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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Redskins QB situation

Okay, so it's obvious that our biggest need going into next year is the QB position. With some of the better college QBs returning to school for the next year (Barkley, Jones) it leaves Luck and RG3 as the prime college QB candidates. I think it is fair to say that Luck will go #1 overall (whether it is to the Colts or someone that trades for that #1 overall pick).

The Skins have the #6 overall pick and the teams currently in front of them all have QBs (Rams - Bradford, Vikings - Ponder, Browns - McCoy, Bucs - Freeman). Now one of these teams may surprise and end up wanting to draft RG3. The Rams may consider trying to unload the injury riddled Bradford and his hefty contract and take RG3. The Browns and Vikings may not be satisfied with what they have and try and get RG3. Or another team may trade up and go for him. However, it is possible that RG3 is available at #6. In that case, I think it is a no brainer that we draft him. The question is do we commit ourselves to RG3 enough where we trade up to ensure we get him? If he is drafted before our pick, do we draft another QB with our pick?

Here are my thoughts. We need to try and get RG3 but we shouldn't overspend for the guy. If he is there at #6, take him. If we feel like we need to trade up, go ahead but do not give up too much. If we don't land him, I'd like to make a play for Matt Flynn. Was listening to Sean Salisbury yesterday about Flynn and he was saying that Flynn is better than half the QBs in the league starting right now. He also commended the Packers for their development of QBs (Favre, Rodgers, Brunell, Hasselbeck, Aaron Brooks, Flynn). The good thing about Flynn too is that he has been in the pros for a few years now and has had the opportunity to sit and study and learn from some of the best. The down side is that he will probably cost a whole lot more than RG3 who is now affected by the rookie contracts. This is also a reason why the Rams may want to rid themselves of Bradford. Bradford's contract is a lot more expensive and by trading him they would rid themselves of the contract, be able to draft solid QB in RG3, and also be able to gather picks with the trade of Bradford. I wouldn't mind getting Bradford either but at the right price. It is also well known that the Shannys are high on Bradford so this is a possibility.

Bottom line, I do believe there are options out there for us. What I do not want to have happen is for us to settle on a second rate college QB at #6 (assuming Luck and RG3 are gone). I also do not want to settle for a FA like Kyle Orton or someone of that caliber as our QB. It certainly is going to be interesting how this plays out but again, I'm hoping the Skins brass does not disappoint here. Since the Shannys arrived they have pretty much botched the QB position (getting rid of JC, bringing in McNabb, going into the season with Rexy and Beck, replacing Rexy with Beck when we were 3-2 an atop the East). This will be a defining move for the Shannys and a defining season for them as well.


deepie said...

To be perfectly honest, I am obsessed with this topic right now. The QB we bring in next season, either via the draft or through FA, is going to be the face of our franchise for years. The Shannies better understand how critical this acquisition is going to be. Mike's legacy with the Skins will be defined by who he brings in.

I see a number of options:
1. Stick with pick #6 in the draft and hope RG3 falls in your lap. This is the ideal scenario. RG3 is a complete class act. He's bright, he oozes leadership, and he's a world-class athlete. Drafting him would make me consider getting season tickets again.

2. Trade up to #2 to get RG3. Like JKSD said, this option makes sense due to our desperate situation, but only if the cost is reasonable. If we can pull this off by swapping 1st rounders and a reasonable amount more, we need to pull the trigger. I wouldn't even mind giving next year's first as well. I have always hated our traditional draft strategy, which has been to trade away draft picks, but when you have a shot at a guy like RG3, you have to be aggressive.

3. Trade for Payton Manning. This will be tricky. Jim Irsay has said he intends to bring Manning back, but when you fire your GM and you're ready to draft Andrew Luck, it says you're starting over. I think Manning may become available. If his neck has healed and he's good for another 3-5 years AND the likelihood of landing RG3 turns out to be very slim, MAKE THE TRADE! Manning ensures at least a few years of being competitive in the NFC East. You can draft a QB in the 2nd or even next year to develop under Manning's leadership. I would call the ticket office immediately and ask for my seats back if this were to happen.

4. Matt Flynn - Let's just say the ticket office wouldn't be getting any calls from me. This would be a desperate move based on minimal evidence that the guy would be able to perform at a high level. Bringing in an unproven free agent QB is risky and would represent everything we don't want the Skins to do anymore. I'd rather stink for another year with Grossman and have a shot at Barkley in 2013 than go this route. I pray to the football gods that this never happens.

