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Monday, September 21, 2009

Skins win

It wasn't pretty but the Skins got the W. That's all that matters. I know a lot of people are angry and think JC and Zorn should be run out of town but the fact is that we got the win.

Sure, I would love to put up 50 points but however we get the win, I'll take it. There were a lot of positives in the game starting with our D and once again only allowing 1 offensive TD. The offense had nice, long, sustained drives and JC managed the game well. The problem was again red zone offense. However, we had two dropped TDs. One by Thomas and one by Sellers. That isn't going to happen every week but still we got to make those plays. The thing is a lot of people are all over JC but the guy finished something like 25-35 for like 240 yards. If Thomas and Sellers hold on to those TDs, JC finishes 27-35 for 250 yards and 2 TDs and everyone would have been happy. I just don't get that because Thomas and Sellers drop sure TDs how JC gets a lot of the heat. Whatever. We got the win and lets move on to Detroit.


Rob said...

My only question is when will we see Malcolm Kelly do something? Given their troubles in the Red Zone, why don't they throw it up to Kelly?

Oh yeah, he cannot play. Sorry I just answered my own question.

Scott said...

The offenses for the Giants, Cowboys and Eagles are so far ahead of the Skins, I fear that the Skins will lose each of their remaining divisional games. To make matters worse, aside from a few plays here and there, the Skins don't have a ball-hawking defense that can score. However, I expect the defense to do well in each game. I just worry that the offense and special teams will not score enough points to keep up with the other offenses.

The Skins don't have an identity and I now know that Zorn is the reason. JC is not trusted to be aggresive in the red zone, which is funny because he hasn't had many turnovers down there. If he gets sacked, they still will end up kicking a field goal.

I think Blache or Sherm need to give Zorn a slap across the face to wake him up from the funk that he is in. He looked baffled by the Rams defense. Maybe he was worried that Chris Long, like his father, was going to run at him on the sidelines and sack his ass.

j, k, and s's d said...

Kelly had the second most receptions out of all the receivers yesterday and averaged more than 10 yards per catch.

It was a solid performance so I am not sure why you hate Malcolm Kelly so much.

j, k, and s's d said...

Scott said the same thing last year when the Eagles played the Cowboys on MNF and it was a shoot out. He felt that their offenses were so far ahead of us but we ended up beating them.

We won the game and we moved the ball up and down on the Rams. Agree that we need to address the Red Zone offense but lets be happy with the win and move on the Detroit and expect improvements this week.

Rob said...

Kelly's four receptions were pretty inconsequential. I don't remember him making any plays. Maybe he will really turn it on against the lowly Lions - again, probably not.

JC is a a good QB, but he has to deal with weak play calling, a weak offensive line, an average rushing game, and average to below-average receivers. At least he has Cooley.

j, k, and s's d said...

We didn't have any bombs. We had long, sustained 13 and 14 play drives. Kelly was part of that. Again, coming in second in terms of number of catches with a 10+ yard average is a significant contribution.

I still don't know why you hate Malcolm Kelly so much.

Scott said...

On the first offensive play, Kelly had his man beat down the sideline and Campbell underthrew him. It was a twenty yard pass that Kelly would have scored on if Campbell would have led him.

I would really like to understand Rob's definition of the term "good quarterback" who's numbers seem halfway decent because he completes short passes because he always checks down because he can't throw it longer because he misses his opportunities and holds on to the ball way too long. Both Ely and Tony get rid of the ball within 3 seconds on most plays. JC holds, pumps, holds and either gets pressure, throws late, or completes it without providing the time for his receiver to run after the catch. Any other starting QB in the league would play better than him except Carolina's QB and he's finished.

Rob said...

Tony Homo is a horrible QB. The guy has been making the same mistakes over and over the last couple of years. If it is a big game, you can count on 3 interceptions from Homo.

Eli has come into his own. But he is helped by one of the best offensive lines in football and a truly impressive running game. It also doesn't hurt that the Giants know how to evaluate talent and have good young wide receivers.

I just think Kelly sucks. I don't hate him, but I cannot stand the way Vinny and the Redskins fawn over the guy. I'll wait until he actually does something in a game. Earl Bennett (2nd year) and Johnny Knox (rookie) are both unheralded young guys who are doing it on the field, while Kelly is hyped as some great WR. We'll see.

Scott, JC is surrounded by mediocrity and yet still he is accurate and just does not turn the ball over. I think he makes a lot of good 20 yard passes. I'm sure part of thinking is that if they call a seven step drop and try to go long, JC will be sacked well before the play develops. No Redskin QB has really had success under the Danny's regime. The reason is simple - they are not surrounded by enough talent to win.

