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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bud Select 55 SUCKS!!!!

Tried this "beer" over the weekend and it is horrible. It doesn't even taste like beer. I suppose less calories means less taste. Anyway, a warning to all, do not drink this unless you don't like beer.


Rob said...

Why even bother? I wouldn't expect much from 55.

I have really gotten back into Blue Moon (w/orange slice). But I tend to have Foster's, Amstel Light, and Sam Adams and/or a Sam Adams seasonal beer around my house.

JSR said...

Singha, Legend, Stella, Guinness, Dog Fish Head round out my top 5.

Unknown said...

Agreed! Worst beer I wish I had never tasted! I want my $14 back anheiser busch ! Should call this BS near beer!!!!!!