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Friday, September 20, 2013

Iggles offense

The NFL is funny and how quickly fans/media will react.  Many people were curious about Chip Kelly's offense coming into this season and how his high tempo, quick paced offense would translate in the NFL.  Obviously, the first game it looked good.  Although now the question is how much of those results were because of the Eagles offense being good or the Redskins defense being bad?  Whatever the case, after that game, the Eagles offense became national news and everyone thought Kelly was bringing this cutting edge style of offense that would revolutionize the game.

Two weeks later and it's funny how tunes change.  I don't think people have given up on the offense but certainly the excitment has dwindled.  In fact, a poll in Philadelphia asking who's offense was better Kelly's or Andy Reid's and 70% felt Reid's was better.  I'm sure the results are skewed with fans still smarting from the fresh loss to KC.  Point is that fans change their tunes with the drop of a hat.  Wins and all is wonderful.  Losses and everyone's a goat. 

My thoughts are that Kelly certainly brings a new wrinkle to the game which is interesting.  Not sure it is sustainable.  As teams get more game film on the offense, they will have more opportunities to study it and plan against it.  The up tempo also means that both teams are tiring out.  Not sure the Iggles offensive players can sustain the pace.  If the losses mount, it will be funny how quickly the fans will say Kelly is nothing more than a college coach and can't handle the pro game.  It's what fans/media do.

Last year when Schiano took over in TB.  People commended him for his hard nose, no nonsense approach.  Now people are saying that that doesn't work in the NFL and he's too strict for the professional player.  When Zorny started out hot, his coach ratings were very high.  People loved his unorthodox, relaxed, "hip hip hooray" coaching style.  Once things turned, people said he was a push over and the Skins needed more discipline.

Will be interesting to watch Kelly's offense unfold over the course of this season.  Will he be revolutionary or will the offense just be a fad that putters out over the course of the season?  We'll see.


Rob said...

I think the offense is fine - the Eagles D stinks. Philly moved the ball pretty well against a very good KC D, but they gave up a couple of turnovers that hurt them.

That said, I don't think the offense will revolutionize the NFL. There are times when you want to have good ball control. Last week if they had managed the clock better they likely would have won, but they rushed, scored early and then their D let them down.

j, k, and s's d said...

I assume you think both their teams O lines stink too as they each allowed 5 sacks and their QBs were under duress for much of the game.

matar-alloo said...

I remember a couple games early on when the Redskins were coached under Steve Spurrier where the offense looked really good. Many fans and pundits around the league were like "Wow, maybe his system is going to work after all." And then as weeks went on, we all know what happened. There's no harm in being optimistic, but do so with caution. Most fans have difficulty with this and they should all get thapards!