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Monday, February 4, 2013

Congrats to the RAY-vens

What looked to be a Raven blowout ended up a really exciting game that came down to the wire.  A number of key plays in this game with the biggest being the controversial no holding call on Crabtree.  Here are my biggest points of the game:
1. Flacco - He was really good.  Definitely deserving of the MVP and really proved any doubters that he is a top QB in the league.  He made a number of big throws and I'm happy for him.  He was "f'ing awesome!"
2. Kaepernik - He was good but not great.  He was pretty well contained in the run department as the Ravens did a good job of having one guy key on him on every play.  This is something the Packers (and other teams) failed miserably at.  Still, he was solid in the passing game and looks like he will be a good QB in this league.
3. Jacoby Jones return - HUGE way to start the second half.  Having already built a solid lead, Jones took the opening kick of the second half for a TD.  It was a dagger and could have very well ended the game.  I'm sure there were plenty of Raven and 49er fans thinking the game was over at that point.
4. Power outage - Strange and embarrassing for the NFL and New Orleans for this to happen on one of the biggest stages of the world.  Ended up a blessing in disguise for the 49ers as it happened shortly after the Jones TD return and it gave the 49ers time to regroup and the Ravens excitement to die down some. 
5. 49ers third quarter - When the lights came back on, the 49ers came on like gang busters.  First Crabtree scores on a TD pass, then the 49ers return a punt to the Ravens 20 yard line and Gore scores, then the 49er defense force a Ray Rice fumble deep in Raven territory for an Akers FG (which he originally missed but because of a running into the kicker penalty got another chance) to suddenly turn a blowout into a 28-23 game.
6. Boldin's 3rd and short catch - Give Jim Harbaugh credit for challenging the spot of the ball on the fourth quarter Ravens drive that initially gave them a first down at midfield but because of the challenge, made it 3rd and a foot.  Seemed like an obvious run play or QB sneak but Flacco saw man to man on the outside with Rogers on Boldin and audibled for a isolation pass play.  Rogers had really good coverage but Flacco threw to Boldin's back shoulder and Boldin used his strength to bring in that pass.  Tremendous catch coming at a huge time as there was still about 6-7 minutes to play and a drop would have given the 9ers the ball back with plenty of time down only by 2 points.  The catch kept the Ravens drive alive and resulted in a Justin Smith 38 yd FG with just over 4 minutes remaining and more importantly a 5 point Raven lead.
7. The no call holding play - REALLY tough play.  No doubt controversial.  In looking at the replays, it looks to be holding but it's understandable that a referee does not want a call to be the deciding factor in this type of game at that moment.  Often times in all sports, referees allow the players more latitude at the end games and won't call touch fouls as they want the players to decide the outcome.  It's tough for the ref in the Super Bowl with about a minute left on a fourth down play to make that call.  While I was pulling for the Ravens, I really don't have any afflitiation with either team so I didn't particularly care in the final outcome so I think I can be pretty objective.  Personally, I thought it was a good non call.  However, I am sure that if I was a 49er fan, I would be going nuts after that non call.  Again, it's a tough call and I could see it going either way.  I tend to like for refs to stay out of the way and make the non calls so I'm okay with it.  Seems fitting that in a year in which refs were such a big story in the NFL that the Super Bowl comes down to a controversial non call by the ref. 
In the end, it was an exciting game and what a way for Ray Lewis (arguably the best LB to have played the game) to end a storied career.  Almost seemed like destiny.  I'm happy for John Harbaugh as well as he seems like a great coach but an even better guy.  It's another football season in the books.  Hard to believe it is over.  We have a few months before we can get excited again as the draft is in April and we start hearing about OTAs and minicamps in May and June.  Congrats again to the Ravens and can't wait for football to return.


Rob said...

Just a fantastic Super Bowl. It really came down to the final plays and as a Ravens fan (my second favorite team next to the Bears) it was a great ending.

I agree with pretty much everything you put down. As for the final no-call, it was a great no-call. There is no way that should be called at the end of the game. However, even if it had ended in a TD and the 49ers had gotten a 2 point conversion, it would have been a 3 point game with almost 2 minutes and the Ravens would have had 3 timeouts. They very easily could have worked down for a field goal - so I don't think the game necessarily hung in the balance on that one play.

There was also the "no call" on Flacco getting blasted when he was out of bounds on the series before. The running into the kicker call that gave Akers a second shot after he missed was in error also. In the end, I think the game was called pretty well and the refs had no real bearing on the outcome of the game.

The final minutes of coaching were just better for the Ravens in my opinion. Gutsy call on the pass to Boldin on 3rd and 1. The way the Ravens used up the clock, took timeouts to really think things through, and took the safety were great - that is what I was saying they should do. I thought the 49ers made a mistake not having Kaepernik run the ball in on some misdirection or at least give him more of a pass option on 3rd and 4th downs on their final drive. I just thought John did a little better job than Jim - although I thought Jim did a great job (better than John) getting his guys to play and getting back into the game after the blackout.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree on all points. Ravens certainly would've had time to try and score again if SF had scored a TD at the end.

The out of bounds hit on Flacco was sketchy as I've seen worse called but I was okay with it. Again, I prefer for "iffy" penalties to not be called.

Not sure I agree with you on the Akers FG attempt but I'd have to look at that one more closely. I actually missed it live but went back quickly with the DVR to see it but I moved passed it quickly to catch up to the live action so I didn't get a great look at it.

Agree that it was good coaching on both sides. I like John Harbaugh's more calming/confident demeanor as opposed to the more fiery Jim Harbaugh.

BTW - I love in Jim's post game comments how he said he wanted to take the high road on the officiating but then ripped them. That seems like classic Jim.

Real Kept Guy said...

i didn't know San Francisco DE, Justin Smith attempted a FG for the Ravens during the Super Bowl. that is indeed odd