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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Silly Rexy - Part Deaux!

This about sums it up for Rexy.


Rob said...

Awesome. I loved it! Someone has too much time on his/her hands.

I will say that I don't agree with it at all. The guy led them to the Super Bowl. He played well in the NFC playoff games. I fully expect him to make further improvements this year. He'll be just fine.

j, k, and s's d said...

Clearly, the larger football watching community believes Rexy is a joke. As mentioned several times, he (and Lovie) better hope he starts off hot (like last year) because the Super Bowl window is a very small opening and the media/fans will let him have it and blame him if the Bears falter. Also, this is a contract year so will Rexy prove to be the Bears long term answer at QB or will he just be another dud? We'll see. I love the NFL!

Rob said...

What QB doesn't face pressure to perform? In the face of a lot of criticism (some deserved and some not deserved), he performed and largely delivered.

He'll be better this year. If not, the Bears have capable backups. But, I expect him to cut down on the mistakes.

I'm confident he will outperform JC and he will be in the top half of the NFL's QBs in terms of QB rating.

j, k, and s's d said...

How can you say that he largely delivered? If he did, why would there be SO much scrutiny on the guy? There is probably more scrutiny on him then any QB in the league. He was bailed out SO many times by his defense and special teams.

I disagree with you on him outperforming JC.

matar-alloo said...

Damn work...why they gotta block Youtube on our PCs? Do they think it'll take away from productivity or something? Oh well...I guess I'll have to check it at home.

Rob said...

15-4 as a starter and his team made the Super Bowl. He had some bad games, but he had some great games. In the NFC playoffs he was more than solid.

Not bad for a young player in his first full season as a starter. If he doesn't improve then there will be some reason for criticism - but he is a winner and I expect him to get better.

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, RobsObs, if he is SO great, why all the controversy around him? Why do so many people want him out? Why is he going to be one of the hottest topics going into the season? Why will he be on a short leash? Why do his own hometown fans boo him?

Rob said...

First of all, I've never said he was GREAT. Second, he won't be on a short leash - Lovie and the Bears players love him.

The reason there is so much criticism is that the Bears are a legitimate Super Bowl contender in a major media market.

Rex showed a lot of mental toughness last year, which is why his coach and team loves him. He is still very young and is going to improve.

j, k, and s's d said...

You don't think if he struggles early in the year Lovie won't make a change? The Bears are going into this year knowing that their Super Bowl window is closing and they need to win now. If Rexy starts blowing it, he's out!

Rob said...

Rex won't blow it. Lovie has shown great patience and Rex and Lovie respect each other. Rex won't let the team down.

j, k, and s's d said...

You didn't answer my question. If he does struggle early and the Bears lose a couple of games, do you think Lovie will make a change?

deepie said...

I'm going to be like Robob for a sec...

There's nothing wrong with the 'Skins. Joe Gibbs is a fantastic coach who is just hitting his stride in his second stint as HC. Portis and Betts will make for an unstoppable combination out of the backfield. Jason Campbell showed great promise last year and he won't disappoint this year. I expect great things from him. The o-line will take the loss of Dock in stride and continue to perform very well. There was nothing wrong with the d-line last year. It was an aberration. The linebackers have dramatically improved and the same can be said for the secondary. Shawn Suisham proved to be a reliable kicker. I am not worried about the kicking game.

Stuff happens to the 'Skins but it doesn't matter. They'll play well. I don't doubt it. You're a fool for disagreeing with me.

Pretty ridiculous. Oh well. If Robob thinks there is nothing that will prevent the Bears from succeeding, he can keep living in his little delusional world.

Rob said...

JKD, I can say this. If his first 4 games end up with losses and he throws 8 interceptions and 2 TDs it is likely that they would change QBs. What team wouldn't?

But, there is no reason to believe that is going to happen. First the Bears would have to start off 0-4 (unlikely). Second, Rex would have to take about 10 steps back. He made huge progress last year and took the team to the Super Bowl.

And finally, contrary to what you wrote, Rex is not on a short leash. Lovie and the team loves him.

Deepie, the difference between what I wrote and the foolish diatribe you spewed out is that the Bears are winners and the Redskins are losers. They have proven themselves on the field consistently the last two years. I have a basis to write what I wrote. The hypothetical that JKD pulled out is highly unlikely. However, based on what we know about the Redskins, even you would have to agree that it is unlikely the Redskins will finish better than 8-8.

Deepie, let me ask you just one question. Do you really believe Rex is going to suck so bad, AND the Bears are going to lose at least 4 of their first 6 games? That is the minimum it is going to take for Lovie to replace Rex.

Rob said...

OK, looking ahead at the season, I can see the Redskins doing the following:

Wins - Miami, NY Giants, Detroit, Philly, Tampa Bay

Losses - Philly, Dallas twice, NY Giants, Green Bay, Arizona, New England, NY Jets, Buffalo, Chicago, Minnesota

Perhaps they get lucky and catch a couple of the teams like Buffalo and Minnesota on a bad day, but that still only puts them at 7-9. My guess is 6-10.

