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Sunday, May 30, 2010

LOST finale

For those that watch Lost, the finale was unbelievable. It's rare when a high profile movie or series finale can live up to the hype but this did. Was thoroughly entertained and thought the story, acting, and everything else about it was fantastic.

Again, it's hard for such shows to live up to the hype. Dark Knight is another good example of a movie living up to the expectations. It was already had large expectations but with Ledger's passing it almost went to another level as everyone was saying his performance was Oscar worthy and this and that. Even with all the hype, it ended up being better than I could have hoped.

It was similar with Lost and it's just too bad that it is over but it went out on top and for me, it was a satisfying way to end the show.


Scott said...

I don't watch lost because it sucks. I thought Dark Knight was too long and boring. A recommendation, Black Knight with Martin Lawrence was much more light-hearted and fun to watch whenever it's on Fios.

j, k, and s's d said...

Lost sucks?!

Dark Knight too long and boring?!!!!

Black Knight more fun to watch?!!!!!

I just lost all respect for your tv/movie watching opinion.

Scott said...

The Dark Knight doesn't have such a range of emotion and comedy like the Black Knight:

Jamal: Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the presence of fear, yet the will to move on.
Percival: How dare you deflower the king's daughter.

Jamal: Believe me, someone got to that flower long before I did.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yep. Definitely lost all respect for your tv/movie watching opinion.