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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Redskins WILL win!

I expect to win pretty big this week against the Rams for the following reasons:

1. We are better than them.
2. We want revenge for last season.
3. We have experience from last week and will want to improve off of last week.
4. They have a new coach and are still in the process of adjusting to that coach and his system.
5. The Rams traveled west coast last week and have to come east coast this week, that's a lot of traveling and they will be weary.
6. It's our home opener. We will not want to disappoint.
7. We will be more aggressive in play calling and play.

I expect to win big this weekend.



Rob said...

First of all the Rams stink. If the Malcolm Kellies cannot win this game it will be a long season.

That said, I think this has the makings of a classic "trap" game. The Rams stink and have to go on the road again as you point out. The Deadskins are coming home after a tough loss. It looks like an easy win.

But remember, Spags is now the coach and he knows the Deadskins more than any other team than the Gigantes.

Danny Boy and Vinny tugged his dudzik for about 36 hours while going over game film of the team when they interviewed him. Spags has all the inside info and is probably pretty mad that he had to spend so much time with those idiots.

I would be mildly suprised if the Deadskins didn't win, but not altogether shocked. If that happens, Zorn better start working on his resume and pricing movers.

deepie said...

I haven't seen enough offense to give me much confidence in our ability to win big, but I fully expect to win. I hope we can simply overpower the Lambs, because that is what should happen here. Our D shouldn't give up much and, really, there is no reason why we can't run it down their throats and take advantage of play action to pile on the points.

Spags may know the 'Skins, but he won't have his Giants D on the field...It won't matter much.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, you assume Spags didn't enjoy the 36 hour dudzik pulling.

Second, you seem to think that Spags knows the full Redskin playbook.

The Skins will not disappoint the home crowd. It's going to be nice weather and the Skins will dominate the Rams into complete submission so much so that lil' Danny Snyder is going to hop down from the press box and on to Chris Long's back and steer Long's big melon/helmet right into Spag's arse at which time Spag's will look behind him and ask that Danny boy reach around and yank his dudzik again.

Rob said...

If Spags liked it, he would be Washington's coach.

I'm picking the Malcolm Kellies, but if the Rams win, Danny Boy will flee from the stadium sucking his thumb while Vinny sucks his dudzik.

Once he has choked back the tears (of pain from the loss, and of pleasure from Vinny's mouth), he'll place a call to Mike Shanahan.

Rob said...

After the loss:

Danny Boy - Boo hoo hoo! Boo hoo hoo. Vinny, I need you now more than ever.

Vinny - Whip out your 3/4 inch rock hard dudzik and let me at it (with a big grin and a twinkle in his eye).

Danny Boy - Is it really big?

Vinny - Ginormous!

Danny Boy - (choking back tears) Thanks Vinny - you're the best General Manager the Redskins could ever have.

Vinny - I love you (a single tear streaming down his cheek).

Danny Boy - (while Vinny is working on his miniscule dudzik and he has just dialed a number on his cell phone) - Mike, this is Mr. Snyder. Would you like to coach my team next year?

Danny Boy

j, k, and s's d said...


Rob said...


Scott said...

To get serious for a minute: Santana Moss should stop talking to the media. He sounds like a dumb ass everytime he does. Perhaps that gets to the root of the problem. The offense is still too complex for these guys. I bet you could swap out the QB and receivers on this team with just about any other team and the Skins will have atleast 3 more wins this year than they will end up with.

Rob said...

What? I was being serious. Danny Boy and Vinny probably do have that exact conversation.

As for the thought of switching players - I don't think it is a matter of intelligence, it is a matter of talent.

The problem for the Malcolm Kellies is that they don't have the talent to compete with the top teams. Santana and ARE are Smurfs. ARE was the top receiver for the Deadskins, but he is a castoff from Pittsburgh. Pitt had not trouble replacing him.

Take ARE off the Deadskins and they have no #2 receiver. Maybe Malcolm or Devin will still develop - but they haven't shown much as yet.

Santana: Mr. Snyder is you gonna tug my dudzik again?

Danny Boy: No Santana, you will have to tug my dudzik this time.

Santana: Great! I be gettin' out da tweezers agin.

(If Portis was in on the conversation you know it would be even more of an affront to the English language.)

Rob said...

I will say, Malcolm Kelly is fairly articulate. The problem is that he doesn't seem to be able to play NFL football.

j, k, and s's d said...

What did Santana say?

Scott said...

I think there should be a tv show called the Moss Group where each Sunday morning, Santana, Fred Smoot, Clinton Portis and Jason Campbell debate the news of the week. They could bring on special former Redskins greats, such as Doug Williams, Timmy Smith, Dexter Manley, and Barry Wilburn. The show could end with a reach around competition.

Scott said...

I heard him talking about last week's game and it was terrible. It was either on WTOP, 106.7 or 980.

Scott said...

I heard him talking about last week's game and it was terrible. It was either on WTOP, 106.7 or 980.

Rob said...

JC and Smoot aren't nearly as bad as Santana and CP. Must the something they learned at "The U".

Actually, I think if the two of them were hosts and each week brought 2 former sports stars it would be awesome.

Just imagine them with Emmitt Smith and former Caps great Gaetan Duschaene. Emmitt would be Emmitt and the three of them would be laughing the whole time. Gaetan wouldn't have a clue what the other three were saying.


j, k, and s's d said...

We might as well just Al Jazeera because we will have a better chance of understanding that than the crew Scott and Robs laid out.