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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Final Redskins Preseason Game

So nothing too interesting about this game. Many starters won't see any action. I suppose the main topic of interest will be Colt vs. Chase. Unless Chase comes out with a stellar performance and Colt sucks, I think this race goes to Colt because of his relationships with Zorn and the team. Colt was supposed to challenge Collins for the backup QB job going into camp so it would be interesting to see him end up not even making the team.

There will be some interest in Marcus Mason and Anthony Aldridge to see if either one of these guys can make the roster.

Will be good to see Marko again as well and see if he can continue his strong play.

Just looking forward to 9/13 against the Giants.


Rob said...

I'll be watching to see if Malcolm Kelly continues to be a bum!

Scott said...

Way to ignore my last post on the other entry! Maybe my post was invisible?

Here's the problem with the Colt vs. Chase competition. It would be an easy resolution if Colt was signed to the practice squad. However, if he plays well again tonight, that might be in jeopardy because he would have to clear waivers before they could sign him. If Chase goes out there and lights it up again, some other team may grab him. I really don't like Colt's side arm style, so I have no problem with Chase being #3. When you combine that style with Campbell's carrying the ball low and herky jerky release, our QBs have some real challenges in getting the ball out quikly and avoiding fumbles and passes blocked.

I'm a big Marcus Mason fan. I really hope he makes the team. He has very good runner's vision and seems to make the most of every opportunity to run through the smallest of holes. I don't want to say what Paul likes to do with smallest of holes.

By the way, did you hear about the Portis and Riggins Tweeting controversy? Apparently Riggo is upset because it's possible for Portis to break Riggo's franchise yardage record. I read an article this week and Portis didn't have anything bad to say about Riggo. He just said that they have different running styles and he respected what Riggo had achieved. I don't know what Riggo is hoping to achieve. I think Portis has a questionable attitude at times, but I feel that he will do whatever it takes to be successful. Do you know that last year for his birthday he spent $200,000 in a weekend?

Rob said...

Here is the solution to the whole Colt vs. Chase thing. Get rid of that stiff - Todd Collins and keep them both.

Scott said...

On a different topic, are we going to pick games this year? In other words, Paul, when are you going to send out the picks for the first week?

Scott said...

Well, here's the problem with getting rid of Collins: I think there's a 35% chance that Campbell will not be re-signed. If the Skins pursue someone in the draft, they will need a serviceable QB who knows the offense. However, if Campbell is not re-signed, Snyder may not be so Horney for Zorney and he will go after someone else like Mike Shanahan or Bill Cowher, who would have markedly different offenses.

Rob said...

Brett Favre will be the Redskins QB next year.

Bill Cowher will be the coach.

The Redskins will still be a mediocre team.

Scott said...

I'm surprised Paul has not expressed his thoughts on the Redskins suing more than 100 season ticket holders for trying to get out of their 10 year ticket agreements. Also, for the mass sales to ticket brokers.

I keep hearing the same things over and over about this franchise: The Redskins are, and have been, talented, however the organization has not created the right environment for the players to excell on the field. F-Snyder! Because the Tuna is already spoken for, he should try to find someone else who has the backbone to be President of Football Operations.

Scott said...

Snyder commenting to the reporters at Redskin Park on the backlash from the recent ticket controversy (in the voice of Tony Montana):

What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!

deepie said...

Things to watch for tonight:

1. Colt vs. Chase - Colt has the size but is erratic. Chase is short, but has learned the offense. I hope Colt settles in as the guy because Chase is too small to be in this league.

2. Which new RB will make the roster? I really like Mason, but apparently he can't pass protect. Alridge provides the change of pace that most teams are looking for. Yesterday Vinny said there's a good chance the team will carry 5 RBs/FBs...meaning one of these guys should make the team.

3. Which WR stands out? Marko has been great in the preseason and seems to be a lock for the 5th receiver. The question is, who will be the #2 guy? Will it be Rob's "bum," Malcolm Kelly or Devin Thomas? Or does neither one stand out and Randle El holds on to the #2 spot? I hope it's anyone other than Randle El. Campbell can use a big receiver on the field at all times.