Chicago on the other hand:

Wins: KC, Dallas, Detroit twice, Green Bay, Minnesota twice, Philly, Oakland, Seattle, NY Giants, Washington (by a lot)

Losses: San Diego, Green Bay, Denver, New Orleans

12-4. Maybe they lose 2 more and end up 10-6 at worst.

j, k, and s's d said...

Two questions RobsObs:

1. What is it that you are smoking?

2. Where can I score some?

Rob said...

I'm high on life!

Now give me your wins and losses for both teams.

I know it is early, we will do final picks just before the season. Then we can see who was cut, who is injured, who is holding out, etc. The final rosters will be set and we will be able to see what happens in preseason, but I'd like to know if you have pulled your head out of your arse.

deepie said...

Rob, as I've been saying all along, the Bears will do well this year. They could get back to the Super Bowl considering the state of the NFC. But, their success will not be due to Rexy. He is their achilles heal. Having Hester as a receiver will help, but the controversy that surrounded him and the Bears last year due to his inconsistency will be an issue again because he makes too many boneheaded mistakes. I think they'll go 4-2...3-3 at worst to start the season. That won't be good enough to keep the QB controversy on the back burner.

deepie said...

Skins: (9-7)
wins - Miami, Giants, Lions, Cardinals, Eagles, Bucs, Bills, Vikings, Cowboys

losses - Eagles, Packers, Patriots, Jets, Cowboys, Bears, Giants

Bears: (11-5)
wins - Cheifs, Cowboys, Lions, Vikings, Eagles, Lions, Raiders, Giants, Redskins, Packers, Saints

losses - Chargers, Packers, Seahawks, Broncos, Vikings

j, k, and s's d said...

3 a day (INTs) the Rex Grossman way!! Again, the Bears won DESPITE Rexy not BECAUSE of him.

I will reserve my predictions until we get closer to the season and I can see how things are shaking down but I right now, I would say Deepie's predictions look pretty good.

Rob said...

OK, we'll see. Last year, I said that the Bears would be better because Rex was better than Kyle Orton. I was right. Rex had some horrible plays, but he also made a lot of great plays. That is what you can expect from a young, inexperienced QB.

This year, the Bears will get better QB play from Rex because he will have a year under his belt as the starter. Plus, he now has some additional weapons. We'll see.

What I think is funny is that you must be expecting JC to not make any mistakes. Prior to last season, Rex played in a total of 8 games. JC played in 7 last year. Let's see what he does.

j, k, and s's d said...

Rexy has also had the benefit of going into previous camps as the starter. He has had a lot of time to work with the first team offense and to be known as "the guy" and still he continues to be "3 a day (INTs)" the Rexy Grossman way.

This is the first time Campbell has had the benefit of going into a camp as the starter. He impressed last year when he was basically thrown into the fire. He had been the third string for much of the season and then was finally given the reigns. He was working with something like his 5th O-coordinator in 5 years and still managed to do well all things considered.

He has spent the offseason at Redskin Park learning, working out, and practicing. He is noticeably bigger and stronger (have you seen him?) and all reports so far report that he is progressing well. Still, he is young and is still learning so I expect growing pains but given what he did last year, his offseason conditioning, the reports on him, and most importantly, his character, I expect improvement and good things to happen. Again, I would rather have Jason over "3 a day."

Rob said...

I cannot tell, are you making excuses for JC or are you saying that you expect him to make very few mistakes?

On the one hand you argue that Rex somehow benefitted from being the #1 QB in camp for a couple of years - never mind that he couldn't play because of injuries. The fact remains that JC has had 7 games, and Rex had 8 games prior to last year. Rex took his team to the Super Bowl. He threw 23 TDs and 20 interceptions. He has the respect of his coaches and his teammates. Let's see what JC does.

I like JC, but I expect him to have about 20 TDs and 18 interceptions this year (about the same as Rex last year). As a comparison, Peyton Manning had 26 TDs and 28 interceptions his first year and 26 TDs and 15 interceptions his second year.

Virtually every young QB has their growing pains - Rex's numbers were not surprising. I expect him to end up with something like 24 TDs and 14 interceptions this year.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am not making any excuses because there is nothing to excuse.

RobsObs, you say you know football. Do you believe having the benefit of having 2 or 3 training camps as the first string QB helps prepare you for the season BOTH on AND off the field (media, players, etc.)? I say it does. Rexy has had that benefit and he still struggled. Again, Rexy has the benefit of having a great defense AND great special teams. He did not lead the team to the Super Bowl. If anyone did it was Urlacher and that defense. Urlacher is a superstar and is a game changer. He led that team. Again, the Bears didn't win BECAUSE of Rexy. They won DESPITE him.

Campbell will struggle but he is "the man" now and will have the benefit of going into camp as the starter. He performed well when he played last year and, from the sounds of things, has done everything to prepare himself for this year. I expect improvement from him but I also know that he is young and has VERY limited experience so it is reasonable to expect growing pains. My point about Rexy (I feel the need to explain this for a third time for you, RobsObs) is that he has had the benefit of training/practicing with the first team offense as the first string QB for now 3 seasons (coming up 4). You have to believe that that makes a difference. If you don't, you are a fool. That is why Rexy's play has been disappointing and a reason for concern. He is in a contract year and if he can't perform now, he will not be the future of the Bears.

