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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Urlacher sides with Briggs!

On the nation wide Dan Patrick radio show, Bears superstar LB, Brian Urlacher, voiced his support of his teammate Lance Briggs in his holdout. Urlacher shunned the Bears brass and believes Briggs should get paid.

Urlacher was quoted, "I'm on Lance's side," Urlacher told Patrick. "I think he has played his way into a new contract. I think he has played his way on the field and, whether he gets [a new deal] in Chicago or somewhere else, I think he needs to be rewarded for what he did on the field."Asked if he expected to be playing alongside Briggs when the season opens, Urlacher answered, "Right now, I don't think he will be there."

No question the Bears players realize the Bear management is cheap. They choose to operate under a different model and one can't say the model is bad as they made the Super Bowl last year and should again compete for the NFC Championship this year. HOWEVER, with success comes egos and recognition and players will want to get paid just as Briggs does. Players have performed and they deserve to be paid market value. The question will be will the Bears brass pay or let them walk. The window for the Bears winning the Super Bowl (or any team for that matter) is small. If they don't win it this year, their time may be over. We'll see.

Still, interesting to see the players support Briggs and not management.


Rob said...

Old news. I already posted it. But, I thought it was good leadership on the part of Urlacher. He opens the door to Briggs' return.

That is why it is good to have a separate GM. That way players and the coach can talk to each other and gripe about management.

In the odd braintrust that is the Washington Deadskins, you have Danny Boy, Vinny, Gibbsy, Pepper Rogers, and in the corner you have JKD Manny. So when a guy gets cut, Gibbsy cannot say "Management screwed US" - because he is management.

j, k, and s's d said...

Good leadership? He has picked his side and knows that management is cheap.

Just pray the Bears continue to draft well because others will be leaving shortly.

deepie said...

HAHA. We are seeing the beginning of the end of the brief Bears dynasty.

j, k, and s's d said...

The Bears had a little roar but soon the Bears will go back into hibernation. Sleep well little bears...sleep well....

Rob said...

Do you guys actually think the Bears won't make the playoffs this year?

How 'bout dem Deadskins? Playoffs? Yes or no?

j, k, and s's d said...

I said that the Bears should vie again in the weak NFC. However, I think dark days loom ahead for the Bears and we'll see how they react.

I expect improvement from the 'Skins and I won't be surprised if they make the playoffs. This also depends on who they draft.

deepie said...

The Bears will probably win their division and given that they still have their core in place and given that the NFC is so weak, I can see them going back to the big dance...but the end is near!!!! Heed my words!

deepie said...

As far as the 'Skins are concerned, if they get Okoye and can manage to keep Springs and Washington, they'll be a playoff contender. I'm not concerned about the offense...too many weapons. Watch...I bet you Lloyd actually catches a TD pass this year.

Rob said...

Depending on what happens with the draft, there won't be any Springs or Marcus. They need the cap room to sign draft picks and a couple of free agents for the D-line and O-line.

June 1 is coming up quick, write your good-bye letters to the former "core guys."

j, k, and s's d said...

As always, I don't want to speculate too much. I will reserve more comments after the draft and as things start to shake down and we see who will actually be on the team.