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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Why is farting/diarrhea such a taboo subject to discuss? Burping seems more socially acceptable but farting is not. If farts smelled good, would people mind? Same with diarrhea. People will say that they have an upset stomach or that they were nauseous but somehow refuse to mention that they have/had diarrhea. Can someone explain to me why this is so taboo to discuss? Why people? WHY?!!!


deepie said...

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I usually start up conversations with just about anyone by discussing the size of my morning turds and/or the consistency of my diarrhea. 9 times out of 10 I get a slap in the face, but the 10th time is magic!

Have you seen Adam Sandler's "Click"? One of the best scenes is where he hits pause on his boss (David Hasslehoff), puts his ass right up on Hoff's face and lets it rip. When he un-pauses, Hoff thinks his secretary put shart in his salad. Priceless! All comedies can benefit from a good fart joke.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yes. I like to come to work and first thing in the morning take everyone's coffee order than go in my office and fill everyone's cup up with diarrhea and pass it around. The look on their faces after they have a good swig is priceless!

I have not seen Click but your description alone (and you are not very funny), made me smile and makes Click a viewing possibility.

Rob said...

Austin Powers - "it's a bit nutty."

He thinks he is drinking coffee.

j, k, and s's d said...

This is a silly topic but I am actually serious. Why is this subject taboo? People are willing to talk about all other ailments but anything to do with their arse is off limits. Why? Is it too embarrassing?

Also, people are more willing to accept burps but not farts. Why?