Rob said...

You can never compare 2 players exactly. You keep pointing out that for 2 years before last year, Rex came into training camp as the starter. I agree that can help. But, do you think that having to be away from the team, rehabbing injuries, and not being able to even throw scout team passes had some impact on his readiness? If you don't think that has any impact, then YOU ARE A FOOL!

The bottom line is this - it doesn't matter how often you are the starter from May to August. The only thing that makes you a better player is PLAYING IN REAL GAMES! Rex played in 8 games before last year. JC has played in 7 going into this year - about comparable.

Rex was great/solid in the following games (Green Bay, Detroit, Minnesota, Seattle, Buffalo, San Francisco, NY Giants, St. Louis, Tampa Bay

He was adequate against the NY Jets (no interceptions) and Detroit and the Bears won

The Bears won the Arizona game and the second Minnesota game despite Rex.

Rex was bad against Miami, New England, and Green Bay and they lost.

In the playoffs Rex was solid against both Seattle and New Orleans. The 4th quarter of the Super Bowl was weak, but he did not play poorly in the first 3 quarters.

Look up the stats and please tell me how the Bears won DESPITE Rex.

I will bet you any amount of money that if you look at most QBs who play 16 games they will have a lot of good games, some bad games, and some games that are just average. That is what Rex had last year.

Obviously if he regresses then there is reason to have concern, but he is 26 years old and can play for another 10 years. He is just getting started.

How many QBs can say that they have 2 playoff wins and led their team to the Super Bowl? Probably only about 60 in the history of the NFL - and Rex is one of them.

j, k, and s's d said...

Say what you want, I still say Rexy has more experience as an NFL starter than Jason Campbell.

Without doing any of my own investigation, you basically say that Rexy was bad in at least 5 of his 16 game season. When he is bad, he is BAD!

I still don't understand how you say that he led the Bears to the Super Bowl. If you said Urlacher led the team, then I could accept.

RobsObs, again, why do so many people want him out? Why is he going to be one of the hottest topics going into the season? Why will he be on a short leash? Why do his own hometown fans boo him? Why was this video even made? Do you think people just don't like his personality and want to embarrass him? There is a reason for it. Maybe you will stop toking up and wake up. I am not holding my breath on that one though.

Rob said...

Rex does have more experience - I have not argued otherwise. What I have been saying is that at the start of last year, he is comparable to where JC is this year.

Rex did not single-handedly get them to the Super Bowl, but he was not the deterrant that they had to overcome that you make him out to be.

My point is simply this, Rex had ups and downs last year, but he played well in more games than he played poorly in. As a young guy, in his first full year as a starter, that is pretty good.

The QB of any team is a leader. He is loved by his team, he is a vocal leader on the team, and he led the team to the Super Bowl.

Tell me, who wants Rex out? Who is saying that Rex has got to go? I am not aware of anyone within the Bears organization, the coaching staff, or the players, who want him out. I certainly don't want to see Rex gone. I think he is progressing very nicely and 3 years from now, we may be talking about one of the NFL's best QBs.

Please tell me what makes you think he is on a short leash.

j, k, and s's d said...

With the kind of team the Bears have, they just need a QB that can manage the offense, play solid, and not make stupid mistakes that prove costly.

Rexy (3 a day) ranked at the bottom of all major QB statistical categories. His QB rating ranked 24th in the league. His number of INTs were only less than Jon Kitna and Ben Roethlisberger. He ranked 28th in completion percentage. He was SO inconsistent and erratic.

Who wants Rexy out? You heard the media and his hometown fans. Many people think that Rexy is hindering the Bears from being an even better team.

Peter King of SI even said, "Chicago will be OK (as a potential Super Bowl contender) with the Lance Briggs and Alex Brown distractions on defense and the organization having silly blinders on when it comes to its uber-backing of Rex Grossman. I just don't get that one, because a team with a great defense and a quarterback who plays two good games and three bad ones should go 8-8."

I am not making this stuff up. A LOT of people think there will be high pressure on Rexy and if "3 a Day" doesn't perform, he will be out.

Rob said...

Rex was really bad in 5 out of 16 games. In those 5 games he threw 3 or more interceptions. Those games killed his stats.

If he progresses like most young QBs do, then he should improve his numbers. Lovie's patience and the Bears' loyalty will pay off.

Unlike a lot of teams (see Redskins), the Bears are patient and allow their players to develop. Rex is no different.

If Rex takes steps backward, then there may be change, but he is not on a short leash. I firmly believe that he has talent and that he is going to improve this year. I see no reason why that won't happen. He has still only started 27 games in his career - that is less than 2 years as a full time starter.

I follow the team very closely. I go over the numbers every week. I am sure I know more about the Bears than national writers like Peter King when it comes to the Bears. He knows more about every other team outside of the Bears and Redskins, but given how much I follow those two teams, I am comfortable that I know more.

Rob said...

I grow tired of your nonsense. I am going to post some numbers on my blog. If you want to continue take a look a the numbers and then comment.