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Monday, December 8, 2014

Skins shutout at home

Another week and another low.  Just when you thought the Skins hit rock bottom, they find another way to take it one rung down.

Not much to say.  Just beaten in all three phases of the game. 

Interesting thing is the McCoy got hurt and it possibly opens the door for RG3 to return.  Not sure why you wouldn't play him.  If you don't think that Colt is the answer, why play him?  Might as well see what you have in RG3.  Curious what the relationship is b/t Gruden and RG3.  I know there have been a number of reports and "multiple sources" have said this and that.  Who knows what the real truth is?  If Gruden thinks that little of RG3 than might as well get rid of him. 

My thoughts are there is no point in releasing him UNLESS Gruden just can't get along with him or the team/organization feels that he is too big a distraction to keep around and just don't believe he can play the game.  Might as well keep him and work with him the entire off season and see what he can do.  The guy is 24 years old and if you look at film of him in college or his rookie season you can see he has a ton of talent.  See what you have in him and see if he can get back to a level at or close to where he was. 


JSR said...

I still believe RG3 is the best qb on the team and should be starting Its still very surprising and confusing as to why Colt was made the starter. He is in no way the future of the Skins. A team does not go 3-10 because of the QB alone. Griffin only played in about 5 of the 13 games. There are many other problems to be considered and to simply expect Griffin or any of the other QBs to magically mask all of the short comings of the team and win games is just not being an educated fan. Especially when Griffin is coming off a major injury. Griffin is not the problem. Alfred Morris is not the problem. Jordan Reed, Desean Jackson, Garcon, are not the problem. Yet they are still going 3-10 to probably 3-13. In the 8 games without Griffin, the skins wen 3-5. Hardly acceptable. Yet most fans take the easy route and blame Griffin. You know I could understand if they went 5-3 without Griffin and then Griffin came in and mucked it up. But that was clearly not the case. Gruden should have let Griffin play the season out and get some of his confidence back or at least see what he can do. I am beginning to speculate that Gruden did not want Griffin to succeed and may not have done anything to help Griffin.

The bottom line is that these guys are professionals. There is not that much of a drop off in their abilities as compared to the Rams or any other team for them to get shut out. Any time a team gets beat like 24-0, it falls squarely on the coaching. Either the players are not responding to the coach or the coach is not preparing them adequately and is clueless. In either case, the coach has to go. I am not impressed with Gruden as a coach. His terrible decision to replace RG3 with Colt McCoy is a glaring indication of his cluelessness.

j, k, and s's d said...

Somewhat agree with your comments. I do think RG3 there is something wrong with RG3. He seems to be lacking confidence and I'm sure Gruden is assessing him not just in games but what he was seeing daily in camp and at practice. His fundamentals do seem to be lacking. However, some of that falls right on Gruden. He is supposed to be a QB guy, and offensive guy and RG3 has not progressed under Gruden.

Also, our offense as a whole is not as good as last year. If you look at the overall stats, we aren't as good. I would agree that much of this falls on Gruden.

I also don't like the swapping of QBs. It gives no consistency to the offense and the team. It also creates a feeling of distrust and unrest with the QBs and Gruden.

Moving forward I would say that Gruden should spend the entire offseason working with RG3 to get him prepared. That falls on both of them. If RG3 for whatever reason, cannot become a strictly pocket passer, than just go back to running the read option. In 2012, RG3 was incredible and our offense was one of the better offenses in the league. I don't care if people call it a gimmick and if it's not sustainable for the long term and that it's not good for RG3 health. He is the player and he has to be used to the best of his talents. If that's what he is good at, do that. If his career is shortened because of it, than fine. Better to have a short great career than becoming a journeyman trying to find a game that may not be there.

If you look at film of RG3 in college or as a rookie, it's clear he is a special talent. He just needs to be used the right way.

This is Gruden's job. I think he should come back as I wouldn't agree with only giving him one year. Firing him only means we have to start over and who knows what you will get. The only way I would want to see Gruden fired is if the Skins just lay down these last three games. Otherwise, bring him back and give him another year to prove himself. However, he really needs to step up and show something. Another year of this is unacceptable and will warrant his dismissal.

JSR said...

Yeah true. I think Gruden should get another year to show some improvement with this team. That is the professional thing to do. But the pressure is on him next year. You're right about the consistency thing and I agree about having RG3 play his game even if it leads to more injuries. He needs to play the game the way he knows.

I just don't think that RG3 is the source of the problem. His low output is the result of other problems. Yet he was benched and has taken most of the blame. When the decision to bench RG3 was made, it just seemed like Gruden deflected the blame from himself and the rest of the team and the actual source of the problem and focused it on RG3 by benching him. That is not fair. To me that is not leadership.

I would say that the performance of the defensive unit has contributed to more losses than RG3's performance. Why has Haslett not been relieved of his post? There are other areas of the team that have performed poorly, and I understand that injuries reduce depth and you can just replace everyone who is not performing, but when there are so many players on the field that are not performing, why would you single one out and bench him as if he is the cause of it. It is not like Colt McCoy has all of a sudden rejuvenated the team. They just got shut out by the Rams. Its baffling that Gruden seriously believes that Colt McCoy gives the Skins the best chance of winning. Clueless.

This team wasn't going anywhere this year. What difference would have made by keeping RG3 in? Worst case scenario, he would have learned the offense a little more, got some game experience, gained some confidence. The kid is smart, he would have had the chance to make adjustments in his game and improve after a few weeks and who knows, maybe start winning a few games. There would have at least been some consistency. He has talent and skills. We have seen it. He can make throws and shred defenses. At the very worst case scenario, it would have been clear whether this guy is the future or not. Right now, the question has no clear answer.

I just don't think he was given a fair chance. I think his confidence level was shattered instead of built up by a coach who seems clueless.

j, k, and s's d said...

Definitely pressure on Gruden next year. The offensive numbers are down. RG3 has not progressed. These are on Gruden. He needs to show improvement next year.

Agree that RG3 is not the only problem on the team. The O line has been sub par. However, I do think there is something wrong with RG3. He does not seem to be understanding the concepts of the offense or having difficulty executing them. Cooley had a good article a couple of weeks back detailing specific plays that RG3 was not able to execute basic concepts. There were several plays that he documented. I'm assuming Gruden didn't just evaluate the games but recognizes that even in practice he was struggling with the concepts. I have to assume this was some of his reasoning for making the switch at QB. I can imagine it would be frustrating to draw up a game plan and call plays only to have a QB not being able to understand them. However, this is also on Gruden to make sure RG3 understands. Again, my thoughts are that Gruden needs to spend the entire offseason with RG3 to get him to understand the concepts.

Yeah, defense has been an issue. VERY inconsistent. They can look good for much of the game and then have a few plays where they completely blow it leading to big plays for the other team. It is mind boggling that there are so many blown coverages each and every week. Not sure I have ever seen that. Someone needs to take the fall for that. Whether it is Haslett and/or Raheem Morris or if it players not executing the calls.

Again, I will say that if RG3 cannot understand the offense than Gruden should build an offense that is tailored to RG3's strengths. We know he can play as he has done it most of his career and has shown he can do it at the professional level. I fail to believe he has just completely lost his ability to play. Design an offense that caters to his strengths. That is a part of coaching.

As Gruden said about the QBs, "the clock is ticking" but it is now clicking on him.