that I take into account. See below why I am not going with my gut.

@ Cardinals - QB rating 10.2
Dolphins - 36.8
@ Patriots - 23.7
Vikings - 1.3
Packers - 0

Post-season stats:

4 passing touchdowns
4 passes intercepted
2-2 postseason record
68.1 quarterback rating

I'm not going with my gut. He played like doodoo many times and his numbers prove it.

I'll say it again. Lovie should give him more time to develop because it's clear that he can play at a high level. He's done it. But the amount of inconsistency is ridiculous. If the alternative is Griese, I don't see Grossman being taken out...not enough of a difference between the two to justify it. If it's McNabb, then Rexy's next job will be holding a clipboard...on some other team.

deepie said...

For the sake of comparison, here are J.C.'s ratings by week. There are a couple drop offs, but not nearly as bad as Rexy indicating J.C. isn't as significant a factor in the 'Skins losses:


Rob said...

I'm not going to reiterate all of my stats. I keep telling you he was inconsistent because he is young and inexperienced. I gave you plenty of numbers for some of the top QBs in their first 2 years as starters.

I even gave you Trent Dilfer and Jay Shroeder's numbers.

I have shown you how Rex won games in the second half when his D was not up-to-snuff.

I have shown you time and again that young QBs make mistakes but learn over time. That is what I argue will happen for Rex.

Rex played reasonably well in the playoffs. Peyton Manning's 2006 postseason stats 7 interceptions, 3 TDs and a 69.8 rating. Tom Brady was not much better (5 TDs, 4 Ints, 76.5 rating). It happens.

I give you stats and you just want to throw them out and say Rex is bad. When JC makes horrible mistakes and costs the Redskins a couple of games this year I'll look for you to criticize. We'll see what he does over the season. Except for the Arizona game, Rex's first 7 games last year looked great. As for me, I'll just expect JC to have some off games and won't be surprised.

Rob said...

JKD, when I give you my opinion it is hating. When you are Deepie give it, you are just giving an opinion.

Look in the mirror and just be fair. If you are going to say I am just "hating" then accept the fact that you are doing exactly the same thing. Don't say, "I'm being objective and you are not." That is just ridiculous.

j, k, and s's d said...

JC has games where his QB rating is 0.0, I will be the first one to say he sucked that game.

Again, you have admitted that you hate the Redskins. You have admitted that you want to annoy Deepie and me.

I have said that I am biased when it comes to the Redskins. I have also said that I think I am objective when it comes to the Bears because I don't care about them.

I don't even know why you continue to argue. I think we actually largely agree on most points. Rexy was unbelievably erratic and inconsistent. We believe he should start the season. I suppose where we disagree is when to pull him if he struggles. AGAIN, he is the starter and will have EVERY opportunity to keep the job and silence the critics. He has more experience now, he is at an age where he should be in the prime of his career, he is on a good team, he has played in the same system for several years now, they are catering the offense to better suit him (shotgun formation), he has all the tools to be successful. Now lets see if he is. The bad part for him is that every mistake will be magnified. Right or wrong, this will be the case.

deepie said...

RobsOb...You're so defensive right now you're not paying attention to what is being said. I said Rexy has shown he can play at a high level and that going with Griese isn't justifiable considering Rexy's potential upside. I'm not throwing anything out. I'm just saying consider everything when you assess him. If five (six including the Super Bowl) God awful, no account, stink up the joint, couldn't hit the broad side of a barn games last year don't indicate the potential for failure to you, then simply understand that you argue as a fan and are not providing an objective critique.

I am supportive of J.C. at this point because he showed consistency and improvement in his first 7 starts. If he stumbles and regresses, I'll say he stinks and it won't take a full year of inconsistency for me to come to that conclusion. Take '05 for example. I was never very fond of Brunell even though the 'Skins made it to the divisional playoff round. His weaknesses were obvious, just as Rexy's are.

Rob said...

OK, you guys are fair and objective. You just give your unbiased opinions. When I post stuff, I am just a hater or I am just a "Rexy-lover" or whatever. I get it. JKD, you have different rules for different people.

I really cannot wait to see the season unfold. I am really looking forward to the Bears-Redskins game.

FYI, I don't believe I have ever said that I hate the Redskins. I think Snyder is an ass and I think he has ruined the Redskins. After seeing what Snyder has done and how poorly he has treated employees, coaches, players, and fans over the years, I would never support HIS Redskins.

j, k, and s's d said...

RobsObs, I think we have had this discussion either last year or two years ago and matar asked why you hated the Redskins if you just hated Snyder.

I think we got into a discussion about George Bush. If you don't like Bush and what he stands for, do you still support our troops? I think you replied and said somehow it was different. I'm not sure how/why but I'm sure there is some legitimate answer in RobsObs world.

