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Monday, June 25, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
About a year ago, I had a pretty deep cut on my hand that required a visit to the ER for some stitches. I had to wait for several hours and even with my insurance, I still had to pay several hundred dollars out of my own pocket. Something doesn't seem right.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What is Bean's deal?

Monday, June 18, 2007
Poor Lavar!

Guy was in a motorcycle accident today breaking his arm and three bones in his leg. Fortunately, the injuries appear to be non life threatening. Still, it's amazing how quickly his career faded. A couple of years ago, he was still considered one of the premier LBs in the game. Always and aggressive big playmaker, he struggled understanding the 'Skins defense and then struggled with the Giants last year. When he finally looked like he was improving, he ruptured his Achilles tendon. Just as he was making his way back, he now suffers the injuries from his accident.
It's too bad because I always liked Lavar but it truly is amazing how he went from great to probably being done at 29 years of age. I suppose he was thinking about retirement even before the accident.
Good luck, Lavar!
Tommie Harris wants Donovan McNabb to QB in Chicago!
He just kept going.
And Harris wasn't done, capping his comments with, "Hopefully we get Donovan."
Seems not everyone on the Bears have full faith in Rexy.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Here comes Jason Campbell!

Really good article in the Post today by Jason LaCanfora (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/14/AR2007061402312.html?hpid=sec-sports) that talks about the time and effort that Campbell has put in during this offseason. Also, how nice a guy he is off the field. How he seems to have gained the trust and confidence of his teammates and the faith of the fans.
I'm excited to watch this guy grow and mature. Based on his character, hard work, history, and ethics, he seems like he has the potential to have a bright future. There's no question he will go through his growing pains and have some tough moments but I think he has tremendous up side and Ilook forward to watching him play this year.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Soap. Use it!
Up your nose with a rubber hose!
Silly Rexy - Part Chaar
RobsObs has been saying that the national media has been hammering Rexy and the locals love him. Here are some sports guys from the Chicago Town Daily News who are saying EXACTLY what I have been saying.
Rexy may turn out to be a great QB and he is young and he may develop. If the Bears were bad and rebuilding, I would probably say stick with the guy and let him grow with the rebuilding team. HOWEVER, I have been saying that the Bears were built to win NOW. They don't have time to allow Rexy to learn and mature when the rest of the team is ready now. The window is not open long enough to allow for that. That is what I have been saying and that is pretty much what these guys are saying.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Rambo Resurrected - The Final Chapter!
After another sleepless night, Rambo gets up off his beaten up sofa bed in the morning devoid of feeling and trying to find meaning in an otherwise meaningless life. “Why couldn’t Nam go on forever?” he asks himself not knowing whether he said it aloud or not. Rambo looks around his living room at a scattered mess of trash, food wrappers/cans, papers of nonsensical drawings, his own feces, and other miscellaneous junk. This is home. He sits on the couch and wipes the mess and litter on the cardboard box that serves as his coffee table and finds a large rat eating a leftover slice of pizza from who knows how many days ago. Rambo picks up the pizza with the rat and gobbles the whole thing down. He lets out a little belch and a long, abysmally stinky fart. After wafting the fart into his own nose, Rambo’s eyes perk a bit and he realizes he’s going to be late for work…again. John Jay searches the floor for the least dirty clothes, dresses, and runs out the door. He races down the street to the corner donut shop where he works as a donut maker/stock boy. He steps in the shop knowing he is late and already expecting to hear it from his boss, Mr. Murdoch. “Ram-BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” yells Murdoch. In a low deep grumble, Rambo mutters, “Sorry, Mr. Murdoch.” “I am sick of your excuses, Rambo! This is your last chance. You better have a great day today or it will be your last.” says the red faced Murdoch. Rambo nods and puts on his donut hat and goes in the back to start the first batch of donuts. