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Monday, September 16, 2013

Skins defense SUCKS!!!!

First, let me give JSR credit for predicting the score.  He predicted 38-21 and it was 38-20 so good job JSR.

Now let me get into the game.  Defense SUCKS!!!  I am obviously not part of the film and coaching sessions but it seems like a combination of poor coaching and execution.   I say coaching because for much of the first half the Puckers are doing short passes left and right and we just aren't in position to make the plays.  I say execution because there were several plays where just poor tackling allowed for many extra yards for the Puckers.  I like Kerrigan but he isn't getting much consistent help from anyone else. Meriweather was okay but he's an idiot that can't stay on the field.  He has a helmet to helmet with Lacy knocking Lacy out of the game and then follows that up with another helmet to helmet knocking himself out of the game.  Haslett has to figure this out ASAP otherwise they need to fire his ugly arse.  I get that Rodgers is arguably the best QB in the game today and they have plenty of weapons but we were shredded and it looked too easy for them.  That has to change.

Offense is okay.  Problem is that for the second week in a row we couldn't sustain drives in the first half.  We had a lot of difficulty converting third downs.  The good thing is that I feel a whole lot better about where we are with the offense and feel like that is close to being successful.  RG3 looked a bit more comfortable this week compared to the previous week.  Morris ran for over a 100 yards on very limited carries so the run game will be there.  Jordan Reed is looking more and more like a solid weapon although what has happened to Fred Davis?  Imagine Davis will be let go at the end of the year especially if he is eyeing a big contract.  Garcon had a big game (150+ yards receiving).  The big problem with the offense was not being able to convert first downs in the first half but that will come so not too worried about our offense.  As RG3 gets more comfortable, things will click just fine.

Special teams was subpar.  I am not a fan of Chris Williams as a kick/punt returner.  He doesn't seem to have the quickness we need and I think he is trying to hard to make a play at the detriment of the team.  Niles Paul headbutt was dumb.  We had a chance to pin the Puckers back at their 10 yard line and he gets an unsportsmanlike penalty.  Just dumb.  Harry Potter sucks.  Sav Rocca had another shank.  Can't understand how a punter shanks punts.  They get paid big bucks to kick the ball.  In practice, they have nothing else to do but kick the ball.  While there have been issues with special teams, I am not too concerned about this area as well.

The real issue is defense which is offensive.  I'm not seeing much there.  While it is bad, I'm not at the point of panicking.  In fact, I'm far from it.  However, this week we go up against Stafford and CJ and if we get torched again, I will be very concerned.  The following week is Oakland and we get torched there, I'm putting up the alert to Def Con 5 and go into full blown panic mode with imminent implosion expected.  Right now, I'm not happy but it's still early and I'm not going to overreact.  Again, comfortable that the offense will work itself out but think the defense has bigger issues.  The players say that they practiced hard but didn't execute.  We'll see if there is better results next week.


Rob said...

I think the Deadskins will play better against the Lions. Reggie Bush is hurt and if they key on CJ they should be OK defensively.

I'd like to see RG3 play better when there is something to play for. Channeling his inner Jason Campbell and getting the trash yards when the game is lost doesn't count for much.

I think RG3 will play much much better this week because the rust is off. Playing at home against a team that is a bit banged up is a much better matchup.

j, k, and s's d said...

I expect to play better too. I expect more of a sense of urgency. This is an early season "must win" game so I think everyone's (players, coaches, fans, etc.) expectations will be heightened.

The offense will start clicking better. The offense is only as good as RG3 and right now he is shaking off the cobwebs and so is the entire offense. It will all get better.

Hopefully Forbath comes back because Harry Potter sucks! Rocca will be better or we have to start considering a new punter.

Defense will be interesting. I expect the Lions will review the game Skins game film from the last two weeks and try a lot of the shorter/quicker passes so we'll see how we are able to respond to this.

My expectations are much higher this week. Frankly, I didn't expect to beat the Packers this week. The Packers are like 22-1 at Lambeau the last couple of years so it is a tall order for even the best teams. I just expected a better performance than the one we gave. The Lions at FedEx is a very different situation and we need to be better. Should be interesting to see what happens.

Rob said...

If the Deadskins get blown out again I am fairly confident that Haslett will get fired. I don't think it is all his fault, but the Deadskins just look horrible on D and they cannot fire all the players.

I expect the Lions to play more hurry-up which really seems to be the problem for the Deadskins.

JSR said...

Good game from the Packers. I was happy overall. Except for the 4 sacks. That being said, the Skins have too build on that. At this time, that defense needs to help RG3. They won't face Aaron Rodgers every week either and they have to keep the skins in the game. The next two opponents are very beatable. They can get to 2-2. Thats def within range but they have to win or at least have a close game this weekend. RG will get better. I dont know if he will be the same old RG but either way he was rusty to start the season. It also could be that his knee needs a few more weeks for the coaches to be comfortable calling runs for him. Its also interesting to hear what the media is saying. Ive heard that he needs to be benched. I couldn't disagree more. He is not the problem. Its the defense.

j, k, and s's d said...

Not surprising that some idiots (certain fans and media alike) bring up benching RG3. That's moronic. Those are the guys that no nothing about football. As I've said (and I think we are all well aware of it), some people have kneejerk reactions after a win or loss. A loss, and everyone needs to be fired. A win, and we are on our way to the Super Bowl.

RG3 has been fine. He is the least of the problems. He's a little rusty but all things considered, I think he has played pretty well. He needs to get better and the only way that will happen is if he gets playing time. It will come. If we win the next two games, these same people that are talking about benching RG3 will be praising him and talking about Super Bowl. It's ridiculous and those people's comments should be summarily dismissed for the garbage that it is.

