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Monday, April 11, 2011

Blackbirds are 1-0!

Tremendous game on Saturday. All the boys played hard and they were able to jump out to an early 5-1 lead. Think they got a little too comfortable with the lead and they let up a bit and allowed the other team to come back and tie the game 5-5. However, they regrouped and finished strong scoring a late goal on a perfectly timed corner kick for the game winner!

It was a hard fought victory and it was really good to see the team rally after squandering the lead. It was also great to see all the kids cheering for each other. To Scott's point, I know that at this age we aren't supposed to keep score but you can bet that every kid on both teams and most of the coaches/parents watching knew the score. I am not focused on winning. I am more focused on getting good effort from all the kids. Winning is a bonus and it's nice to see their hard work getting paid off.

Week 2 starts this today so I'm looking to get a good week of practice in preparation for game 2. The good thing about the game was that it identified areas we need to work on so I'm looking forward to getting some of the kinks ironed out this week.



deepie said...

Congrats on the big win. The difficult thing about youth sports is finding the balance between competition and having fun. Some parents can frown upon others who keep score. Some parents get really worked up about winning. I, for one, am all about the competition. If you're worried about your kid crying because he/she loses, put him/her in a tutu and go to ballet class, you pansy.

Rob said...

Congrats on the win.

My view about youth sports is really dependent on age. At this age, you don't want to destroy a team 10-1. Once you get up by a lot, you should allow the weaker players more time to play so that the game stays competitive.

No reason to discourage youngsters with a thrashing. That said, most of the time time it is the parents who most care about the score. The kids forget about it by the next game.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am all about the competition. There are league scoring records on the line so I keep the strongest kids in all game and let the weaker ones sit and I yell at them on the bench for sucking.

I also like during practice like to single out the weakest child and really ride his arse. I curse and yell just to set an example for the rest of the team that this is business and I am the CEO and we are in the business of winning. Right now, business is good but should business go bad, there will be consequences.


deepie said...

I was exaggerating, of course...And I have nothing against ballet classes. In fact, I may sign my daughter up for ballet in the very near future.

I completely agree with Robs. A thorough beat down is not what a kid needs in sports and can only be discouraging. When I say I'm all about the competition, I'm saying I disagree with those who believe keeping score is not important. Winning and losing and develops character. It's the coach's and parents' responsibility to make sure the kids understand how to deal with either outcome because there are lessons to be learned regardless of who wins. Raising kids to believe that everyone always wins is short-sighted and is not conducive to their maturation.

j, k, and s's d said...

I get you Deeps. Frankly, as mentioned, the kids (and parents) are aware of the score so there is no point in trying to hide it.

True, there are lessons to be learned in both winning and losing. The lessons for my team are pretty lose, I kick you in the nuts with an iron boot, you win, I kick you in the nuts without the iron boot.

deepie said...

It would be more fair if you got kicked in the nuts with an iron boot by your players after each win. Not only would you receive more pleasure out of coaching, it would give your kids a lot of incentive to win.

j, k, and s's d said...

Hey, as long as the nut kicking includes me somewhere I'm happy.