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Friday, April 29, 2011

Skins pick Ryan Kerrigan

Good first day draft for the Skins. Loved the move to trade down six spots and pick up an additional 2nd round pick. Then they pick for need in DE/LB Ryan Kerrigan.

I don't know this guy but sounds like he is does not possess the best athleticism but he is an extremely hard worker and has a tremendous motor and good nose for the ball. He should provide a very good complement to Osakpo. I like that pick.

Sounded like Deepie was hoping for a QB but we have too many other needs to focus on QB and from what I hear, most experts think this draft class' QBs are not as good as other years. We shouldn't take a QB because he is the best of a mediocre litter. Our needs include:

- D line
- O line
- WR
- CB
- RB

We took a big step in addressing D line yesterday. We have two picks in the second round. Would like to see an interior O linemen (would have loved to have gotten Pouncey as he plays C and G) or RT. Would like to see a WR as our current corps is Armstrong and Malcolm "Mr. Glass" Kelly. There is talk of bringing Moss back but even so, WR is a need.

RB is also a need but lower on the list. I like Torain and think he is solid but not sure on his durability. Still, RBs are easier to pick up.

CB may be a need as Rogers is not signed nor is Buchanon. If both those guys come back, it is not as critical. Still, Rogers is looking for a megadeal and while is cover skills are good, the guy has hands of stone and that will hurt his negotiations.

In the end, really like the first day.

As a side note, the Pears tried to pick Dr. Phil and he was close to being selected until he withdrew his name from consideration. The Pears picked up some mediocre O lineman.


Rob said...

Good trade for the 'Skins. I would say "great trade" if they had secured another pick, but maybe that was the best they could have gotten.

As from Kerrigan, I don't know him, but I heard a lot of folks say that he is a better fit for the 4-3 because he lacks the speed and athleticism to play in space and cover.

He is apparently a good rush end, but for the 3-4, he needs to be able to do more. We'll see.

As for the Bears, I like the pick. The guy is big and played at Wisconsin. I think the Bears are going to be much improved on the O-line and that will really help. I'd like to see the Bears go O-line or D-tackle with their second pick.

j, k, and s's d said...

Moving down six spots and adding a second round pick is a very good trade.

Kerrigan sounds similar to Osakpo in that he probably won't be as comfortable in the coverage schemes but seems like a good rusher and should provide relief for Osakpo and some flexibility for Haslett to create mismatches.

Don't know the O line dude the Pears got. They would have been better off getting Dr. Phil.

Rob said...

We'll see if Nancy Kerrigan can play football or not. I'm not sure her skill set is much different than Andre Carter - but at least she is younger.

I love the Bears' pick. This is the guy who took over for Joe Thomas the last couple of years at Wisconsin. He graded well. He is not considered an elite tackle because he is not as athletic as one would like. He projects out to be a very good right tackle.

But let's be realistic, almost anyone the Bears bring in the during the first 3-4 rounds is likely to have a good shot at starting and improving the O-line.

JSR said...

I think the Skins trade/pick was decent. The trade down was great. The Redskins do need to address QB. Maybe not in this draft but somewhere. I dont know if it can be this year or not in free agency or a trade. But 8 of the 12 playoff teams last year have either a great, or Hall of Fame, QB (it pains me to say it but yes Jay Cutler is a good/great QB-He can win games and thats what matters). The only ones I dont consider in that group are Flacco, Sanchez, Cassel, Hasselbeck, and they are still pretty good and def better than what the Redskins have at the moment. But i guess this is a rebuilding year for the Skins so it doesnt matter that they have Rex or DMac starting. Maybe one of the two can surprise.

I dont know if the skins need receivers. They didnt have good throws coming from the QB last year. Its hard to evaluate the Redskins receivers when they have a below average QB play last year. And it maybe due to a number of factors, new system, bad O line, bad defense putting tooo much pressure on offense to perform . But still maybe getting one or two solid young receivers couldnt hurt.

They def need work on defense. Although I think itll be better this year with most of the guys in their second year under Hasslet. Id take a few pages out of the Dom Capers scheme if I were Hasslet.

I just hope Redskins nation and Dan the Man dont expect a superbowl appearance like they normally do around this time of year.

Speaking of Danny Boy, doesnt he have anything better to do than bully small newspapers over a few words. He is suing because a few sentences in the article were incorrect and were defamatory towards his character. OK FINE Dan Snyder, do your thing, stand up for yourself. Now maybe I am wrong on this or I dont see something here. But Anyone who read the article could have read about a hundred other points that the author McKenna pointed out that make Dan Snyder look absolutely despicable. Was it really worth it? The people now dislike you even more because you decided to file a lawsuit over 2% of the article. whats more is that by not disputing ALL of the claims made by Mckenna and picking these two, he has validated the rest of the article in my eyes.

j, k, and s's d said...

Trading down was a good move because we need more picks.

QB does not need to be addressed this year. It is a rebuilding year and we have too many other concerns. They did a good job getting Kerrigan. He addresses the D line/LB spot because Carter and Alexander just didn't fit there.

If we can bring back Rogers, the secondary will be VERY good with Rogers, Hall, Atogwe, and Landry. That is a formidable secondary.

LBs will be solid with Osakpo, Fletcher, Kerrigan, and Perry Riley (I believe he will take over for McIntosh).

Carriker, Anthony whateverhisnameis was solid at NT, and Gholston/Jarmon/Holliday will make due at line but wouldn't mind drafting another D lineman.

Interior O line will need help. We need to spend at least one of those 2nd round picks on that spot.

TEs are very good.

WRs is a need as we have Armstrong and Kelly. I believe we will re sign Moss but that isn't a guarantee and even if he comes back, he is a good slot receiver but not a featured receiver. We should use one of the other 2nd round here (although again, I wouldn't mind using that pick on line help).

Torain is good at RB but can he stay healthy? We might also want to add a 3rd down back later in the draft.

QB does not need to be addressed this year. Stick with Rexy with Beck at the backup. Rexy is not under contract but he wants to be a starter in the league and this is the best place he can do that. Shannys want him and he wants the Shannys. Sign him to another 1 year contract for minimal dollars and lets find out if he can become our starter. He understands the scheme. He has shown that he can play but he has also shown he can make boneheaded mistakes. He needs to learn how to feel the pressure and hold on to the ball when he gets hit. He also needs to eliminate the bad INTs. He can play but he just needs to be more consistent. He will have that chance to prove he is a legitimate starter in the league.

So the Skins should not worry about QB this year. Focus on the other areas and see if Rexy is capable of earning the starting spot longer term.