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Friday, September 4, 2009

Skins vs. Jags

So some interesting play and some decisions seem pretty easy.

Alridge might as well have been cut right when he fumbled on the kickoff for a TD. He's done.

Daniel's didn't do enough to supplant Colt and will most likely be cut or sent to the practice squad.

Mike Williams still too fat and slow. He let that end come right around to sack Daniels where he fumbled.

Kelly had a nice catch on JC's first pass of the game. Good play and for Robs since he judges people on one play, I guess he is now a top flight WR.

On the flip side, Randle El dropped the deep ball for a TD. Sure it was in heavy coverage but he needs to make that play. I guess Robs now thinks Randle El has no heart and is useless.

Thought JC played very well on his one series. He went 4-6 but frankly all of his passes should have been completed and he should have had a TD. Still, he showed good poise and command out there and that's what I like.

Glad preseason is over and we can now get to the regular season.



Rob said...

I didn't watch any of the game. You seem to be changing my argument as you often do.

Let me be clear. I have seen nothing from Kelly to make me believe that he is a solid NFL #2 receiver. He has no stats to give me any reason to think that. I saw him make a weak effort on the end zone play we have been discussing ad nauseum. His knee has been a problem for more than a year.

All that said, my impression of him is that he is a weak-kneed dude with little heart.

I've also said that I may change my mind if he performs and as I see him play.

One catch/miss has never been my basis for my opinion. So please stop making up my arguments.

Rob said...

I just looked it up - here is the NFL scouting report of Kelly before he was drafted.

He had some injury issues.

I'm not saying that he cannot overcome them, but it supports my feelings about him.

j, k, and s's d said...

How am I changing your argument?

From your own article, "With several receivers these days seemingly repulsed by the ball coming at them or being slightly out of their reach (or having to tussle with a defensive back for the ball), a sure-handed receiver who isn't afraid to go the extra mile to make the grab is certainly an attractive prospect. It might end up that the NFL has to wait another year to get their hands on him, but when he does make the leap, he'll provide an immediate impact if he joins up with an offense in need of a little punch."

Still, you say that he has no heart.

You have not seen anything from Kelly to make you believe that he is a solid NFL #2 receiver because he hasn't played. Again, one play, in my mind, is not enough to form a solid opinion on. Seems like you think that is enough.

His other injury was a deep thigh bruise. Where is the history of knee issues?

You should have made the deal with me to get your head out of your ass.

Rob said...

I've said my piece and have my opinion - I am entitled to having an opinion contrary to what you may believe.

I keep saying that if he shows something different than what he has shown over the last year and a half I can change my mind.

Now why don't you go back to printing flyers for the next Malcolm Kelly Fan Club Meeting.

Rob said...

Oh yeah, just to be clear when you say,

"since he judges people on one play, I guess he is now a top flight WR"

and that because ARE dropped a ball so

"I guess Robs now thinks Randle El has no heart and is useless"

you are completely misrepresenting and even changing what I have been saying.

j, k, and s's d said...

Still don't understand how I am misrepresenting/changing your argument.

If it's true that you formed your opinion on things you have read and seen on Kelly, then where do you get off on saying that he has no heart? YOUR OWN ARTICLE THAT YOU POSTED contradicts that argument. YOUR OWN ARTICLE THAT YOU POSTED says that he only had one knee injury in his past.

You cited the one play for your reasoning of Kelly being without heart. How am I misrepresenting you?

Rob said...

I have my opinion. You have yours. I read about Kelly all year last year. I have not been impressed by him in any way. A guy with his supposed talent should be better - that is part of why I think he is soft. The play is part of why I think he is soft. His stats are why I think he is soft.

I know he has a gimpy knee. You want some links, just do some research. Go to Google and type in Malcolm Kelly injuries.

He hurt his knee in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl and had to leave the game - cartiliage damage.

He couldn't play in the 2008 Fiesta Bowl because of a torn quad (it wasn't a bruise as you seem to think).

All of last year he had a gimpy knee that required surgery.

OK, you don't think that is a history of injuries/knee problems FINE!!!!!!

j, k, and s's d said...

You read about him all last year? What did you read? He didn't play.

All I'm saying is give the guy a chance to play before you have an opinion on his play. Seems reasonable.

I did look up his injuries and I am willing to concede that he has had more troubles than I thought but it does not seem to be a recurring issue. He finally seems healthy and he has been fine since spring.

BTW - it was your own article that you cited that said it was a deep thigh bruise.

Whatever, dude. You have made up your mind and I still say the word is open on Kelly and I am willing to give the guy a chance before forming an opinion. We can be done with the topic.

Rob said...

He was in the Post almost every week.

I'm not sure what you consider a "recurring issue." He has been hurt for two and a half years. We'll see if he holds up once the season starts.

You keep saying I've made up my mind. I keep saying that I can change my mind if he performs. My opinion is based on what I have seen/read of him over the last couple of years. What is so difficult for you to understand?

You want me to not have an opinion yet, but you seem to be of the opinion that he can play. WE'LL SEE!

Rob said...

Looks like the Deadskins are not going to force Grandma to pay after all.

Just doing damage control after the story got out about how big a schmuck Snyder is.

The funny thing is that they cannot even do their damage control right. The Redskins' lawyer accused Grandma of never telling them her situation, never returning calls, and never returning letters. She says otherwise and frankly I believe her.

It is obvious the Deadskins are just trying to explain the unexplainable and their lies are making them look bad again.