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Monday, March 11, 2013

Skins moves

So the Skins don't have lots of money to work with given the $18M cap penalty they take this season.  The good news is that we are still taking care of some blue collar performers that are needed.  I like the re-signings of Logan Paulsen, Rob Jackson, and Durell Young and even LICHTENSCHTEIGER!!!! 

They let Fred Davis hit the open market so will be interesting to see what happens with him.  Would love to keep him as he is a good offensive weapon; however, he has had his share of injuries and off the field issues which have kept him from playing the last couple of years.

We are going to need to find some cap room to help sign our draft picks and even try and get a FA for the secondary.  An option being discussed is getting rid of D. Hall.  I would be okay with that.  I like D. Hall and think he is vastly underrated/under appreciated here.  I think that is in large part to his mouth.  I don't think he is deserving of his salary.  He gets paid top dollar for his position and in reality, he is an average CB in the league.  I could see them getting rid of him or certainly trying to restructure his deal.

Moss is another option.  I think Moss would be much more amenable to restructuring as he doesn't have too many options left in his career and frankly I don't think he wants to go anywhere else at this point. 

Still, I like that they kept those blue collar guys that are necessary to keeping this team moving in the right direction.  I also like that all those guys are quality character guys.

FA starts tomorrow pm.  Should be interesting.


1 comment:

j, k, and s's d said...

Hall was released this afternoon. Not much of a surprise. He's 29 years old and would have counted $8M against the cap. For his age and his play, that figure is too much particularly given our cap situation. I like Hall but I like the move. It goes along with Shanallen's M.O. and shows the difference of them compared to the Snyderatto era. Essentially, we have to be concerned about the entire team and not just a few select players. As Spock says, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few." Well said Spock...well said.