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Friday, February 24, 2012

What the hairy heck?!!!

His arms are almost as big as Deepie's. Seriously, If Landry can't go this year, this guy should just give up football and become a bodybuilder. Seems like that is where his head is. Actually, not sure he can do that given all the ink on him. Still, what the heck is this guy doing. Seems to me he is spending too much time lifting and not enough time rehabbing or getting the proper treatment to be football ready.

The thing is for what ever reason he is opting to not get surgery to correct his achilles. He didn't do it last offseason and we saw how far he got without it. Experts have said that he will not be fully healthy unless he gets the surgery. Instead he continues to try alternative treatments including platelet therapy. It won't work. He is probably too concerned about the surgery causing him to not be able to lift for several weeks.

I like Dirty 30 but I really can't see the Skins giving him an expensive long term deal. I don't think we will franchise him because that will go to Fred Davis. If Laron can get someone to bite on a long term deal, good for him. Otherwise, if we can get him on a short term incentive laden deal to prove himself healthy I'm all for it.


Rob said...

He's holding his container full of steroids and tiger blood.

JSR said...

That is not natural. I dont know if hes been tested for steroids but this should def draw attention.

j, k, and s's d said...

Landry doesn't have anything on Deepie. I put my money on Deeps!

The container said to take one serving but Landry thought it said one container. He drank the whole thing and that is what happened.

Steroids wouldn't be a big surprise especially given the brittleness that is Landry. Steroids can contribute to that.

deepie said...

Seriously dude. I'm not too thrilled about Dirty 30 Photoshopping his head on my body. Not cool, man.

Rob said...

When did you get on the "juice?"

I guess that explains why your twig and berries have all but disappeared.

Have a nice day!