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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Caps caught in the eye of the Hurricane

PATHETIC!!!! Caps get demolished 5-0 against the worst team in the Eastern Conference. Beaten in EVERY aspect of the game. We were out shot, out hit, out hustled. Gave up a PP AND shorthanded goal. There was nothing positive about this game. It was the worst showing I had seen under Hunter's watch. The worst showing since a game earlier in the year against the Sabres when we were dominated against a ridiculously undermanned Sabre team that was pretty much playing their AHL team because of all of their injuries.

I REALLY don't understand the direction of this team. Frustrating because we cannot score any goals. I can't remember the last time I heard of Ward or Halpern or Beagle or anyone other than Ovie, Brower, or Semin scoring a goal. There is no movement. There are too many turnovers. It's just bad play all around. Not sure if it is coaching or players but it's pathetic. Frankly, I don't even know if it is worth making a trade because we don't seem close to making a solid run for the Cup this year. I would almost rather keep younger talent and/or draft picks to try and rebuild with some younger guys.

Because of the sad state of the SE division, we still find ourselves in the thick of things with several games to play but with the kind of efforts we have seen recently, there is no reason to believe we will get into the playoffs. Obviously, I am very disappointed as I keep hoping for better fortunes in the next game but continuously get surprised at the lack of effort. Will be interesting to see how this team responds over the last few weeks of this season and then what happens in the offseason particularly if we do not make the playoffs.


Rob said...

You know what the problem is - Ovechkin.

I hate to say it, but I am pretty much convinced that he is responsible for destroying the team.

The guy has not been the "Great 8" in a couple of years. He has notoriously bad work habits and ethic and is recognized as fairly lazy. All the guys who leave the Caps talk about how he is not a real leader and how he would often miss practices and never came to optional skate sessions.

This year, when Boudreau benched him he was bothered to the point where he must of gone to management and asked to have Boudreau fired. I don't have evidence of this, but there is no way in the world that Ovie wasn't at least consulted (and I think he asked for it) before Boudreau was fired.

The Caps indulged him (again - as they always do) and he hasn't picked up his game. On top of that there were guys in the locker room that loved Boudreau (Laich, Alzner, and Mike Green come to mind).

With Anaheim doing so well - as a result of Boudreau - and the Caps pretty much continuing to suck - I bet there are a lot of guys in the locker room that don't like Ovie. He has not been particularly vocal or done anything to lead. It seems to me that he wants out because of the mess he has largely created.

Sucks to say it, but I think it is pretty much true. Hunter will be gone this year, some other guys need to go, but the guy at the center of it all is Ovie - I think he may need to go also if what I believe is correct.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't really buy your theory. What you posted is largely speculation. I don't doubt that Ovie's work habits are questionable but there is no doubt that his effort during games is second to none. It is also apparent that he cares to win more than any individual accomplishment. He is the first guy to cheer for a guy that scores a goal and he is very vocal in his support of his teammates. That much is clear.

As far as Boudreau and Ovie going to management, there is no evidence of that. Sure, it's possible but it's equally as possible that he did nothing of the sort so no point in bringing that up because we don't know.

What is clear is that Boudreau needed to go. Boudreau is admittedly at fault for changing his style of hockey and trying to become something he isn't. The players did not respond to him and it was time for him to go. I was sad to see him leave but I do believe it was time and I am happy that he got another chance with the Ducks and is thriving as he is able to start fresh and coach the way he knows how. He wouldn't have been able to revert to his old self here. He had gone too far down another path to turn around.

I can't put the issues squarely on Ovie. There are too many vets on this team to allow for one guy (even Ovie) to allow for things to unravel. Also, I don't think Hunter would stand for the complete lack of responsibility/accountability from Ovie as you seem to indicate.

I don't expect Hunter back. I expect to get a proven NHL hockey coach to be brought in to bring in more accountability. We could use a guy like Tortorella or Keenan. Obviously Tortorella is in NY and Keenan is too old but we need more of a disciplinarian and no coddler but also a guy that is a proven winner.

Rob said...

Boudreau was asked to change by management to fix the laziness in the locker room (i.e., Ovie).