Rob said...

If JC were the Cowgirls QB, I would make them a Super Bowl contender right now.

I'd trade JC for Homo straight up right now if I were Jerry Jones. The guy can make plays and doesn't hurt his team. It is completely Homo's fault that the Cowgirls lost last night - as it usually is when the Cowgirls lose a big one.

deepie said...

Rob...I don't know if it's that you have no idea what football is all about or if you are just being a dudzik. Either way, you're wrong. Yesterday's dismal offensive performance lies squarely on Zorn's shoulders...The players proved they could move the ball up and down the field. The playcalling in the red zone was ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as your incessent and baseless Malcolm Kelly bashing.

The talent is there. The receivers were open all day. The problem is when you are clearly not a power running team, yet to constantly run plays into 8-man defensive fronts as if you have the Hogs and the Diesel, you come away with field goals. Zorn has to get his head out of his arse because he's got a good young QB and many weapons in the passing game and he's wasting it.

Rob said...

2 dropped TDs are Zorn's fault?

When Kelly does something let me know. I may blink and miss it.

Look, Zorn has his troubles w/play calling, but jeez their offensive line sucks and will get worse as the season wears on. It was the exact same thing last year and they did not do enough to change that around.

Instead they way overpaid for Haynesworth - he's a good player but he is out of shape and certainly not worth the money they gave him. In the first two weeks, DeAngelo looks a little suspect also.

The Redskins are the oldest team in the NFL and they don't know how to draft - not a good combo.

We'll see how the season plays out, but it doesn't look good for the Malcolm Kellies in my opinion.

By the way, did you go to the game? Were there as many empty seats as it appeared there were on TV?

deepie said...

Two dropped TDs are on Devin Thomas and Mike Sellers. There's no arguing that. Two TDs instead of field goals would have made the score 17-7...better, but hardly anything to get overly excited about. I say it's on Zorn because the play calling was just so freakin' conservative. The main reason why the 'Skins only had seven posessions all game was because during those posessions, there were no attempts to get big chunks of yards quickly. Zorn has got to realize he's got a QB that doesn't make bad throws and just let him go after it. His calls imply that he has no faith in his QB and that's a shame because JC is better than that.

Haynesworth got a ton of money because that's what the market dictated. You can't question his impact though. He's made the front seven very good. Hall is a problem. He played well for a few games last year when he came over from the Raiders, so what did Danny do? He threw his money at him. I don't mind having Hall on the team. I think he's a good guy and a decent CB, but we're in the hole big time with all the guaranteed money we gave to him. He's playing like a slightly better than average CB, not the elite CB he's being paid as.

I went to the game. I'd say there were about 85,000 fans there. The lower bowl was packed. The club seats are always at about 50% capacity. The upper deck is where most of the no shows were. That's pretty typical for a game at FedEx against a bad team. The atmosphere and the experience inside the stadium isn't the problem. It's getting in and out, and I think many fans would rather not deal with the traffic problems in order to see us play a team like the Lambs.

BTW...the fans booing at halftime and after the game...I can't blame them. It's frustrating to watch. The 'Skins aren't the most talented team out there, but lack of talent isn't preventing TDs. I think the fans deserve better.

Rob said...

Zorn may or may not be a problem. I agree that there are some questionable play calls, but don't you think that after so many head coaches (Norv, Robiskie, Shottenheimer, Spurrier, Gibbs, and Zorn), Danny Boy should recognize the need to bring in talent? Vinny and him are the GMs and they don't know what the hell they are doing.

The coaches just coach the guys they have. The D is OK - they are sound fundamentally but I don't think they are particularly special. For the offense, the most obvious problem is the O-line and in coming weeks that is going to show up more and more as an issue. Their running backs are OK and their receivers are average to below average. Frankly, only Cooley and JC are better than average NFL players. I'd say Samuels, but he is well past his prime.

Deeps, before Danny Boy bought the team there were no empty seats - especially not early in the season.

Only the Redskins would pay Haynesworth $100M. Yet again, Danny Boy blew his wad on one player. NO OTHER TEAM would pay him such a ridiculous sum. The guy only played 60 percent of the plays Tennessee ran on D last year - he is part of a rotation and is not worthy of that number.

deepie said...

I believe there is enough talent to win and, at the very least, score more than a dismal 16 points a game (I believe that is the avg. points per game since the 2-6 slide to end the 2008 year started). You don't need all-pros to win. You need to have an NFL caliber game plan and you need to execute. The offense moves the ball fine, but the playcalling in the redzone is terriblly conservative. That's the problem.

