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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Luck vs. RG3

If you thought the Cam Newton-Blaine Gabbert-Jake Locker competition made for some interesting drama last spring, you ain't seen nothing yet. The Andrew Luck vs. Robert Griffin III discussion is 10 times more intriguing and is just getting started. I spoke to the draft's top two quarterbacks last week in Indianapolis, and they both clearly want to be No. 1. But while Luck approached most topics with caution, RG3 is not the type to back down from a fight or politely tip-toe when it comes to his intentions. He believes the momentum is on his side, and he's determined to show the Colts why he's the best bet in the coming 11 weeks or so.

"Perception is reality, and at the beginning of the year I wasn't on many radars,'' Griffin said. "I did have a lot more ground to cover than he did. [Luck] was the de facto Heisman winner and the de facto No. 1 pick. We already took one of those from him and we plan to continue to go out there and do that. Whether it's with the first pick in the draft, a playoff win, or who goes to the first Super Bowl.''

The more I hear about RG3, the more I like him. He seems like an incredible talent but more importantly, he is disciplined, smart, and has that cockiness which are all qualities a top level QB must have.


Rob said...

RG3 could be good or he could be David Klingler or Akili Smith. Andrew Luck has been in a pro-system offense and has played with enormous weekly pressure. If I had to choose there would be no question or doubt in my mind that Luck is the choice.

deepie said...

Luck is clearly the safest bet, but RG3 is way too intelligent and way too athletic to go down as a supreme bust. I think at worst, he'll be as productive as Mike Vick. Vick has disappointed in some seasons, but he's typically been a game changer and someone you have to game plan for, which is much more than can be said for Klingler or Smith.

j, k, and s's d said...

I honestly don't know a whole lot about either guy. From what I do know, I do believe Luck is the safer bet.

RG3 is higher risk but higher reward. What I do really like about RG3 is that he comes from a military family and is disciplined. He is a little nerdy with his love of action figures but he is proud of that. He also expects greatness. I like what he said about his "competition" with Luck. I don't like arrogant guys but I do like guys with a swagger and a bit of cockiness. There is a line b/t arrogance and cockiness and as long as it is not crossed, it can be a good thing.

RG3 hasn't played in a pro style offense but he does seem to show the smarts and dedication to learn it. Again, if the price is right, I would say go for it. Unfortunately, I believe the price is going to be too high. It's a shame that Barkley isn't coming out as I would have liked him as well.

Rob said...

No need to take a risk on RGIII in my opinion.

Luck has the highest consensus grade of any QB coming out of college since John Elway.

They guy is smart, played in a pro offense, clearly understands defenses and can make reads, and has played under enormous pressure with all eyes on him.

Sure RGIII may be good - but why take that much of a risk on a guy who played in the spread?

Colt Brennan's junior year stats at Hawaii were largely better than RGIII. That is what the spread allows a QB to do.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yeah but Colt Brennan was an idiot that couldn't run.

RGIII is much better than Brennan. Again, I don't want to bet the farm on RG3 but if the price is right, take him.

deepie said...

You seem to be forgetting about a guy by the name of Cam Newton. Remember him? He was the Heisman Trophy winner who played in a spread offense and supposedly didn't play in a complex enough system to succeed in the NFL.

When a guy has the talent, smarts, athleticism, and drive to succeed like RG3, Luck, and Newton do, you don't pass on them. These guys are rare and any team should consider itself lucky to land one of these types of guys.

Rob said...

Cam Newton is the exception to the rule. The idea that there is going to be another record-setting spread offense QB who comes out and throws for 4000 yards as a rookie is pretty hard to believe.

JSR said...

If I remember correctly, last year everyone here in Washington that I spoke with or listened to (friends and radio hosts) was scared that the Redskins would trade up to acquire Cam Newton and how drafting him would have been the worst move ever. Some even said that they would quit on being Redskins fans if Cam Newton was drafted here.

Assuming that Cam Newton is comparable to RG3, as it has been stated, isnt it odd how after one year of watching Cam Newton and his success in Carolina, everyone is now acknowledging that RG3 ie Cam Newton would be a great pick? It just reiterates that drafts are unpredictable. I mean you can guess obviously to some level but beyond determining that RG3 or Andrew Luck are top five picks, no one knows what they are going to do in the NFL.

That being said, I have to go back on my opinion. Given that Shanny is probably entering his last chance at picking his QB, I think two high (i say high because I think the redskins will be in rebuild mode next year too) first round draft picks is too great of a price to pay for playing roulette on RG3 being the savior of this franchise. Especially since there are other holes that need to be addressed. I mean at a certain price, RG3 would be a great pick. Its just going to be too much to pay. Maybe a first round this year and a tiered pick next year, that if RG 3 throws 20 or more TD's theyll give the first rounder for that year.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, you obviously didn't speak to me last year about Newton or the Skins first round pick. I wanted to go defense as that was a huge issue the year previously.

No way RG3 goes for a first rounder and a "tiered" pick. It will be at least 2 first rounders and possibly even 3. I would be okay with 2 first rounders as we need a QB. Looking at our options it is either:

1. Make a play for RG3.
2. Accept a second tier rookie QB.
3. Spend a lot in FA on either Flynn or Manning (less so on Orton).

As mentioned, I am okay with option one as long as the price is right (no more than 2 first round picks). I think option 2 is more likely.

As far as Cam, no one could have predicted the success he had this past season. Many experts did not think he could QB in the NFL and that he was more of an athlete.

RG3 is supposedly a better passer than Cam while still having the same type of intangibles that is why he gets more hype.

You're right that it's a crap shoot. Frankly, any one you draft is a crap shoot and they may or may not pan out. The problem for Shanny and the Skins is that he/we need a QB desperately and in his third year he has to show signs of improvement so we are almost forced to make a strong play on RG3 or another QB (whether FA or rookie).

Rob said...

If Cam had come to DC he would have failed. The Shannies run a certain system and it isn't a system that calls for a lot of improvisation.

Carolina was a perfect place for him - plus the team has a decent rushing attack and Steve Smith.

RG3 may or may not be a good pro, but it is unlikely that he will have the early success that Cam has had no matter where he goes - Cam's performance was completely record-setting. What is certain is that for a team to trade up will require 2 first round picks - as a minimum just to talk about a trade.