I'm sorry, but no coach is going to get fired/hired without at least consulting the star player, or trying to soothe the star player. It happens in every sport with star athletes.

I do not believe that Ovie is respected in the locker room. Guys who leave never really say anything good about him and the word has spread across the NHL. That is also why he is considered largely overrated this year as a player by NHL peers. He is #2 on the overrated list.

Finally, the listless performances and weak play of the team continues - which supports my hypothesis. If he commanded respect of his teammates the Caps wouldn't be playing sub-.500 hockey during crunch time. It is not just bad luck - it is poor effort and poor leadership from a non-existent "captain."

j, k, and s's d said...

Boudreau and McPhee met regularly in Boudreau's office to discuss personnel and play. They had a good relationship. I am fairly positive that they agreed on the change in style. Boudreau would not have made the change if he did not agree with it. He ADMITTEDLY said he was wrong in trying to change. In hindsight, I agree. At the time, it made sense.

It's fine if the star player (in this case Ovie) was consulted but it was clear that Boudreau had lost the players ears as it was a collective breakdown by the team.

Again, Ovie said a number of times openly that he was fine with the changes if it amounted to wins. He also is very much a team guy as he constantly plays jokes and leads pregame hacky sack/soccer ball juggling sessions with teammates. While I understand he is a jokester, I do not believe he is much of a leader in the locker room. That is why guys like Knuble, Arnott, and Brower have/had been brought in to be more of that veteran locker room presence.

I saw that Ovie was the #2 overrated player listed by his peers. Makes sense as he along with Crosby have become the faces of the NHL in recent years. If Ovie doesn't score 50+ goals, he is going to be a disappointment. Just a couple of years ago, Ovie was ranked as the best player in the NHL by his peers. I agree that Ovie isn't playing to Ovie levels but the bigger problems are with the rest of the team and getting limited to no production out of guys like Knuble, Ward, Johannson, Laich, etc. Chimera started out hot but has been cold. Backstrom was having a good year but got hurt. It's a failure by the team collectively.

Again, I do believe that Ovie isn't the best option for captain as he likes to joke too much but I won't go so far as to say he is a prima donna as he does seem committed and works hard during games. I do believe he needs to intensify his work ethic during practices. The jokester is fine when you are younger and not a captain but a a veteran and a captain, he needs to provide more leadership but I just don't think he is capable of that.

Rob said...

ESPN/Kolzig comments

Chimera and Knuble criticizing Ovechkin and Semin's work habits

Washington Times

I'll put some more up later. I'm sure you saw Steckel and Bradley's comments.

j, k, and s's d said...

The gist of Kolzig's article is that Ovie is frustrated. It sounds like he wants Ovie to stop pressing and play more no nonsense type of hockey and not worry about what the fans think of him. Ovie actually agreed with the comments.

The second article doesn't criticize Ovie and Semin's work habits. Knuble was talking that the team collectively played like a bunch of clowns. Ovie agreed as did many team members. Chimera said that every needs to work harder and it starts with Ovie and Semin as they are the best players on the team and then the rest of the team needs to work harder as well.

The last article doesn't seem to know what type of leader Ovie is. He told Boudreau to make him the example for the team. He expects to be put in pressure situations and is disappointed when he is not. That is what you would expect from a leader.

Look, I'm not saying that he is the best leader. I don't think he makes the best captain. Yes, he is their best player but that doesn't mean he makes the best captain. I think he leads in his own way but he will never be the "rah rah" speech kind of guy. That is not in his nature. I imagine that his work ethic could/should be improved but I am not sure that it is so unacceptably bad. If it was, I imagine we would see a number of articles from the city's beat reporters and even ESPN.

The problem with Ovie is everything is magnified for him. Boudreau said a couple of years back, "I mean, people love Alex Ovechkin stories, and if he was to rise to the occasion -- and I know he will mentally and hopefully he can on the ice -- then everybody will build that up probably twice as much as it should have been.

"And if he doesn't succeed, they'll build it up twice as much as it should have been in that respect, too. I think that comes with the price of being one of the top players in the league."

That is what comes with the rarified air superstars breathe.

