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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gilbert Arenas is a pain

It's a little early to talk about the Wizards and I get tired of their mediocre seasons coupled with a first round playoff exit at the hands of the Cavaliers but Gilbert Arenas is apparently back and ready to not just be an All Star but an All League player. He only played in 2 games all of last year and I believe 15 games over the last 2 years but still he is upset that the Wizards didn't hold him out longer even though he said he was ready to play.

Gilbert said, "If you have a kid that loves basketball, that eats, sleeps, drinks and thinks basketball and all he knows is basketball and he gets hurt and he's your franchise player, you need to hold him back from himself," Arenas told the newspaper. "If I'm saying I feel good and you know it's supposed to take six months, instead of letting me at four months run ... they should have held me back. Rather than saying, 'Let's let this guy do what he wants and use him to sell tickets' -- sometimes you have to protect players from themselves. I don't feel like I got that type of protection. But, I don't judge them for that. Some things just happen. I told them I felt OK because I wanted to play, and they did what they did."

First, the guy hardly played the last two years. Second, if Gilbert said he was ready to play and wanted to play and the Wizards held him out, I'm sure that Gilbert would have been upset at that time saying the Wizards are holding him back. Arenas is such a prima donna.

I like the whole Agent Zero thing and his throwing his jersey into the crowd after every game. He was a star and gave the Wizards fans someone to rally around and cheer for but he's a baby. I look forward to another .500 season and getting bounced out in the first round again.


Rob said...

I don't really like the comments, but don't think it is any big deal.

This is a non-controversial controversy. Whoever wrote the story probably couldn't think of anything interesting to write and just threw this out. It's one of those basketball stories that gets written when it isn't basketball season.

I actually think the Wizards will have a very good year this year. I like Flip Saunders and think they will play more of an up-tempo game that will get them through the first round of the playoffs.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree that it is a non story.

The Wiz will be fine until one of the "Big 3" gets hurt and then they will all talk again about how good this team could be if they could keep the "Big 3" healthy.

Rob said...

That's the case for most teams in the NBA. It is a league made up of individual stars. If Cleveland lost LeBron or the Lakers lost Kobe - they would lose.

You just have to hope your team doesn't lose its stars.

Scott said...

Too bad the Wizardz (pronounced like "Richardz") won't be able to beat the Cavs and the Celtics in the play-offs.

Maybe Kanye will run on the court at the Verizon Center during play, steal the ball, and grab a mic to say, "I'll let you finish, but Beyonce' had the greatest video of all time!"

You have to go on youtube and look for the video with Obama's healthcare speech being interupted by Kayne. So funny.

Let's go CAPS!

j, k, and s's d said...

The problem is that we always lose our stars. If it's not Arenas, it's Caron. If it's not Caron, it's Jamison. We have been talking about all three being healthy for years. Hasn't happened so far.

Nothing would surprise me with Kanye anymore.

Agree on CAPS!!! OVIE, BABY!!!!!

Rob said...

Pray the Wiz remain healthy this year.

j, k, and s's d said...

Pray the Wiz remain healthy this year? I'm not wasting my prayers on that. I pray for a happy and healthy dudzik.

Rob said...

Why? Is your dudzik sick and unhealthy right now?

I'm sorry to hear that.

j, k, and s's d said...

My dudzik is happy and healthy. I suppose I should have said a continued happy and healthy dudzik.

Thanks for your concern about my dudzik. Me and my dudzik appreciate it.