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Monday, January 3, 2011

Skins lose

Lets be clear. The Giants didn’t win the game. The Skins lost it. Again, a lack of consistency as the Skins were much better in the second half. The difference in the game was turnovers. Here are my thoughts:

1. Rexy was okay. He made some good throws and in the second half was keeping drives alive. However, he does not seem to have that great of a pocket presence and a sense of when the pocket is collapsing. He never really has and again, that cost us. He fumbled twice and his one INT was bad. However, his deep pass to Armstrong was a great pass over the middle and just the quick strike type of throw we could use. Again, if he proves to be our QB next year, I don’t have a problem with him but I see him only as a bridge until we get some one else.

2. Turnovers killed us. As mentioned above, the INT was bad and Rexy’s two fumbles didn’t help. Seems like he cannot feel the pocket collapsing and he also has a hard time holding on to the ball if he is going to get hit. Moss’s fumble was critical as it came deep in Giant territory. The worst part about it is that he looked like he was covering up to protect the ball but it still came out.

3. Gano sucks! I know he was named the NFC Special Teams player of the week last week (not sure why). However, he sucks. He missed a 30 yarder that could potentially have been the difference in the game. Loved after his miss the shot of him on the sidelines looking shocked as he was talking to the holder and the snapper. Kickers are expendable and we need someone more dependable.

4. Defense was strong. Another good performance by the D. We stopped the running game and held the Giants to 82 yards on 32 attempts (2.6 avg.). We were able to get pressure on Eli and really didn’t give much up outside of the big play they had. Felt pretty good about the D. Like this guy Bryant at NT.

5. McNabb. Interesting shot of McNabb on the sideline standing by himself. He looked totally removed from the team and the action. It was kind of sad but at the same time it is obvious that he is not going to be part of the team moving forward. Sad that he ran the scout team this past week. I understand it is embarrassing and it’s best for everyone to move forward. I wish him the best as he is a class act. Although, I didn’t like the way he conducted himself the last week or so where it seemed that he was talking out of both sides of his mouth.

6. Terrence Austin. Liked his play. He made some nice catches and brought some excitement which was good.

7. O line solid. The O line has been shuffled around the last couple of weeks but we seem to have found the best fit with the guys that were in there. They went up against arguably the best front four in football and did an admirable job.

The season is over. I was ambitious to go 8-8 this year. We ended up 6-10. The year was up and down but I did like the way the team finished. We fought hard until the end. I did like that we were able to look at some guys the last few games and it helped evaluate as we move forward. It’s clear some guys will no longer be part of the plans moving forward. The year can best be remembered by the Haynesworth and McNabb sagas. It will be good to not have to deal with those two distractions next year. I do feel like we made progress this year. There are things to build off of and it will be interesting to see the moves made during the offseason.


deepie said...

I can only agree with your assessment of Rexy. He's an ok QB who just seems to not have what it takes. His lack of pocket presence was a big contributor to the loss as his fumbles killed some decent drives. He does, however, keep the offense moving at a good pace, which helps the rest of his teammates get into a rhythm. If he's here next season, I'll bee fine with it, but I won't expect much.

I really like Torain. He seems to understand how to make the cut-back runs that Shanny expects. He's not the quickest back though, so a change of pace back will be a good addition.

I completely agree about Bryant. He is everything we could have hoped Kemoeatu would be. He's obviously not the athlete that Fat Albert is, but he stuffs the run and plays hard. I'll take that any day. He seems to have solidified the D-line simply by trying and playing the position the way it is supposed to be played. It will be interesting to see what we do around him to generate more pressure on the QB.

Overall, we still have a bunch of holes. I'd like to see us go after a premier QB in the 1st round of the draft, but only if we continue to address the O-line in the process. We need some help at the LB position and we need to stay healthy in the secondary. If we do all that, all I can say is CHAMPIONSHIP!

Rob said...

6-10 was what I expected. The Deadskins will be active in free agency (as usual). If they pick up some younger guys it may work out, but I expect to see at least 25 new players on the active roster next year. If that happens, you have to expect another 6-10 to 8-8 year.

That is fine if you have a lot of youth on the team. Then you are on your way - I'm just not convinced Shanny knows personnel well enough to make it happen.

deepie said...

If I remember correctly, there were something like 22 players from the '09 roster who were cut before the season began, so roster turnover is not something new. Shanny is doing what he can to infuse some youth into this team. We'll just have to see if his moves are any better than they were in Denver.

JSR said...

Theres a huge problem with letting Rex Grossman be the starting QB next year. I think it would spell disaster for Shanny.

Personally, I dont think Rex is THAT great. From what you guys are saying, im getting that you dont think hes the answer for the long term. I dont think he can lead this talent lacking team to the playoffs next year either. A QB like him needs talent around him to lift him up to play at a good level. I dont think the skins will be able to get him enough talent in one offseason to do that. There are too many crucial holes to fill that will have to be filled in the long term.

Theres the problem. "Long term". In Dan Snyder's world, I think its safe to say 2-3 years is long term.

With one in the books, that gives one more (maybe) for rebuilding. Shanny can probably get away with another 7-9 or 8-8 season next year but the year after the Redskins have to be a contender to please Snyder and leave the pressure off Shanny (cus once theres pressure from any owner i think its safe to say that things begin to implode for any coach). Keeping the bridge QB Rex, as next year's starter basically means that after next year, the skins go get their franchise QB and somehow that qb miraculously learns Shannys offense and becomes a top 10 qb and leads the skins to the playoffs in his rookie year (shannys third year). I believe that is unlikely.

So unless Snyder has really changed and will allow a 5 year project to take its course, or the Skins can gamble and win on a franchise QB this offseason, I dont think Shanny will be around for a fourth season. Itll be back to the drawing board as usual.

The pressure is on. Rex Grossman and the Redskins have to finish better 6-10 next year, or by this time next year... Shanny will be a potential target on black monday.

Imagine if they do go 7-9 or 8-8 next year with Rex at qB.

Then they go get their franchise qb the following offseason. The following year they go 7-9 or 8-8 again at best( rookie qb or first year learning shanny system).

Modestly, the record would be:


for a total of:


not good... grounds to get fired under Snyder.

They absolutely HAVE to get a franchise qb this offseason. Unfortuntely there are other holes to fill as well. But i think it takes longer to groom a QB than any other position player. A good QB and a decent O line and decent rb (like torain) can win.

I do think however that if we dont have the snyder effect, these guys will get this team going in the right direction. It will take 3 more years and this team will be good. Realisitcally i dont the snyder effect will let it happen.

With that being said...


Scott said...

Despite inconsistent play, Rexy has shown an ability to run the offense better than McNubb. However, I don't know if he has the leadership profile necessary to take this team to the next level. For someone with as many years in the league, he does a crappy interview. I wonder how much pot this guy has smoked in his life? Seems like too much. He commented that he is looking forward to see what he can do in this offense given the offseason program and training camp. I predict that the team will be more improved with the second year in the system and with Rexy having more reps as he has been rusty.

The play calling needs to improve. I would prefer that they bring in a stronger QB coach and put Kyle up in the booth. There is too much happening on the sideline and he needs to focus on making adjustments to the play calling as the defense adjusts. E.g., Torain has two nice runs on the outside, then he calls a third in a row and it gets stuffed. I would like to see more flexible packages installed to allow the ability to run no huddle if Rexy really knows that offense so well.

If they are serious about Kareem Moore or Kevin Barnes at free safety, they really need these guys to bulk up. I don't think either is able to make that devastating hit to jar the ball lose. Seems like we should pick up someone in free agency.

I like Sellers, but I think his days with the Skins are numbered. I think this offense needs a different type of player in that role.

Other players I won't miss in no particular order: Rocky McIntosh, Carlos Rogers, Reed Doughty, Philip Daniels, Andre Carter, Kimeatu (sp), Casey Rabach, Stephon Heyer, C.P., Haynesworth, McNubb, Graham Gano, Sam the Punter.

Rob said...

Look, it will be an all new team next year and they will need time to gel.

Hopefully for Deadskin fans, Shanny will be better at personnel decisionmaking than he was in Denver.