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Monday, February 6, 2012

Giants beat Patriots for the title

I don't care for either team. I was just looking for a good game. I also thought it was interesting that it was a rematch of the Super Bowl a few years back.

The game didn't disappoint. It came down to the wire but the Giants were able to pull out the victory. There are four key plays that I can think of and their order of importance from least to most include:

1. Tom Brady's intentional grounding on his first drive. Interesting in that you don't expect that type of play from a guy as seasoned as Brady. Kind of helped to set the tone of the game.

2. Cruz fumbling inside NE's 10 yard line and a Pats recovery only to be overturned because of NE having too many men on the field. Cruz ended up scoring a TD on that drive. HUGE turn of events.

3. Manningham's sideline catch on the gamewinning drive. Great catch on the sideline and his ability to keep both feet in bounds. Lost in the catch is the great throw by Manning on that route. It was a defining play in the game.

4. Welker's drop that led to the Giants game winning drive. It was a moderately difficult pass in that it was behind him and he had to spin around to catch it but it's a catch he admittedly says he makes all the time and one that he HAS to make. There wasn't anyone around him and if he catches it, it's a first down inside of Giant territory. The Pats could have knocked off a lot more time off of the clock and it is pretty safe to assume, they would have gotten a FG out of that drive. Welker seems like a good dude so it is tough for him as that is a play he will remember for the rest of his life. I know his teammates say that it wasn't just that one play that lost the game and it is true to some degree but I have often said that most football games are decided by a handful of plays and that was one of them. You expect your stars and big time players to make plays and Welker came up short on that one. At the moment of that play, it doesn't matter what had taken place in the game prior. It was set up for that moment and his catch and he didn't come through. Ultimately, it appears it cost his team the Super Bowl.

In the end, an exciting game. I thought the Giants would win as they seem to be the more complete team. They also came in as the hotter team. There is no question that they are the champions having beaten the best on their road to the Super Bowl. Disposing of GB at Lambeau and then traveling across the country and taking care of the 49ers at Candlestick and then the seasoned Pats in the Super Bowl. I don't care for the Giants but I respect their accomplishment and they deserve congratulations. I remember earlier in the season JSR making fun of the East and claiming the North's (particularly GB's) dominance. I suppose the East is better than he thought.

Until next season...HAIL SKINS!!!


JSR said...

It was a fun game to watch. Should have been the Packers repeating rather than the Giants though. Still bitter about that. I did think the Giants would beat the Patriots prior to the game, but I thought it would be higher scoring. It was almost the identical game to 2008. Even the score was almost exactly the same.
I stand by my opinion that the NFC north is a better division than the NFC east at the moment. Three of the four teams finished .500 or better with the Packers getting the best record in the league and the Lions finishing at 10-6 and the Bears at 8-8. The Giants happened to peak at the right time which has to do with their own organization, coaching, and players rather than anything to do with any of the other NFC east teams. Similar to the Cardinals a few years ago. No one would think that the NFC west that year was better than any division by any means.

I cant believe this season is over already. Atleast we get a full offseason this year. Itll be interesting to see what all of the teams do this year. I am interested in seeing what the Redskins do. I hope they make some sound decisions and really improve this offseason. i hope they can resolve their QB issue without Peyton Manning. I still think this is it for Shanny. If he comes away with another 5-11 or 6-10 season, Id be shocked if he survives black monday next year with Dan Snyder. I think he needs to get his team to go 8-8 at least in order buy some more time. Itll be fun an interesting to see what happens.

j, k, and s's d said...

Shouldn't have been the Packers repeating as they were beaten by the Giants. Giants were clearly the better team in that game. They peaked at the right time and showed that they were balanced.

Football is interesting because it isn't how you start but how you finish. Giants started hot, got cold, but heated up again when it counted.

Honestly, there is so much parity in the NFL that a good 85% of the teams are in the muddled middle with a couple of teams at the top and a couple at the bottom.

As far as the Redskins offseason, the QB position will obviously need to be addressed. It will be VERY interesting to see what they do. I am not in favor of getting Peyton. It really will be a defining decision in the Shanny era so hopefully he doesn't botch it. We'll see.

deepie said...

It was a great instant classic. We had exceptional QB play by an all-time great and by a guy making a strong case to be considered elite. The defenses were stout and we got a good sense of the strategy of the game with the methodical and clutch drives by both teams. Games like that make it harder to accept that the season is over. I want more!

As far as the Skins are concerned...RG3 or bust!!!! If we can't get him, we have to address either the o-line or the secondary in the first round then go after the kid from Texas A&M with the next pick. Rumors are flying around that we'll pick up Kyle Orton, which would be perfect for allowing RG3 or A&M-boy develop. Both of those kids are extremely bright kids who value family and education...enough for me to believe they have their heads on straight and can be effective leaders. Throw in some NFL-level talent and we suddenly have a bright future with our QB situation.