Alan May was asked after the last game what is wrong with the Caps. He obviously mentioned the injuries but he was more disappointed with the guys filling in not stepping up. He specifically pointed out MoJo who is filling in for Backy and has not stepped up. This should have been a chance for MoJo to shine but he has regressed. Ovie has suffered because of this. Ovie is having to carry the puck into the zone when it should be someone like MoJo doing that.

Seems to me that we are debating on how good/bad Ovie's work eithic is and the significance it has played in this down year. I think we both agree that it could be better. We don't seem to agree on the impact. If it was as bad as you seem to believe, we would hear about it so much more given how much this city has become a hockey town.

I believe the reasons for the down year are spread throughout to include injuries, coaching style, bad acquisitions (Ward), players not fitting the system, poor special teams play, defensive issues (Schultz, Carlson), etc. It boils down to me believing there are multiple issues and you seeming to think it is largely Ovie.

Rob said...

Matt Bradley's Thoughts

Steckel's agreement with Bradley.

I don't know if you saw it, but Ovechkin and Wideman got into a bit of a tussle (with slashing) in practice about a week ago.

I'll post up some more stuff later. I am just busy.

Rob said...

I think Ovie's poor habits are a major reason the Caps have failed to achieve great things in the playoffs in past years and why they are suffering this year. People are getting tired of his act and I am sure there is some grumbling that the organization has catered to him too much.

Rob said...

Arnott came in last year and knew there was a problem right away.

Hannan did the same thing when he came.

You should not have outsiders come in and have to call players out for dogging.

j, k, and s's d said...

Okay, so it is no secret on Bradley's comments and Steckel's agreement of them. However, they were targeted at Semin. It is also no secret to anyone that watches the NHL that Semin is widely regarded as a very talented player with arguably the best shot in the league but that he at least appears to not give his best effort game in/game out. However, neither of your links gave any mention to Ovie. In fact, the Bradley comments are just as much an indictment on Boudreau as anyone else as he states that Semin still got rewarded with more ice time.

I am also well aware of the Wideman incident. What isn't discussed in the article was that Ovie told Wideman to go hard on him as if they were in a game. Wideman gave Ovie a slash and that's what prompted the stare down. I agree with Hunter's take and that is what you want to see. A little fire among your players and some intensity. I'm sure there is no love lost between the two so I'm not sure what your point is in that article.

Look, I am not trying to be defensive and I that while I do not know Ovie's work ethic, it does appear to me that he could/shoud do more as a captain but you're articles do not support anything related to the discussion.

If Ovie's work habits were SO poor, I'm sure the city's beat writers would harp on them extensively given how much D.C. has become a hockey town and that they are the only real sports going on for D.C. fans.

As far as putting a lot of blame on Ovie for the lack of playoff success, he has been pretty productive in the playoffs over the years.

2007: 7 games, 4 goals, 5 assists for 9 points.

2008: 14 games, 11 goals, 10 assists for 21 points.

2009: 7 games, 5 goals, 5 assists for 10 points.

2010: 9 games, 5 goals, 5 assists for 10 points.

The problem is that everyone expects things from Ovie but forget about the rest of the players. Even Caps have been quoted saying that everyone needs to step up and that everyone will stand around waiting for Ovie to make something happen but it can't work that way. MoJo is a great example of this. He only has 1 goal and 2 assists in the entire month of February. Not going to cut it for a top line center. Jason Chimera only has 2 goals since the end of December. Halpern hasn't scored in like 30 games. Joel Ward has only scored 1 goal since November 5. Knuble has had a career worst year.

Look, you can say that it is all on Ovie but there are bigger problems with this team that are beyond him that include defensive lapses, poor special teams play, switch in coaching strategy, players that may not fit the system, injuries, etc. I'm sure Ovie can be doing more and he is not blameless but every person on this team should be doing more.

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, your two articles are not indictments on Ovie's ethic. I have said (over the phone and in this string) that Ovie is not a vocal leader in terms of getting everyone excited.

Vets like Arnott and Hannan were brought in to help with that. Leadership can come from more than just the captain. That is common.

