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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kelly named #2 WR

Zorn confirmed what most of us suspected that Malcolm Kelly will get the nod at the #2 WR spot. He supplants Randle El who always seemed more suited for the slot position. Kelly has the size and speed to stretch the field and what everyone seems to be saying is that he has tremendous hands and can make average passes into completions. He seems to have worked hard and is deserving of the spot. Zorn feels that he has made strides but he is far from reaching his potential.

Robs feels that I am in love with this guy. All I say is give the guy a shot and lets see what he is capable of doing.

Randle El should create some matchup problems now that he is in the slot. Also, Zorn said that we should expect to see all of our receivers get significant playing time. I like this group of players and coaches and would really like to see them be successful. Should Kelly, Thomas, and even Mitchell produce we have a number of weapons for JC that include Moss, Cooley, Davis, Portis, and those mentioned above. Assuming he gets time to make the pass, I really think this could be a potent offense.

We'll find out in 3 days.



deepie said...

Good to see Kelly has recovered from his injuries enough to get the starting job. I guess there was some method to Vinny's madness when he drafted multiple receivers in the 2nd round last year. Thomas was the college stud, but it hasn't translated as quickly to the pros for him as it has for Kelly.

Kelly is a receiver in what is closer to a linebacker's body. If he stays healthy and continues to improve, he could be a very fomidable receiver opposite Moss. I'm hoping Thomas and Mitchell make it onto the field as well, but it looks like we'll finally have our big target that we've been missing for years.

I know ARE will be in the slot now, but I'd actually like to see a big receiver there. The 3rd CB on any defense is usually a little guy that gets overmatched when lined up against big dudes. I'm sure ARE will be able to make more plays in the slot, but there are certain situations where Mitchell or Thomas may prove to be the better slot receiver.

Rob said...

I hope he stays healthy and performs, but I still have my doubts.

It doesn't really matter all that much who the receivers are. The Giants D is going to sack JC at least 5 times this weekend and pressure him enough that the passing game will be disrupted. The O-line was a major problem last year and it will be a major problem this year again.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think we will see 4 and 5 receiver sets so I wouldn't be surprised to see all of the WRs.

From all accounts, Kelly seems very deserving of the spot. JC seems very excited to have Kelly as an option and has spoken highly of him.

Kelly is young but I think he will be a solid contributor.

We'll see what happens.

Rob said...

He's Vinny's guy. Only one pick from last year (Horton) actually made any difference last year. Orakpo will be a player, but if some of the other draft picks down pan out, it will be another indicator of how bad the organization is.

Of course, I still don't believe in Kelly, but the Redskins (especially Vinny and Danny) really hope he can become a contributor so they don't have to admit they don't know what they are doing.

Rob said...

Sorry, the "down" should be "don't" in my last post.

j, k, and s's d said...

You and your "vinny's guys" is funny. I don't even know what you mean by that but whatever (I am sure you will detail your definition of "vinny's guys").

Only one guy from the Bears 2008 draft class had any substantive impact (Forte).

There are opportunities for others to develop and contribue on both teams. We'll see if that happens.

Rob said...

The Post did a story about Vinny's Guys" last week that I am sure we talked about and that I even posted in one of my comments on your blog site. It's too bad you don't remember.

Also, you have no idea what you are talking about w/respect to the Bears 2008 Bears draft class:

1. Chris Williams - hurt last year. Starting right tackle this year.

2. Matt Forte - no explanation necessary.

3. Earl Bennett - great camp, starting receiver this year. Has great repoire with Cutler (college teammates. I'm sure he will end up with more catches and yards than Kelly.

4. Marcus Harrison - worked himself into the three man rotation at defensive tackle as the year progressed. Two sacks and 24 tackles last year. Solid contributor. Will have even bigger numbers this year.

5. Craig Steltz - great special teams player. Got an interception and blocked a punt last year.

6. Zack Bowman - hurt pretty much all last year. Solid backup corner this year will likely play. Had an interception last year.

7. Kellen Davis - the only one in the draft class who you could say has not had any impact.

This year, Williams, Forte, Bennett, and Harrison are all going to be solid to great players. Steltz and Bowman will be good special teams players and I expect Bowman to get on the field as a corner from time to time.

Only Davis won't have much to show for his time as a Bear because he is behind Greg Olsen and Desmond Clark at tight end.

Scott said...

As to Kelly: Apparently he has fantastic hands and catches everything in practice. He is two inches taller than D. Thomas and he seems to be a down field threat.

As to ARE: I think he can be effective on those short passes if he doesn't shake and bake so much after he catches the ball.

As to Cerato: The draft is a hit and miss proposition based on the high percentage of first rounders that are no longer in the league or are not factors. The Skins have more players in that were drafted in the first two rounds than any other team (per the NBC broadcaster commentary in one of the preseason games). All that being said, Cerato is too heavily influenced by Snyder the Snake, which is the biggest issue. Drafting the players isn't the issue--it's developing them once they are here.

As to the Ely: I think his contract way to high for his lame stats. I think the Skins D is going to get to him and he will throw a pick.

As to Campbell: He needs to get of the ball quickly, so I don't they'll be able to stretch the field that much--let's see how the line holds up.

As to Coughlin: Dumb ass, don't release a second year quarterback right before the season opener. The Skins D should be greatly advantaged because of that mistake.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, excuse me but I thought you said, "Only one pick from last year (Horton) actually made any difference last year."

I saw your listing of the Bears 2008 picks and again, the only pick from 2008 that had a significant impact was Forte. We're not talking about the potential and what these guys will do this year so I don't want to hear about how great Williams and Earl Bennett are going to be.

As far as Harrison and Steltz, sure they saw limited action so did Kareem Moore and Devin Thomas. For me, that is a wash. You may have a different opinion.

