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Monday, June 16, 2014

Spurs win

Photo: SPURS!

Spurs finished off the Heat last night in what really ended up not being much of a series.  The Spurs exposed the Heat for what they are...basically Bron Bron James, a 7 foot praying mantis that likes to shoot threes, an aging/broken down dude that used to be a bigger star, and then a bunch of old dudes some of which can hit threes on occasion. 

The Spurs played tremendous team ball on both ends of the court.  They have an incredibly deep bench and can beat you in so many ways.  They appear very unselfish and look like they all get along and understand the system instituted by a great coach in Popovich.  They are the NBA version of the Patriots.  In today's NBA we often see "me" type players and selfish basketball where the offense does limited passing and end up giving it to one guy to go one on one.  The Spurs moved the ball quickly and well and the guys without the ball were in constant motion.  It was just really good unselfish team basketball which is pretty refreshing.

On the flip side, Bron Bron was the only real bright spot.  Outside of his cramps and his tummy hurting, he had a good series.  Frankly, as badly as the Heat were beaten in the last three games, if I am Spoelstra, I say give the ball to Bron Bron every possession and Bron Bron shoot.  We are living and dying with Bron Bron. 

Will be interesting to see what happens to the Heat in the offseason.  They have a number of restricted FAs including Bron Bron, D Wade, and Bosh.  Ray Allen and Battier will retire.  Win or lose, Beasley was going to go smoke some weed.  Andersen will get another tattoo.  Haslem is old.  Bosh is no superstar so he'll stay in Miami.  D Wade can't play a full year and is limited even when he plays.  He is really showing his age but he'll stay around.  The real question is Bron Bron.  This is a guy that what ever team he lands on, he immediately makes that team a playoff contender.  Would love to see Bron Bron bring his talents back home to Cleveland.  Cleveland has a couple of young players they can build around, not to mention the number one overall pick in the draft.  They are trying to find a coach that could work with Bron Bron.  If he went there, Cleveland all of a sudden becomes one of the better teams in a weak Eastern conference.  We'll see what happens.

Until then, congrats to Duncan and the Spurs and welcome to stardom Kawhi Leonard.  Also, good show of class/sportsmanship to Bron Bron for congratulating the Spurs.

Now, on to the World Cup and then NFL training camp.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Redskins / Native American commerical

Interesting commercial that was aired in select cities during last night's NBA championship game.  Nice commerical; however, the name won't change any time soon.

Frankly, the commercial is good in that it brings some attention to native Americans and their struggles but it almost seems silly that given all of their hardships, we are talking about a mascot.  I watched the commercial and frankly had more pride in our logo.  Again, I don't want to offend anyone but the mascot/name FOR ME pays tribute to the native Americans and their bravery.  Again, that is HOW I TAKE IT.  I DO NOT want to offend. 

I have said that if they changed the name to the Washington Warriors and kept everything the same, I'd be cool with that.

Still, the commercial seems to bring bigger issues to light than a mascot and leaders should be ashamed for what has happened to native Americans.  Frankly, Dan Snyder has set up foundations to help native Americans and is probably doing more than our Government.