There you have it. And in case you were wondering, "2012 NFL Mock Draft" is my new favorite Google search phrase.


j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, you seem to be in love with RG3. I don't know enough about the guy to make a determination on him. Not sure he fits the Shanny mold either. He is talented and smart and athletic but he hasn't run a pro style of offense. Question would be can he pick it up quickly. Making that transition is not easy so he is no sure bet. Still, I like that he comes from a military background and seems humble and disciplined and bright. However, no way I give next year's first round pick for RG3.

Don't want Peyton. Price will be too steep and his injury concerns me. Also, he is a career Colts player. Making a move to a new organization at this stage of his career will be difficult. I don't care how much of a professional you are, the change will have its growing pains. From the new playbook to the new practice routines to the new personnel to the new uniforms, it will all have an impact on him and we can't expect him to be the same guy he is in Indy.

Flynn intrigues me. I like that he has had a chance to study the game with no pressure. Reminds me of a Trent Green who had a very solid career. Still, I do not want to overspend on that guy either. We are still months away from decision time but no doubt this will be a critical decision for the Shannys as they can't affort to botch another QB decision.

deepie said...

Let me ask you this...Flynn intrigues you because????

Here's why I have doubts, when you bring a guy like him in, you're saying...Ok. We have our guy now. He has NFL experience. He should be able to step in and make a difference.

Guys like Kevin Kolb immediately come to mind. You end up paying free agent money to a guy who really is unproven, which with the new CBA, essentially would be equivalent to paying two first rounders. I don't like the smell of it. In fact, it sort of smells like a steaming pile of John J. Rambo's shart if you ask me.

If we get RG3, by trading up or not, success isn't guaranteed, but it buys you time. You can stick with Grossman for another season while the new rookie learns the ways of the NFL. You instill hope in the fan base and in the players with a bright future. AND you know you have a character guy who others will want to follow. I think it's a no-brainer.

If we can't land him, you have to go with the proven veteran (Manning) or sit tight and stink for another season after drafting the best player available at 6 and a QB in the 2nd. You might have another 5-11 season, but you would develop a young guy in the process and you might find yourself in position to land Barkley or the next wonder-kid in 2013.

I love this stuff. Too bad work keeps getting in the way.

j, k, and s's d said...

Let me be clear on what my hopes are. Ideally RG3 is still around at #6 and I say take him. I don't mind trading up as long as we don't give up too much. You said that you would be willing to give up next year's first round pick. For me, that is too much. RG3 is a talent but as mentioned there are questions with him.

There are no guarantees with RG3 or Matt Flynn. Flynn intrigues me though because he was a solid college QB that led his team to a national championship. He wasn't highly touted coming out of college but I like that he has had time to sit and learn behind arguably the best QB in the game today and with good coaches. He beat out the more highly touted Brian Brohm for the backup position. Yes, his body of work in the NFL is VERY limited but he has done well in the little he has shown and by all accounts he is ready to start for a team. Again, just as with player who has limited to no NFL experience there are no guarantees. However, he seems like a viable option that is ready to play now. I agree I don't want to break the bank on the guy and I would hesitate to give him top dollar but if RG3 is taken and Flynn can be had at a reasonable cost, I'm okay with that.

Manning is a no go for me. Too costly, injury risk, older and he it will be hard for him to learn everything new after an entire career with the Colts.

JSR said...

Flynn is a hidden gem. His situation is identical to Aaron Rodgers. He was Favre's third string backup, and now he is Rodgers' backup. He has had time to mature and learn an NFL offense from two soon to be hall of fame QB's. Most importantly he is a guy who wants to prove. He knows what it takes to win a championship. Both Mike McCarthy and Shanny run a zone blocking scheme so I think he would fit. Whats even more impressive is that he has showed his skills off against two first team defenses and not just back ups or garbage time defenses. The Packers are very smart in their decisions. They understand risk and I doubt they would have hung on to Matt Flynn for this many years, if he wasnt good enough to take the reigns if needed. If Flynn somehow ends up here, I would be rooting for him like Rob does for Rexy.

Peyton Manning would be terrible decision. I dont think the Redskins Offensive line is good enough to protect his neck. One or two bad hits and his career will be over and the expensive price the Redskins will have paid will be for nothing. Also he is his own offensive coordinator which is what makes him so great. He could read defenses and change plays as he wished. I dont think he would be given that freedom here.

RG3 is good too but he hasnt run an NFL offense and I dont know if he fits Shannys system. Its hard to predict whether college success translates to NFL success. I guess sometimes you have to take a chance, but in Shannys case, he cant afford to mess up one more QB decision.

I also like Bradford. He can play. He has had no help in STL. I wouldnt mind seeing him here. He is young and has some experience being a starting QB in this league.

Rob said...