Glad that you think Bennett will have more catches than Kelly. We'll see.

Regarding potential, Kelly is a starter now. Thomas and Davis should see playing time and be contributors. Rinehart is much improved and will probably see some action this year and will most likely end up becoming a starter possibly next year. I don't care for Tryon. Durant Brooks fizzled as a pro and was a disappointment after a great college career, Moore is very solid, and Horton is good.

Keep in mind the Bears had the most draft picks in 2008 (12) so there are more chances that they would have contributors.

j, k, and s's d said...


Agree on most of your points. I think we will get to Eli a couple of times and hopefully force a turnover. It will be a great test to see the O line and JC against the stacked Giants D line. We all remember the first offensive play of last season when Tuck sacked JC. Hopefully we give him more time because if we do, I am confident he will make the play.

More I hear from/about Kelly, the more I like. Again, ARE is better suited for the slot but agree he has to cut with the dancing around and just run when he has the ball.

Scott said...

You mention ARE dancing. That reminds me of you dancing around with the elephant briefs!

Hail to the Redskins!!

Rob said...

I think it's safe to say the Bears 2008 class far outplayed the Redskins 2008 class.

The difference will be even more apparent this year.

A big reason the 'Skins have been mediocre for Snyder's 10 years is their poor drafts.

j, k, and s's d said...

To say that they far outplayed seems like a stretch. We are basically comparing Forte to Horton and both were solid at their respective positions.

Rob said...

It's not a stretch.

The Bears 2008 draft will result in at least 5 starters. It was a particularly good draft. There is no comparison.

j, k, and s's d said...

First, you are now trying to change the argument because you were talking about the impact the class of 2008 had last year. I proved to you that it was basically Forte against Horton. You launched into some diatribe about the whole 2008 class and their potential so now we are talking about potential.

Who are the 5 starters you are speaking of?

I could just as easily say that the Redskins will have 3 starters and other significant contributors.

Given that the Bears had 12 picks and the Redskins had 7, that would give us the better percentage in terms of starters.

Whatever dude. There's no winning with you.

Rob said...

Williams, Forte, Bennett, Harrison, and Bowman. The first three are already starters. Harrison is essentially a starter. He is in a three man rotation and will end up with more plays than Adams (probably Harris also). And, Bowman will likely be a starter by the end of the year. He is likely to be starting this week in place of Tillman.

The 5 seventh round picks the Bears had didn't make the team. So?

Are you actually suggesting that the 2008 Bears Draft wasn't a good one? Really? Is that your position?

Are you also suggesting that the Redskins draft was better?

Honestly is that your position?

Rob said...

I gave you stats to show that the Bears got significant contributions from 6 of their 7 top picks. I don't understand why you cannot understand that.

deepie said...

Robs. The 'Skins '08 draft was primarily to create depth at certain positions. The only picks intended to turn into a starter were the Thomas and Kelly picks. Kelly is the starter, so mission accomplished. Horton turned into a starter, so that is a bonus.

F. Davis, C. Brennen, R. Jackson, J. Tryon, C. Reinhart, etc. weren't drafted because there was a need for starters at their respective positions. They are providing much needed depth though (although some are still works in progress). Of that bunch, only Jackson is no longer on the team.

Your comparison doesn't work. The Bears drafted to fill many needs in the starting rotations. The 'Skins drafted to develop adequate depth behind solid starters. The result for the 'Skins is a team with good depth at all positions except RT. That's much more than can be said prior to the '08 draft.

j, k, and s's d said...

Don't put words into my mouth. I never said that the Bears draft sucked. I never said which one was better. Most of the guys drafted have not had significant time in NFL games thus far so it is hard to compare.

Again, you originally were talking about the impact the class of 2008 had last year. I proved to you that it was basically Forte against Horton. You launched into some diatribe about the whole 2008 class and their potential so now we are talking about potential.

Now you say that you gave stats that the Bears got significant contributions from 6 of their top 7 picks. If Williams and Bowman were hurt most/all of last year and Kellen whoever didn't have an impact, who are the six?

j, k, and s's d said...

Earl Bennett didn't catch a pass last year so I hope you are not counting him as giving you "significant contributions."

Rob said...

Deeps - OK, so you think the Redskins had a good draft last year? I don't. Outside of Horton - who was a lucky find for them in the 7th round - I don't think a single player in that draft is going to have any impact in the NFL.

JKD - I apologize for mixing last year with this year. That said, I have no issue saying that the Bears' 2008 draft was one of their better drafts. 5 of the 7 will start this year. A sixth is a top special teams player.

I'll leave it like this.

j, k, and s's d said...

It all remains to be seen.

BTW - Kareem Moore had an impact last season as a special teamer and getting playing time in the secondary due to injuries to both Horton and Doughty.

Again, we'll see the impact of these guys this year.

Scott said...

On a different topic, I was at dinner with an attorney from CHI Town and he is in a weekly pool that is handled a little differently than the way we do ours. In his pool, they put in money and the winner at season's end contributes it to the charity of his choice. I thought that was a nice touch.
Also, each of the gmaes is ranked 1 to 16 based on the level of certainty that each person has about each winning team. (I.E., If I thought that it was a slam dunk that the Skins would beat the Giants, I would rank that game #16. If I was very solid on the Eagles v. Carolina game having Carolina winning, I would rank that game #15. I would win 16 points if the Skins won and 15 points if the Panthers won, and so on up until my least sure game, which pays out only one point.

I know this seems like more work for JK and Girl Baby's Dad, but perhaps it will allow us to have greater variability week to week. What do you think?

j, k, and s's d said...

I think your first thought that this seems like more work for JK and Girl Baby's Dad.

No likey!

Scott said...

I'll do it. I think it will be much better.