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Monday, September 7, 2009

UVA loses to the Tribe

So if the Groh watch hadn't started this season, it certainly started Saturday night with the Cavs home loss to the FCS's W&M Tribe 26-14. I'm sure the home crowd was upset. The Cavs seem more like Calves and Groh better hope things turn around quick or he may not even make it through the season.

Have to give credit to the CAA as both W&M and Richmond beat ACC teams (Richmond beat Duke).


Rob said...

No question Groh's job is on the line this year. The new spread offense truly fizzled against W&M.

I'm not worried at this point. UVA always starts slow.

That said, if UVA does not make a bowl game this year, Groh will be gone. I am a huge supporter, but Groh has to perform this year.

j, k, and s's d said...

Next up #17 TCU at home. Groh better pray they don't get blown out. The fans, alumni, boosters, etc. will be coming ready to boo him and the team and getting trounced will not be good if he is looking for any type of support.

Rob said...

I agree with the growing dissatisfaction among UVA supporters, but unlike you, I fully expect UVA to play well and even win the game.

deepie said...

The fact that UVA starts slow every year is a clear indicator of a lack of preparation...squarely on the coach's shoulders. I thought Groh should have been kicked out of there a few seasons ago, but he stuck around. It's make or break time now.

I'm not so sure we'll win against TCU, but I expect a much better performance out of the team. We'll put up a good fight and possibly get out of there with a much needed win. Just like Groh, Sewell is a little slow out of the blocks at QB. He should have a better game after getting back into the swing of things after being out for a year.

Rob said...

I'd like to see the Cavs just go with Sewell. I don't like the fact that they played three QBs. Sewell appears to have the most talent of the three. Just let him play and see what happens.

If there is any change of pace plays get Hall in. Keep Verica off the field.

I expect an inspired game this week. If not, the calls for Groh's head will become even louder than they already are.

Rob said...

I don't think it was lack of preparation. The D played fairly well. The problem was 7 turnovers. When you give up a pick 6 and turn it over 6 more times, you make it almost impossible to win.

deepie said...

I'm sure the game plan was fine. Execution and fundementals, such as holding on to the damn ball, are a part of preparation as well. Yeah you can't blame Groh for a pick-6, but getting guys ready to run their routs properly and to hold on to the ball is on the coaches.

We played USC in the opener last year and were moving at 1/2 speed the entire game. I didn't see the W&M game, but I'm sure it was more of the same. The guys go in not prepared for the speed of the game and it takes about a week or two for them to catch up. Whose fault is that?

j, k, and s's d said...

Al Groh

Rob said...

Ultimately it is his job on the line, but I disagree that his coaching somehow caused Vic Hall to fumble a punt inside the Cavs 10 yard line, or that one of Sewell's passes hits a receiver in the chest and it bounces off into the hands of a W&M defender. Or that Verica fumbles when he is getting sacked. Those are just bad plays that happen.

I don't expect 7 turnovers this week. If they take care of the ball they will be competitive. I expect that this week and I also expect them to win.

deepie said...

You can't be serious. So preparing the team for the speed of the game, sensing when a hit is coming, how to hold the ball to prevent fumbles, etc. aren't the coaches' responsibilities? One or two turnovers, and I'll agree with you, but 7 in one game against an FCS scrub! JCam threw only 6 picks all of last season.

Since 06-07, we've been outscored 139-37 in our openers. That's called lack of preparation...four years in a row.

Rob said...

7 turnovers is why I say what I say. Look, I doubt Vic Hall fumbles in practice - he has had sure hands the last couple of years. But it happened.

I don't know how you coach a player to not have a ball bounce off his chest into the arms of a defender.

Fumbling when getting sacked happens to every QB.

The problem for UVA is all of these things happened in one game.

If Tom Brady fumbles because he is getting sacked, I don't blame Belichek for some kind of coaching issue.

The Cavs lost. They have to move on. We'll see if they do. I didn't watch the game, but I think the team has enough talent to win. Groh will make it happen or he won't. We'll see.

deepie said...

Like I said, one or two turnovers, and I agree with you. Seven turnovers indicate that fundamentals aren't being does the lousy offensive performance that clearly indicates a lack of preparation. Add to it the recent history of lousy opening games and you have a formula for poor coaching. There's no other explanation.

Groh usually gets the team rolling two to three weeks in. I already said I expect a much better performance this week, but it's already too late for the team to be taken seriously this year after losing to W&M.

j, k, and s's d said...

Including the W&M loss, Groh is 19-19 over the last three years. That's ridiculous for UVA. They deserve better.

He better pray for a strong showing this weekend. If they were to get blown out, he may not even make it to the following weekend.

Rob said...

Actually, there are rumors floating around that if Groh starts 0-3 he will be fired in the bye week - after the first three games.

We'll see.