Rob said...

I have no idea what you are talking about. You find the discussion and I'll read it.

George Bush doesn't own the troops. The American people do. Congress - the government body that represents the people - funds the troops and provides oversight for the American people.

There is no comparison between Snyder owning the Redskins and Bush and the troops.

Rob said...

I looked back and found it.

I answered then as I do now.

Rob said...

You know what is funny? This is what you wrote in one of your postings. Keep in mind that this was at the end of the 2005 season.

"I love how you make it sound so simple for the Bears. How they need to address the QB and WR situation in the offseason and everything will be better. Any team could say the same thing about areas that need to be addressed for their team and sprinkle a little pixie dust and elf'n'magic and VOILA...SUPERBOWL contender!! Lets see what the Bears do in the offseason to improve on their already high powered offense."

The 2 major changes for the Bears in 2006 - Rex and Berrian. Gee, I guess I was right and you were wrong. The Bears improved their QB and WR play and got to the Super Bowl.

I'm a freaking genius. You . . . wrong again!

j, k, and s's d said...

Bush is the commander in chief and he makes the decisions on when/where we will go to war. Yes, he doesn't put the soldiers together and train them but it is his foreign policy that dictates where the soldiers will go to fight.

Danny Boy has some say in who he brings in but he doesn't do the actual playing. Yes, he writes the checks but it's still the players that have to fight. Yes, the taxpayers pay for the soldiers salaries. I understand that there are some differences but I don't think the analogy is too far off. I still don't understand that because you don't like the owner, you now hate the coaches, players, fans, etc.


Congratulations on analysis. I'm sure if we pulled out all of the past blogs and sifted through them we would find that we were both right and wrong.

For instance, you were saying that the 'Skins should bring in T.O. and that he would be a great fit for D.C. I was saying you were nuts and that he was a cancer. Who was right?

Rob said...

I don't know what your point is about Bush and Snyder. The point is that I don't hate the Redskins. I have a great dislike for the owner and what he has done to the once great Redskin organization.

Every time we look back it seems like I was right. If you want to do the analysis that's fine, but based on what we do know I have been right far more often than you.

"For instance, you were saying that the 'Skins should bring in T.O. and that he would be a great fit for D.C. I was saying you were nuts and that he was a cancer. Who was right?"

Did I miss something? Did TO come to DC? How do you know that he wouldn't have helped? He is way better than Lloyd and Randle El (and Moss in my opinion). You cannot possibly argue that you were right. There is simply no way of knowing.

See, in 2005 I said the Bears need to improve the QB and WR play and they would be a Super Bowl contender in 2006. Then, they did that and they got to the Super Bowl. We have evidence. Something we don't have to assess your opinion about TO.

j, k, and s's d said...

No T.O. didn't come to DC and it was smart that he didn't. In Philly, he pouted and argued on the sidelines with the coaches and players. He called out McNabb (who is a true professional and perennial Pro Bowler). He acted childish and was pretty much banished. You thought that type of guy would have been good for DC. I told you that he was a whiner and that I would never want that type of guy on my team. He was a cancer.

What happened? He went to Dallas and did the exact same thing. He argued on the sidelines with Bledsoe and his position coaches. He disrespected Parcells and said he learned nothing from the man. He had that whole suicidal event. He is a distraction...a cancer. On top of that, his performance wasn't even that great on the field. And you wanted to bring this guy to DC? Sure, we don't know exactly what would have happened since he did not come to DC. However, do you HONESTLY believe given his track record, the fact that Brunell would have been his QB and can't throw a deep ball, the Al Saunders play book, the lack of offensive identity, how we struggled last year, that he would have been fine and dandy with everything?

Rob said...

You still cannot possibly consider your opinion proof that I was wrong.

The Redskins were 5-11. It probably would have helped to have another playmaker. If TO came, they would have gone 6-10. There is my proof. They would have been better off.

My "proof" is just as reasonable as your proof.

j, k, and s's d said...

What is wrong with you, dude? Seriously. It is like you operate in a different world. Are you mentally deranged?

Rob said...

You are arguing that I am wrong and you were right. There is no possible way to defend that argument.

Read what you wrote -

"For instance, you were saying that the 'Skins should bring in T.O. and that he would be a great fit for D.C. I was saying you were nuts and that he was a cancer. Who was right?"

How can you possibly argue that you were right? The Cowboys made the playoffs and if not for a muffed Romo snap would have made it to the second round. Even with his drops, TO was a playmaker last year. If TO were lined up instead of Lloyd, there is a good chance the Redskins would have scored more TDs.

The Redskins sucked last year. If anything, it is far more likely that TO would have helped the Redskins win more than their pathetically low 5 games last year.

Please explain to me your "proof" that I was wrong.