The O-line is adequate. JC has had good pass protection. Reinhart will bring youth and power to the running game. I don't see a problem unless Samuels goes down.

I'm not worried about the D. I'm not thrilled with the quality of play from the CBs, but that's the least of the problems right now.

Robs...The team is boring to watch and we were up against an even more boring team. After years of mediocrity, I think it's amazing that 85,000 showed up. The crowd was lively and energetic despite the circumstances. Again, if entering and exiting the facility wasn't such a burden, I'm sure the stadium would always be full.

Regarding Haynesworth...I've heard the offer Danny gave him was not the biggest offer he received. I've also heard that the Giants offered him upwards of $85-90 million. The market dictated the rate and he's already proving how valuable he is. I have no problem with him or his salary. Hall's salary is the problem. He's not an elite cover CB, but we're $30 million in the hole with guaranteed money. Bad move Danny. At least Hall seems to know he's not performing and has taken it on himself to improve.

deepie said...

To be accurate, Tampa offered him $100 million also. The Giants offered "$80-something" million.

Rob said...

Sorry, but the Giants would NEVER, EVER have paid Haynesworth $100M. There is a huge difference between $80M and $100M. And I have my doubts that they were above $80M.

Eli signed his extension for 6 years and $97.5 million - that included $35M guaranteed - and you think the Giants would have offered Haynsworth similar money? Eli is an elite QB and the Giants D-line is already solid.

Tennessee’s final offer to Haynesworth was reported to be for 4 years and $34 million total ($20 million guaranteed). Tennessee knew the guy and thought that was what he was worth.

I have no idea whether Tampa was going to actually offer him $100M - Haynesworth claiming Tampa offered him more doesn't mean a whole lot.

In the end, the Malcolm Kellies paid him far more than what the Titans or Giants offered him - this says a lot about how poorly run the Kellies are.

I can assure you that no matter what he does, he won't come anywhere close to living up to that contract. He is fat and out of shape, which is why he has to take himself out of games.

As for the empty seats - IT WAS THE HOME OPENER! If fans don't want to fill the stadium for the home opener during nice weather when it is almost a sure win, things are in pretty bad shape in DC.

Rob said...

Deeps - when you say, "if entering and exiting the facility wasn't such a burden, I'm sure the stadium would always be full."

Danny Boy is largely responsible for making it tougher. He closed down the pedestrian bridge so that he could charge people for parking.

He changed the tailgate rules and charged more for folks who want to park closer. The effect of this was that loyal fans who come early and tailgate have to park further back and those who want to show up closer to game time can park closer up.

If filling the stadium was just a matter of improving traffic flow, Snyder could fix the problem. The reality is that he has been driving away fans in droves with his horrible management and mediocre teams.

deepie said...

Robs...Have you ever been to the stadium? If not, don't make claims about the fan experience at the stadium without having your facts straight. The fact of the matter is only those disgruntled malcontents who want to be loud will make it a point to complain publicly, while the vast majority of fans who enjoy their experience at the games quietly go about their business.

The pedestrian paths you refer to involved walking across a major four lane intersection from a nearby mall. PG County police testified at the hearing making the claim that the sidewalks should be closed during game days due to a significant risk to pedestrian safety.

The new tailgating rules have actually been well received by patrons of the stadium. Tailgaters previously would occupy multiple parking spaces that others paid good money to have access to. Now, tailgaters have designated areas and are not forced to move their stuff because someone wants to park in the spot they've occupied. Most people on Redskins message board sites actually have indicated that the new rules have not affected at all and they continue to tailgate as they always have. I can tell you that on Sunday, I went into my designated lot, found a spot, and set up a grill and chairs right next to my trouble at all.

A few 1000 seats are empty because watching the team struggle against a really weak team is not entertainment. It's frustrating. There may be a few fans who despise the experience and say they are fed up with Danny, but Danny can't be blamed for traffic caused by 40000 cars pouring into a facility that he didn't have a part in designing. There are more parking spaces and more ways to access the stadium now than there were when the stadium opened. It's just a lousy location...plain and simple.

Believe what you want. I really don't care because I know you say things just to instigate an argument. I'm sure you'll stick by your baseless arguments because you're a hater, plain and simple.

Rob said...

By week 10, there will be 20,000 no shows at FedEx - something unheard of before Danny Boy took over.

deepie said...

If by week 10, the offense is still struggling and it's clear that either the players can't get it done or if Zorn's play-calling is completely inept, then you're right. There will be many more no-shows and it will be get-ready-for Shanahan/Cowher/Holmgren time.