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Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Just a few days into camp and already there are concerns about the Redskins O line. First Jamal Brown is on the PUP and has had chronic hip issues. Apparently he was doing yoga in the offseason and was feeling great. What happened? Now, Lichtensteiger had his injured knee scoped out and is likely out for all of preseason. Not that Lichtensteiger is an All Pro or anything but he was the starter. I believe Willie Smith is also hurt. This could all pave the way for rookie Josh Leribeus to get extra work. We do have better depth at the O line but this is certainly not a stellar group. Will be interesting to see how the group holds up and plays trying to protect rookie RG3.


It's pretty hard to believe but the Nats are the best team in baseball (based on record). I know training camp has started and the Caps have been making a couple of moves but it's surprising how quiet the town has been on the Nats given their play. I admit that I loosely watch these guys and I couldn't even tell you their starting lineup. I am not a huge fan of baseball and the last month or two has been the dry season of sports for me. Hopefully the Nats will make the playoffs and then I will certainly start paying attention. The thing is should they make the playoffs, they have a great chance of making some noise as they have one of the best rotations in baseball and the playoffs are all about pitching. GO NATS!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Goodbye Semin! We'll miss you.

Alexander Semin signed yesterday with the Carolina Hurricanes thus officially leaving the Capitals. He was one of the most polarizing figures on the team. At times, he showed unbelievable skill and scoring abilities but other times showing incredibly stupid decisions in taking dumb penalties and looking bored out on the ice. It was the inconsistency that was most frustrating. It's too bad because I liked him but I'm sure there were those on the team that grew tired of his antics and it was probably best for both parties for him to leave. Now he gets a fresh start and hopefully he doesn't come back to bite us. One thing for certain, judging by the video, I don't think we have much to worry about in terms of his beating anyone up.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What up, Cous?

In case RGIII sucks, we got Cousins! Actually, it is interesting that we have both these guys.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Are you ready?

He hasn't thrown an NFL pass yet but there is great reason to be excited about this kid. It will certainly be fun to watch him and after watching him and listening to him, you can't help but want to see him succeed.

I'M 40!!!!

Hard to believe but I made it! 40 went by like a blink of an eye. Mentally I don't feel 40. However, physically my body feels like 50. Emotionally I'm like 10. I suppose it all equals out. I've learned a great number of things over the years and perhaps one of the greatest lessons I've learned is that if you run up behind a woman and kick her in the butt as hard as you can, you will most likely REALLY tick her off (this is true for men too).

Monday, July 23, 2012

Paterno statue removed and sanctions imposed

The decision was made yesterday to remove the Paterno statue as it was a symbol of controversy and division. It was the right decision. Penn St. could never move forward with that statue still standing. Additionally, the NCAA took unprecedented actions against Penn State on Monday in response to the Jerry Sandusky child sexual molestation scandal, fining the school $60 million, cutting scholarships for four years, imposing a four-year postseason ban and vacating all wins from 1998-2011. Vacating the wins means the late Joe Paterno no longer is the winningest major college football coach in history. The actions were unprecedented both for their severity and how they unfolded. It's a shame for the current football players and new coach to have to be punished for past indiscretions but it is all the right decisions. Strange how Paterno who went from one of the most revered coaches in history to now being remembered for not doing enough to help kids being molested on his watch. Would be interesting to see what he felt if he was still alive. He went from being Penn St. to a person many want to erase from the school. Again, he did a lot for the university but the fact that he didn't do more to help the children is shameful and wrong and embarrassing and has ruined his legacy.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Should Paterno statue be removed?

Amid calls for the removal of football coach Joe Paterno's statue from the Penn State campus, some students have started a vigil to protect it from vandals. Seniors Mike Elliot and Kevin Berkon organized a gathering at the statue after a plane flew over the campus Tuesday with a banner that read: "Take the statue down or we will." The statue of Joe Paterno, once a rallying point for support of the late coach, has become a lightning rod for critics of the school and its football program. The students said they would be at the statue again Wednesday night, but weren't sure how long they would keep the vigil. The Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium has been a point of much contention since the results from a scathing report by former FBI director Louis Freeh were made public and greatly tarnished the reputation of a man once known as "JoePa." Critics have called for the statue to be taken down after the Freeh report concluded that Paterno was aware of allegations levied against convicted pedophile Jerry Sandusky in 1998 -- in contrast to his grand jury testimony and an interview given after his firing -- and that he was involved in the decision to not report a 2001 incident to the authorities even after his superiors had decided to. For me, there is no question that the statue should be removed. Paterno knew was made aware of what was happening and did not do what he should have done to protect those kids. He was Penn State. By all accounts, he fully ran the football program and he had a monster right under his nose doing horrific things to kids inside of his own building. Shame on him for not doing more. He would rather protect the program and his save his reputation and not risk embarrassment to himself or the school rather do the right thing and protect those kids. The statue should come down immediately. As far as these idiot students trying to keep the statue up, I bet they wouldn't have the same opinion if it was one of them or one of their friends/relatives that was abused by Sandusky. Those kids are young and silly. I'm sure Paterno did many great things in his 46 years of coaching and he helped many of his players become successful in life. However, all of that means nothing if he allowed even one child to suffer the kind of abuse described in reports at the hands of Sandusky. Tear the statue down.

Caps hire Calle Johannson as Asst. Coach

Not sure how much I like this. I did like the hiring of Adam Oates as he seems like a smart, meticulous guy. He was a great player and had time serving as an assistant on successful teams in the past (TB and NJ). However, Calle doesn't seem to have that much coaching experience. Yes, he was a great Cap and played alongside Oates for a number of years but his coaching abilities are unknown. Hopefully the pairing of Oates and Johannson will be a long and fruitful one.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"The Arm" is signed!

RGIII announced the news via Twitter saying, "Well people....It's Time to go to Work!!! Off the unemployment line and oh yea HTTR!!!!" Can't wait to see this guy. he comes