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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Skins fall to G-men

The only real noteworthy item in this game was the return of RG3. 

Thought he played pretty well.  He was very good in the first half but the entire offense sputtered in the second half. 

Can't put all the blame on him for the issues.  The already challenged O line was decimated and ended up with Compton, Lavau, Chester, Who Knows, and Polumbus.  There was no time.

I do think that there are times when RG3 is holding on to the ball too long.  He still needs to better understand the concepts of the offense in order to get the ball out quicker.  Still, when he had time, he delivered the ball accurately.  It seemed clear to me that he is the more dynamic QB with the much higher up side. 

A couple of other notes:

1. Can someone stop Beckham?  This guy single handedly torched us.  He is a very good WR but we made him look like a perennial all pro.  At some point, they should have done something to take him away.

2. No pressure on Eli.  Just as RG3 struggled with protection, Eli often times had plenty of times to deliver the ball.  If you give even a poor QB time, more often than not, he will be able to complete the pass.

3. Where is the run game?  Morris has struggled all year.  This is an issue.  I imagine it is a combination of scheme, line, and Morris.  Still, it doesn't help our QB (whoever it is) when we are always put into 2nd and 3rd and long.

4. Questions on Gruden.  If you look at the stats, most, if not all, offensive stats have gone down.  Gruden is supposed to be the offensive genius but it just hasn't translated.  The other issue is that he seems to have really botched the QB situation.  From the outside, it appears that there is not direction for this team.  Who is the QB?  Seems like it is hard to establish any consistency for the QB as well as the entire offense when they are constantly being swapped. 

5. Special Teams better but still not good.  We need guys that are hungry to make a play get on special teams.  These guys seem too comfortable to be on the roster.  Don't see enough hunger from these guys.

The one good thing was this week there wasn't any new big story that came out.  Final two games are against Philly and Dallas and have big playoff implications for those teams so there is still a lot to play for.  Will be interesting to see how they perform.


JSR said...

Glad to see RG3 to play again. He should be starting this week also. He is definitely the best QB on the team and they should be tailoring the offense to his strengths. Not just him but as a unit, the coaches should be tailoring to the strengths of the offense. I hope they play well the last two games.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree. There seems to be a disconnect. Build an offense that is suited to RG3's skill set. Otherwise, Gruden and RG3 have to commit to the system Gruden wants to run. If RG3 doesn't like that, too bad. If RG3 is not grasping Gruden's offense, it's up to Gruden to get him ready.

Not sure what/where the disconnect is. I do believe Gruden is a decent coach and I do believe RG3 has talent. Hopefully they can figure this thing out.

I do like RG3 getting this opportunity. These are meaningful games and an opportunity for him to show something. Will be interesting to see what he can do.