Regarding Scott's random comments.

Zorn and JC will return if the team makes the playoffs and wins at least one game. If not, Snyder will be anxious to get a big name coach. I am confident that the team will be very competitive. I think they'll be back next year. Zorn has shown vast improvement in how he's managing the team. It should translate onto the field. Campbell will play with a chip on his shoulder. He'll get his contract.

Regarding the ticket situation...The 'Skins suing about 100 out of many, many more ticket holders who have defaulted on their contracts is nothing to be concerned about. The people who believed they could afford to pay thousands for tickets and then realized they couldn't is just another example of the typical American's inability to manage their finances. Credit card debt, foolish mortgages, Redskins's all the same. It's the consumer who's at fault...not the supplier.


Scott said...

I hope you are right Deeps!

The issue with the ticket thing is that they are suing, winning a judgment and then re-selling the tickets.

Rob said...

The whole ticket thing - especially the part about selling to brokers instead of fans - is just another example of how f'ed up Snyder is. He is an arse who continues to ruin the once-great franchise.

Scott said...

I agree with you Rob. I'm sure Paul will come to Snyder's defense. BTW, the Redskins are once again ranked the 2nd most profitable franchise in Forbes. That's it Snyder, take the money from the best fans in the world to fund the sinking ship called Six Flags!

Rob said...

I'm in the gym and just saw an MSNBC story about the ticket lawsuit.

Some 66 year old woman who has had season tickets since the 1960s in her family lost her job and could not pay the $5300 for tickets this year. She asked the Redskins to suspend her contract for this year and next year. The Redskins refused and sued her for the full amount of her 10 year contract plus damages.

She now owes Snyder $66,000 because she couldn't afford a lawyer and didn't show up in court. The judge gave summary judgement to Snyder. The kicker - Grandma has to file for bankruptcy because Snyder as a complete A-HOLE!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen . . . your Washington Redskins!!!!

j, k, and s's d said...

I largely agree with Deepie's comments

I have not fully caught up on the ticket issues so hard for me to comment.

It would seem like grandma could have given up her season tickets and then just dealt with all of her other issues.

Rob said...

She tried but Snyder sued her for full payment of her 10 year contract.

Rob said...

Here is the Post story.

Here is a short version of the Grandma story.

Here's another one of another dude.

Snyder is a world class A-HOLE!!! Go ahead and defend him JKD - I know you love him.

Rob said...
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Rob said...

Read what Redskin fans think of Danny Boy.

He's a dickweed.

I saw one comment that I thought was pretty interesting. The long wait-list is now a myth. Danny Boy is pretending that it exists to justify high ticket and concession prices. I believe that is true and I believe within a couple of years the Redskins will be looking at the potential for local blackouts (it won't happen because local TV stations will buy up unsold tickets, but it will say a lot about how far the Redskins have fallen under this owner.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't care for Danny boy so I won't defend him. I didn't read your links.

I find it fascinating your obsession with Danny boy. I think you are a stalker and you love him.

Rob said...

This is a story that isn't going to die quick. In a horrible economy, with people losing their jobs, billionaire Danny Boy is forcing Grandma out of her house.

It is a big deal. You really should read about it because I guarantee you it will affect the Redskins.

I'm sure there are a lot of players thinking Danny Boy is a dick.

deepie said...

The people who are getting sued largely fall into the group of those holding luxury and club seats that require long term commitments and come at a premium price. An individual who puts their mortgage at risk because they want to pay $100's to $1000's per seat per game is plain stupid. The Redskins rep who is quoted in the article...I believe his name is Donovan...was on Steve Czaban's show before a couple of days ago. He made a good point...The 'Skins sell 910,000 tickets a year. 710,000 of those are general admission seats for which no one has been sued. Of the 200,000 remaining PREMIUM tickets, a few 100 result in suits. The article attempts to make it sound like a widespread problem by focusing its attention on a few people who got caught unable to fulfill their commitments.

