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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Question for all...

Assuming there is reincarnation and you could not come back as a human, I would return as a hawk.

What would you be? I already know Rob's answer...a hemorroid on my hawk body. He would just have to continue to be a pain on my arse.


deepie said...

I'd come back as a big black bear...One that wears a Redskins jersey and wanders around Robob's neighborhood. I'd then leave a nice big heaping bear pie on his front porch.

I wonder how much he'd like the Bears then.

deepie said...

Most Eastern religions preach that reincarnation is what we all have in store for us when our lives end. What we return to Earth as is a direct consequence of our actions during our previous lives. If Rob were to come back as a hemorrhoid, one would have to assume he was a pretty bad seed last time around.

I'm not quite sure JKD has the credentials to come back as anything as cool as a hawk. See previous posts for examples as to why I think this. I think it's pretty clear.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deepie, as far as coming back as a black bear and strolling around RobObs neighborhood in a Redskin jersey dropping big heaping “pies” on his porch, how is that different than what you do now?

Second, my credentials are impeccable. One may say that I can be a little “colorful” however, my values/morals are top notch, A number 1! In fact, I resemble your remark and now choose to change my answer and would now like to come back as a tape worm and burrow my way “deepie” into your innards making your life miserable!!!