If there was a REAL problem with Ovie among the players, I would expect guys like Arnott and Hannan and others to say something specific about it.

I do believe this team is lacking that locker room leader. In a recent players only meeting, 11 guys spoke up and chimed in as opposed to the more routine 3 or 4. This shows me that there isn't that core leadership on the team. I recognize that. Again, I am in agreement that that is something that I don't believe Ovie can provide. However, I am still waiting for the evidence that Ovie is a problem that has infected the locker room.

Rob said...

After the fact, Ovie said I told Wideman to go hard at me - RIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHT! That is a nice cover story to try to cover up.

Dude, you cannot see what is plain as day. Ovie is a problem that needs to be corrected in some way.

Sure, Ovie had some good numbers in some games in the playoffs. The problem is that he misses optional skates and team time. It is all about him and not about the team. It is tough to win in any league when your best player takes that attitude.

I like Ovie and I am not saying they should get rid of him - but they do have to correct the problem if they EVER want to really succeed in winning the Cup.

j, k, and s's d said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
j, k, and s's d said...

So now Ovie is a liar too. Nice.

Your articles don't support your point. You're telling me Arnott figured Ovie out after one game? RIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHTT!!!

Your problem is that you love to infer and then you create the story in your head and that to you becomes the truth.

Excuse me for wanting a little more evidence.

Rob said...

Ovechkin as a coach killer.

Calling BB a "fat f*ck" for benching him is not the kind of thing you want from your captain.

The Post did write about Milbury's criticism of Ovechkin.

Obviously, Milbury is not a fan.

Unfortunately, I agree with him that Ovie is a problem.

Rob said...

I'm not calling him a liar - he did what all guys say after this type of incident - play it down.

The point isn't what he said - is this really the right thing for the Captain of a struggling, underperforming team to do? Especially toward one of the better players on the team?

Rob said...

This is a good summary of what is wrong with Ovechkin for the Caps."

Mike Wise and the national press agree that Ovie is a problem.

j, k, and s's d said...

Milbury is an idiot. This is the guy that tried to beat up a kid that was taunting his kid at a youth league game. This guy has real anger issues. He almost got into a fight with Roenick on the air a couple of years back. He jabs at Keith Jones on NHL Net. He is useless. I really don't think much of him.

The Summary article is good and I largely agree with it and it points out several things I have discussed with you. It largely puts the blame on McPhee and I certainly think he deserves some of the blame for this season.

Wise article is okay. However, I don't think Wise understands hockey that well. Yes, we all want the 50+ goal scoring machine that Alex was but I will listen to someone like Alan May for better analysis and how he says that it shouldn't be Ovie skating the puck into the zone. It should be MoJo and then setting Ovie up.

Again, I am not saying Ovie is without fault. I have already pointed out what/where he needs to improve and what he is and isn't capable of. I also recognize that when things go bad, everyone loves to play the blame game of course the coach and the biggest star will get the most heat. However, just by watching this team play nightly it is clear there are multiple problems with this team and that blame can be spread across the board. To say that it is all on Ovie to me doesn't make sense and is silly.

Rob said...

Read the piece in the Post today about the trade deadline. It gets to the same points I have been making.

j, k, and s's d said...

I did read it yesterday and I largely agree with the piece as well.

I agree that there appears to be a lack of leadership in the locker room. I have long said that Ovie isn't the best person to be captain. While he leads in certain areas, he will NEVER be the "rah rah" speech kind of guy.

The problem is I do not believe the Caps have that guy on their team. The real issue is that there are too many issues with this team. I have already pointed them out multiple times.

What needs to be done is that we need to try and get rid of Ward, Hamrlik, Wideman, and/or Vokoun by the trade deadline. Outside of Wideman, we haven't gotten much from these guys and they are vets that have bigger names that teams might be willing to take for quality compensation in return. If we could get a guy like Arnott who is semi decent but more of a proven vet with a lot of playoff success and an outspoken guy that would be big for this team. Because right now we do not have that leader.

This weekend will be huge. It's Montreal at home and then Toronto away on Saturday. These are huge games. Two wins will be huge but if we lose both particularly the way we have lost the last couple, it will be ugly.