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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Yes all, I have become a beer snob. Back in the good ole' days, I was comfortable with the cheapest and nastiest piss water I could afford. I could be happy with an Olympia, Natural Light, Schlitz, Milwaukee Best, Busch, or any mixture of that combination as long as I got my freak on. As those of you who know me, I spent the better part of the 1990-1992 time frame in a drunken haze.

Well, NO MORE!!! I am a snob and proud of it. I have come to appreciate the finer beers our world has to offer. I am a connosieur you could say of fine beer. A nice frosty Coors Light in its protective can is a sure fire way for me to hop on the love train. Okay, I continue to joke (as is my nature -- it is a protective mechanism for me to not deal with my one flaw).

Truly, I enjoy all types of beer. My goal is to seek and find the world's most perfect beer and I implore all of you to join me in this quest. Right now, I tend to enjoy Samuel Adams, Corona Light/Modelo Especial, Blue Moon, and Heineken Light.

If you others are snobs as well and know of a great beer that you can tell me about (or a great beer story), please pass along so that I can continue my quest for the "world's most perfect beer."


Rob said...

Pass me a Shaeffer. Anyone have any Schlitz around? Stroh's Bohemiam? Whatever, just give me a Pabst Blue Ribbon and I AM OUTTA HERE!

j, k, and s's d said...

Schlitz, Stroh's, Shaeffer, PBR?!!! Why don't I just piss in a cup and give that to you? Not only would it taste better but you would probably get a quicker/more intense buzz.

deepie said...

Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale.

I can see JKD's filthy mind having fun with the name, but you will enjoy this beer. It's a bit on the heavy side as are most English ales, but it is delightfully refreshing with a hint of hazelnut flavor and effervescent aromas.

Also try Pilsner Urquell. It's like Heineken only a hundred times better.

The best college beer of all time has to be Beast ICE. It wasn't available for long, but man was it a good tasting beer for $7 a joke.

j, k, and s's d said...

Never heard of Samuel Smith. However, the "Nut Brown" Ale reminds me of Austin Powers when he drinks the "coffee (in actuality it's Fat Bastard's stool sample)" and comments that "it's a bit nooty." Still, I may have to give it a try as my journey for the perfect beer continues.

Pilsner Urquell is a fine beer but not sure if it meets the standard of "world's most perfect beer."

Beast ICE was not available when I was partaking in my studies. Regular Beast could be purchased and enjoyed for less than $6/case.

Actually, also while I was in my studies, Miller came out in trial markets with their Clear Beer. It did not last as well it shouldn't have. Tasted like club soda although it did have a higher alcohol content. I still have a few bottles as souveniers.

Amongst my many travels, I did find a quaint little brew called Kalik in the Bahamas that was rather tasty but it has been too long since I have had to claim it as the "world's most perfect beer."

The one beer that I couldn't drink was Grolsch. It was absolutely gross! However, that was back in the day when I enjoyed a nice cold Beast so my palate has since sophisticated and I would welcome another opportunity to try Grolsch.

The quest continues...

deepie said...

Smithwick's - not bad. Very similar to Newcastle.
Purple Haze - not very common but from what I can remember from about 10 years ago, it was very good.
Blue Moon - fruity...sort of like Robob.
Lal Toofan - Probably the best Indian beer I've had.

j, k, and s's d said...

Interesting choices. Have only tried Blue Moon out of those selections. Never even heard of Smithwick's or Lal Toofan. Will have to try to see if I have found the "world's most perfect beer."

Here's a little story about one of my first experiences with Corona. It was during my studies and it was Halloween and to celebrate, I ponied up and bought a six pack of Corona and a couple of limes. I had a large plastic cup and poured the Corona and squeezed a lime in the cup. Needless to say, the first Corona was like sweet golden nectar sent to me directly from God himself (to be expected when I was used to drinking Keystone pee water). The second one was equally as good. The third the smell started to get to me. Keep in mind I had no refrigerator so the beer is starting to get warm. The 4th is starting to not taste so good. The 5th the beer is getting warmer and the stench is getting stronger. The fatal mistake also was that I was not rinsing out the cup after each beer so a lot of lime pulp was collecting in the cup. By the six, I was drinking a warm beer with country style pulp that stunk. I felt like was drinking someone's vomit. I want to wretch just thinking about it.

The moral of the story: I love beer SO much that even if it tastes like vomit, I can handle it! YAY!

Rob said...

You have a way with words. You really should write some short stories or a novel.