I could understand those comments if the defense was playing lights out and the special teams was unbelievable but RG3 was throwing 4 INTs a game. That's not happening. It's the defense that is really struggling.

I think the losses of Carriker and Jenkins hurts a lot but there is still enough talent here that they should be better than they are. Again, I expect better overall play this weekend. However, another blowout and Haslett is on the hotseat. Another blowout loss to the Raiders and he's gone.

Raheem Morris would take over the defense and we'd start anew.

One other thought is that I wonder what the status is of Tanard Jackson. He's been out of football for a year but I wonder we could see him at some point. Another option would be to sign Kerry Rhodes on the cheap.

Rob said...

RG3 doesn't play defense - so there is nothing he can do about that. I think he should play so that he can shake off the rust. However, there is a legitimate argument that can be made for putting RG3 on the bench. If he is not completely healthy and a few more weeks of rehab could help him regain some strength and speed, then they should consider it.

The thing that makes RG3 so dangerous is his legs. The Deadskin offensive line is not that good and cannot just straight up pass block. When RG3 can actually run, the pass rush is under control.

I wouldn't bench him, but if he is still hurt he should not be playing.

Defensively they need to get some secondary help. Chase Minnifield can make plays and tackle better than what they have had the last couple of weeks. I would also look to sign some guys off the street to push their young guys and provide some stability.

Changing defensive coordinators is not an ideal situation, but last year the Ravens changed offensive coordinators later in the year and they won the Super Bowl. Haslett probably should be gone given their defensive statistics this year and last year.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree with your first comment. Kirk Cousins doesn't play defense and he isn't as good as RG3 so no sense in making a change. Most fans are morons and cry backup QB at the drop of a hat. It's stupid.

Aside from the fact that RG3 is better, putting in Cousins has further implications as it would tick off RG3 and disrupt the team and then if Cousins wasn't good, it would be even more disruption to go back to RG3. Plain and simple, it doesn't make sense.

I could understand if RG3 was very much unhealthy and/or if he was throwing 4 picks a game but the fact of the matter is that he isn't the reason we are losing. Our defense has been atrocious.

Disagree with the Skins O line. It is a fine O line. Is it stellar? Probably not but I can't think of a team that has a stellar O line. I'm fine with the O line.

I do agree that if RG3 isn't healthy and we are risking his health, he shouldn't be playing. I doubt that is the case. Also, you have to stick with the guy and let him shake the rust off. He looked better this past week than the week before and I expect him to get better/more comfortable with each passing week.

Chase Minnifield isn't that great. He got torched in the preseason a few times. I know you like him because he is a UVA grad but that isn't reason enough to bring him in. David Amerson has been pretty good at the CB spot. It really is the safety play that is hurting us.

Another couple of 30 plus points against us particularly against the Lions and Raiders and Haslett has to go. We are ranked at or near the bottom in most defensive categories after two weeks. That has to change. I understand there are some personnel issues but coaching is an issue too. Case in point, we got a few sacks early on against the Puckers. The Puckers made adjustments and started throwing short, quick passes and were very effective. It took us a very long time to react to that. That part is coaching.

Defensively we need to be better in all aspects (playing, coaching, etc.).

It's only been two weeks so no need to panic but the play has to improve over the next couple of weeks.

Rob said...

The only comment I will make is the offensive line is not good. I think Suh is going to move around and roll through weak spots in the line. I would not be surprised to see him get 2 or 3 sacks this week - in fact, I would be surprised if he didn't have multiple sacks by himself.

j, k, and s's d said...

That's fine if you want to say the O line is not good but is it based on anything or just a subjective comment?

They have only allowed 4 sacks this season and that includes having to be in situations in both games where we are forced to throw often and defenses can pin their ears back and rush/blitz.

We also have been effective in the run game with limited carries.

Again, I won't say they are stellar but I would not say they are not good. Just curious if you have any basis or if this is just Robs view of the world.

Rob said...

Obviously it is my opinion. Just as you write your opinion, I write my opinion.

If you think the line is playing pretty well that is fine with me. I don't think they are, but I haven't officially "graded" the line after each game.

It just seems to me that they are having trouble protecting RG3.

From the Post today.

Here is another piece that I just pulled up that technically details some of the Deadskin offensive line troubles.

I have my opinion, but within five minutes I found these pieces that support my opinion. I think it is pretty clear they are struggling as an offensive line unit.

Suh and a dinged up Fairley are going to cause problems for the Deadskins. The question is how well the o-line will handle them. I picked the Deadskins this week, but if Fairley is healthy and it looks like Reggie Bush will be playing, I am starting to lean toward the Lions coming into FedEx and winning.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's four sacks. It's not like the Browns who have obvious O line issues. Morris got over 100 yards on limited carries last week. Don't understand how it's been a bad O line but whatever.

Rob said...

You need to take off your burgundy and gold goggles and get real. The O line has been bad this year.

It has only been 2 games, but it has been a bad 2 games so far. We'll see if they can clean things up and play better.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't have burgundy and gold goggles on.

They have been fine. In the Eagles game, I was frustrated because they kept blitzing right up the gut and it took a little while before our RB figured out he needed to pick that up. Otherwise, the O line play has been good enough.

Rob said...

Only Deadskin fans who are fooling themselves think the O-line has been solid and that RG3 is just working off rust.

The reality is that the O-line has not been very good and it certainly looks like RG3 is not quite ready for prime time.

Thus, it appears you have burgundy and gold blinders (not just goggles) on.

I expect Suh to break out with a multiple sack game against a weak line with a lame QB. We'll see - but good luck. I would much prefer a Deadskin victory than a loss this week.

j, k, and s's d said...

What constitutes a stellar O line? One that does not give up any sacks? One that allows for a 100+ yard rusher? Tell me which team has a stellar O line.

I'm curious so that I know what to look for.