Once again, the blame should be on the idiots that committed to ridiculously expensive tickets when they shouldn't have. I'm not going to say Snyder is not greedy, but in this case, he's running the business the way he should.

deepie said...

Regarding the season ticket list...It does exist and it is real. It applies only to the 71,000 general admission seats. You can go sink your life savings into a club or premium seat at any time. You don't have to come off the waiting list for those tickets.

FYI...I just season tickets. My name came up after 11 years on the list. It was probably a direct result of those few 100 seats being freed up after the ticket office discovered the ticket broker problem. My seats are affordable to me and there's no long term commitment. I'm a fan of the team and I don't care about some other moron that got screwed out of their house because they made a really bad decision. I'm going to see my team play regardless.

Rob said...

Sorry, I don't agree with you. The folks in the story were all long-term Redskin fans who had fallen on hard times because of a bad economy. The 72-year old Grandma had tickets since the 1960s.

The economy goes south, she asks for a year or two break from her 10 year contract that she signed in 2006 (when she was doing well as a real estate agent). And the Redskins sued her.

I could understand suing a season ticket holder who had money and just decided to stop paying because the team has been mediocre. But to force people into bankruptcy so a spoiled billionaire owner wants to squeeze out a little more blood makes little sense from a public relations standpoint.

Also, I just don't believe the myth of the waiting list. I do believe the Redskins will start to have real problems selling out in the next year or two. I think they already have trouble filling their stadium which is why the ticket brokers are used (so they can sell to opposing team fans like Pittsburgh).

Rob said...

Oh yeah, one other thing. I don't believe anything that is said on ESPN 980. It is owned by Snyder.

He has proven that he will fire you if you don't tow the Redskins line. It is such B.S.

deepie said...

The Post's article anti-Redskins agenda obviously suckered you in to buy their version of the story. If you heard the 'Skins rep the other day, you'd have all of the information. He didn't deny that people were getting sued, but the law suits are last resort efforts after negotiations with ticket holders break down due to repeated lack of payment.

The ticket broker problem was that general admission tickets were incorrectly sold to brokers to entice them to buy large blocks of premium and club seats. Those seats are intended for use by corporations and the very wealthy (which is why I blame Grandma for buying what she couldn't afford). Trying to resell those tickets is useless because they are not sold out and the price is so high that the typical fan will only buy them below face value. The sales reps who got fired threw in general admission tickets for big games that the brokers could profit off of to sweeten the deal, thereby enticing them to buy more premium seats.

Look. You hate everything about the organization and your opinion is clearly biased by that fact. Danny is running a business that requires long term commitments from customers to plan for the future. If you sign your name on a contract in such a high-priced business and you can't make good on your end of the deal, then you're a fool. It's that simple.

Rob said...

The Post's "anti-Redskins agenda"? What the Hell are you talking about?

You would rather take the word of the Redskins' rep as the truth? A guy who is on Snyder's payroll? Oh please, you are so gullible.

Tom Boswell's piece in the Post today about Snyder being a horrible owner is a good one.

The whole reason I am no longer a Redskin fan is because I am disgusted by Dan Snyder. It is clear that he is hated in Washington - for very good reasons.

I know Dan required you to jerk him off when you bought your season tickets and that you enjoyed it, but Dan's antics have turned off many of the world's most loyal fans.

Rob said...

By the way, there were no Redskins ticket agents fired because of the ticket "scandal" related to brokers.

StubHub pays the Redskins a million dollars a year to be a sponsor. I've heard (though I cannot find an accurate source) that Danny Boy owns a piece of StubHub.

I am quite certain that Danny Boy knew full well that tickets were going to StubHub on the secondary market. Why else would they pay $1 million/year to sponsor the Redskins?

Rob said...

Heck, the Redskins promote Stub Hub on their official website.

You think they don't supply tickets to Stub Hub?

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, I do not know enough about this issue to comment. I do agree with Deepie's point about signing a contract and not being able to pay, there will have to be recourse...grandma or not.

That's the case with all the foreclosures. It doesn't matter who you are and how nice a person you are. If you sign the contract and can't pay, you can't just keep the house for free.

