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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Congrats to London Fletcher

For making the Pro Bowl. Actually, I feel bad for the guy as year in/year out the guy is one of the best at his position but he never gets his just due. He got in the Pro Bowl because Urlacher said he wasn't going to make the trip. Fletcher is the ageless wonder and he led the league in tackling this year and had another stellar performance this season yet he never gets his just due. I imagine it's largely because Fletcher is not a flashy player nor is he a prototypical LB. He is short, stocky, older and he plays for a team that has been down and doesn't get much attention. He doesn't get the recognition from the average fan like Urlacher or Willis. Still, the guy puts up better numbers than them and while he may get the respect of his peers and those that know football (as evidenced by his 2nd team All Pro honors), he is definitely under the radar when it comes to the national fans. While I know he must be happy to get in to the Pro Bowl, I am sure it would mean much more to him to get voted in as a starter as opposed to going as an alternate.


deepie said...

Yes. Congrats to Fletcher. The reason why he doesn't get a fair shake is because his team sucks. He is the shiny diamond embedded in a turd.

Hopefully, next season will usher in a new era of success, with a new QB, a new set of young RBs, a healthy offensive line, and my favorite new player, Leonard Hankerson. Offensive success will make Fletcher's accomplishments a bit more visible to the rest of the league. Right now, he is probably just looked at as a guy who just happens to be better than the other guys on a lousy team.

Hail Skins!

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, I think that your reasoning is part of it. However, it's also because Fletcher is the little guy from a little school who is the ultimate overachiever. He is not the prototypical size or look of a MLB. He is also much older and doesn't have the flash and exuberance that captures the likes of the younger fans. He is no human highlight film. What he is is a sound football player who works hard and is smart and practices the fundamentals (which is a lost art in sports in general). That kind of guy won't garner a lot of attention.

Too bad for him but still congratulations are in order.