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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

RGIII is available

The Rams have confirmed that they are willing to trade the #2 overall pick. Rumors have it that the Redskins are willing to trade for it. The asking price will be at least two first rounders plus additional picks. Depending on what the additional picks are, I would be willing to make this trade. We need to get that franchise QB. This year's class is thin at that position and we have to make a run at him. Other options include Manning which I don't think is an option. Flynn who the Skins are apparently not interested in. Tannehill who is a second tier college QB. Other FAs who are not that great and really aren't the long term answer to our QB situation.

The more I see/hear about RGIII, the more I like. I have long said that one of my biggest pro's for him is his discipline (coming from a military family) and his cockiness. I believe all great QBs need to have that quality as that is what separates them from others. There is a difference b/t cockiness and arrogance. All great players should have that swag that says that I can beat you no matter what. Arrogance is more talk than action. RGIII seems like the kind of guy that is willing to work hard and prove he is as advertised and he also seems like a guy that wants to prove that he is better than Luck. Lets not forget his tremendous physical abilities.

The biggest con for him though is that he has not played in a pro style offense. Also, would the Shannys try and control him too much and not allow him to use his abilities. The Shannys do like roll out plays and RGIII could use his athleticism for that. I know they want an athletic QB as that is what they hoped they were getting with Mc5 and then their reason for liking Beck. Elway and Cutler were both athletic. RGIII may fit well into their system.

The word is that the Skins have the inside track because of Shanny's relationship with Fisher and Allen's relationship with the Rams GM. Still, nothing is for certain and there is much that can happen with the Rams pick. No doubt they want to engage into a bidding war. I like that we want to enter the bidding but I just don't want to overbid because if we do and RGIII is not as advertised, it could set us back big time.


Rob said...

I would make the trade if it were 2 first round picks and a #3 and #4 (I think that is what happened for Eli).

If it is any more than that, you really have to look carefully because this is a team that has a lot of needs beyond QB and as you point out RG3 has not played in a pro-style offense.

I think the Rams are going to have options right up until the end and will give it to the highest bidder - personal relationships that may or may not exist won't play any real factor (i.e., the fact that Shanny knows Fisher won't be a part of the decision in any meaningful way).

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree that personal relationships are a minimal factor. They all have jobs to do and that is what counts.

By all accounts, everyone is high on RG3 and the fact that we don't have to spend a ton on a rookie make him attractive. Yes, the Skins have other needs but we need a QB that we can build around.

JSR said...

I would take him for two first round picks and a 3 and a 4. The Redskins are in dire need of a QB. There are not many other great options and they have to take a risk in order to have a chance at succeeding. Another key is that RG3 is likely going to struggle next year if he is starting for the Redskins. There are still a lot of missing pieces, especially on the Offensive line, and WRs. Those are the two main contributors to RG3's success or failure. Another thing is the adjustment to a pro style offense. Yet another thing is the pressure this young rookie is going to face knowing that he is to be the savior of this franchise.

Itll be a true test of RG3's character and composure. and itll be very interesting to see how he handles it.

I am all for it. It would be exciting to see a potential superstar at the QB position here in Washington. Its long over due. Picking him would be great for this market. It would give a much needed injection of hope.

deepie said...

Here's what I would give the Rams...ANYTHING TO OUTBID EVERYONE ELSE!

JSR said it. RG3 would inject hope and give the organization at least a couple more years to build a team to their liking. It's going to take 4-5 picks to move up, but consider the following: 1) the potential improvement we would see at the QB position; 2)the fact that Hankerson, Lichtensteiger, and Jenkins will be coming back; 3) Perry Riley is making strides at ILB; 4) the RB position is set.

Given the above, we can vastly improve this team by using the picks that remain and free agency to address the O line and the secondary. We may not be playoff contenders in '12-'13, but we will be in much better shape than this past season.

RG3 or bust! HTTR!

j, k, and s's d said...

The O line was not bad last season. In fact, they were much better in the latter part of the season creating holes for the running game which finally seemed to click. The O line is not stellar but it is fine and frankly every team in the NFL would want to improve their O line. While I would want a better RT, I am fine with the line.

We do need to add at WR but TE and RB is set.

D line is solid, LBs are solid, Safety will be a concern and it would obviously be great to get a shutdown CB but the biggest issue is QB and the Shannys have to get better production from that spot.

Sure there is no magic ball that guarantees RG3 will be great but by all accounts, he is worth the shot. We definitely need to make a play for him. Drafting Tannehill or someone else is like drafting Colt McCoy. Serviceable but really they are NFL backups. We need someone with more upside and the better potential for being great.

RG3 also has the mobility that the Shannys are looking for. This is going to be interesting.

deepie said...

Missing out on RG3 would be a huge disappointment in my book, but then the approach is clear. We have two options:

1. Take WR Justin Blackmon or CB Morris Claiborne with the 6th pick. Then take Brandon Weeden with the 2nd round pick. We would have to go after Kyle Orton in this scenario, or even Payton Manning.

2. If Blackmon and Claiborne are gone, trade back and acquire more picks! The middle of the 1st round pick would be the ideal spot to take Tannehill. We'd probably end up with an extra 2nd rounder if we trade back. A WR prospect and or a CB could be then be taken.

If you can put yourself in the ideal position, see if you can trade Helu or Royster as well and get Trent Richardson in the 10-15 spot. Richardson is the only other significant sure-fire difference maker available. This would be a last resort in my opinion though. I'm comfortable with the RB position as it stands, but Richardson would be a tremendous upgrade and provide for the Skins what Adrian Peterson does for the Vikings.

j, k, and s's d said...
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j, k, and s's d said...

I agree largely with your #1 and #2 scenarios. However, I would not go after Manning. Possibly Orton but I would probably opt to keep Rexy and ride with him with Weeden as the backup and ready to play if Rexy falters.