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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So Zorn is under fire and rightfully so. The team has not been overly impressive to start the season. To Zorn's credit, he still seems confident in his abilities and the direction of the team. Sure, he is frustrated but I like his resolve. Additionally, many of the players said that they are comfortable with Zorn and fine with him as the coach.

I admit that I like Zorn but my confidence in him is wavering on a few questionable decisions. He will really need some strong showings in the next couple of weeks to stave off talk of his security. Barring horrendous performances the next couple of weeks, he should be fine to finish the season but poor performances/losses could mean the end to his head coaching stint in D.C.


Rob said...

If the Redskins lose to Tampa at FedEx this week, Zorn will be fired.

Having said that, I don't think Tampa will beat the Deadskins. In fact, I think it will finally be a breakout game with the Deadskins winning 27-3.

Tampa could only muster 5 first downs and 86 net yards total against the Gigantes. They may very well be the worst team in the NFL. It seems odd because they have some talented players, and they were better in the first two weeks.

This is one of those "Tim Green" type games.

deepie said...

Zorn is definitely on the hot seat, but I think Danny will continue to give him a chance to succeed. Zorn's problem is his vanilla offense. There's no imagination and he's not utilizing his talent correctly. Think about this.

4th and 10 from about the 37 yard line, down by 5 to the Lions with 8 seconds to go. The 'Skins have 5 receivers if you count tight ends 6'2" or taller. What did Zorny do? Instead of tossing it up in the end zone, he put Moss, Randle El, and Ladell Betts out there for a hook and ladder. These types of gaffes in considering the situation when inserting players for a particular play have me losing confidence in the guy.

I want Zorn to succeed. I think he's a very cerebral coach who has a few things to learn. I will not, however, be disappointed if he's let go if these types of decisions continue to hold the team back.

Scott said...

This morning, ESPN seems to be trying to cast Zorn as being disolutioned and out of touch with the team. Apparently, the team met in the locker room for a 45 minute session to discuss the current state of affairs. Zorn was reported to have stated that the team is moving forward. You have to see D'Angelo's face when they asked him if guys are still trying out there. Weird segment in that they only showed comments from D'Angelo and Smoot.

Yes, they should beat the hapless Bucs, but they will be pounded by every other NFC East team. I'm now thinking about a 5 and 11 season. I wonder if I can set my DVR from now to record the 2010 draft.....

Rob said...

I didn't personally like the last call, but the odds were way, way against the Redskins at that point. The Lions had also inserted Calvin Johnson in for a jump ball situation.

I hope they bring a coach in so that we can finally found out who the next ex-Redskins coach is.

No one is going to win with this bunch of stiffs.

Scott said...

Q: How do you keep the Redskins offense off your property?

A: You install a goal line with an end zone.

My cousin on FB said that the Redskins jet was in Denver today. Shanahan!!!!

deepie said...

Throwing it into the endzone may not have worked, but it at least would have given us a chance. It's typical of a trend we're starting to see. The wrong play call at the wrong time with the wrong personnel.

Zorny won't be around too long if that keeps up.

Scott said...

Poor offensive approach + poor plays + poor personnel + lack of execution = Poor Offense

Poor Offense leads to low morale and ultimately poor defensive play.

j, k, and s's d said...

Scott's equation is ridiculous.

We didn't even need to do a hail mary. We could have just run a play and hoped it worked. The hook and ladder doesn't make sense because if the Lions have the least bit of common sense, they would send guys back deep so even if we run the hook and ladder there will be plenty of guys Betts will have to get through in order to get to the end zone. It is a dumb play in that situation.

The Vikings were in the same situation in their game and they ran a normal play and it worked. We should have done something similar.

I like Zorn and still hope he succeeds but for the first time since he has been here, I am really questioning his play calling. He seems like a fine QB coach that can communicate and develop QBs but I don't know if he is ready to call plays.

More importantly in the Lions game it was the defense that let us down. All the third down conversions were ridiculous. Again, I understand not wanting to let C. Johnson beat us but they had max pass protect and we only rushed our front four. We should have been more aggressive. I'm not saying send the house on every play but call some blitzes. Send Landry. Send a corner. Send Orakpo or all the LBs every now and then. Make Stafford make a play. We didn't pressure the kid much. Again, too basic of a defense. The third down conversions were the story of the game.

We face a poor Buccaneer team who is starting a QB that has never played an NFL game. Hopefully we learned our lesson and put him under duress. By blitzing occasionally, we can get the guy to at least think a blitz is possible even when we drop back into coverage. It will throw the QB, the offensive line, and the entire offense off. It just makes sense.

Rob said...

Blache is "old school" and believes what he believes. My guess is that he is going to be stubborn and do what he has been doing.

He is going to continue to try to turn Orakpo into a cover linebacker.

He is going to play his base type defense.

He is going to keep #30 back and the corners playing off with everything in front of them.

It should work this week against the lowly Bucs - we'll see what happens later in the season.

Rob said...

How about the Redskins corporate jet landing in Colorado near Shanny's house?

The Redskins claim it is not on official Redskins' business. Right. It just happens to land a couple of days after the Detroit fiasco. What do people think the Redskins would say - "Yeah, we're interviewing Mike Shannahan to be the next Redskins coach."

Rob said...

How about this video regarding Danny Boy's coaching search.


Scott said...

That video was awesome. I thought it was really funny when he said, Jim kept telling the driver to turn left!

JKSDad: Did you drink any Cool-aid when you went to Redskins Park to watch training camp? Seems like you did. Hook and Ladder was a give up play. What about crappy clock management to get to that point. Clearly, CORNY ZORNY has no confidence in the confused Jason Campbell.

To quote Lloyd Bensen, "I am good friends with Brett Farve, Mr. Campbell, you're no Brett Farve.

The Skins are the laughing stock of ESPN and the NFL Network. Maybe the Skins should try burgandy and black.