I may be simplifying things but again, I need to get more educated on the topic before providing better comments. Still, I read your posts and wanted to chime in.

Rob said...
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Rob said...

Fine. At least you aren't claiming some crazy Washington Post consipiracy to make Danny Boy look bad.

I think we can agree on this. Danny Boy is a widely hated owner among Redskin fans. This whole episode is going to further his image as a dickweed.

I also think it is pretty safe to say that the Redskins will have a much harder time getting folks/companies to actually purchase these long-term contracts now that everyone knows that Danny Boy is such a greedy f**ktard that he will sue you if you lose your job/fall on hard times and want to try to work something out. That will further erode the number of season ticket holders.

deepie said...

Look. I believe everything in the Post's article is true. I also understand that the numbers indicate that these law suits are for a teeny-tiny number of ticket holders. (In case you still haven't put your pants back on, look between your legs for an example of teeny-tiny). That's a fact that the post fails to make clear. The article is written in a biased manner. It may be telling the truth, but it's only half of the story.

I agree that Danny Boy is a greedy a-hole, but he's making money and the stadium is sold out. Maybe not everyone on the waiting list will buy tickets when their name comes up, but there is absolutely no reason to believe there will be blackouts due to a lack of a sell out.

I really don't care if he sells to Stubhub...If it means the 'Skins won't be blacked out, then fine. It's a symptom of the team being mediocre for the last 15 years and needing to fill the biggest stadium in the league. Danny Boy may be greedy, but he pours money back into the team to try to field a winner. The approach of acquiring big names hasn't worked thus far, but there's a lot of talent on the team and things will start turning around.

Rob said...

There won't be a blackout in DC because the local stations that run the broadcasts would buy up any extra seats. They wouldn't want to lose the advertising dollars.

But the fact that the legitimate 10 year wait list seems to be dwindling (and is a myth in my opinion says something about Danny Boy's leadership.

You say he is pouring money into the team. That is B.S. His payroll is the same as everyone else - there is a hard cap. It may fluctuate from year to year, but his salaries are the same as every other team when you look over any period of time.

What he pours money into is ads at FedEx and buying up crappy radio stations to spread his propaganda.

You have to admit that the fan experience (traffic, parking, concession prices, etc.) at FedEx have not improved over time.

You have to admit you are now subjected to more commercials and ads than ever before at FedEx.

You also would have to admit that the A-hole still doesn't have a GM and doesn't seem to know how to put a conistent winner on the field.

j, k, and s's d said...

Despite it all the Redskins are one of the most profitable organizations in all of sports. I am not saying that I like everything Danny boy does but fans will always come to the games. They can complain about parking, advertising, Danny, etc but they will still come.

Jerry Jones has been doing the same thing in Dallas since he bought the Cowboys and they are the most profitable team in the NFL. Fans have already complained about the new stadium saying it is too big and the nosebleed seats you can't see a thing but they will still come.

Again, I'm not saying that these are good things but the fans will always come.

You are just a hater. You have said for the last several years that this is what will do it for the Skins fans and they will stop coming. You have cried purge and all the rest of your stuff and it doesn't happen.

Keep on crying about it, hater.

Rob said...

The Redskins remain mired in mediocrity on the field while they enjoy sucking out the blood of a dwindling number of loyal fans.

If you believe that the fan base is as big and loyal today as it was when Danny Boy took over, then we will just disagree.

j, k, and s's d said...

I can neither confirm nor deny whether the fan base has grown or shrunk.

Of course people were happy during the glory years because they were the glory years.

The Skins do things that many franchises do in terms of advertising and raising ticket prices and such. Look across the league.

Rob said...


I just do not agree with you.

j, k, and s's d said...

I didn't say he is like everyone else.

However, you keep talking about the same thing for years and they don't happen.

Rob said...

I've said my piece about the horrible management skills of Snyder in running the organization.

They are getting worse and they are alienating more and more fans every year.

It will continue to get worse every year. Good luck to your team. They'll need it to overcome Danny Boy's foolishness.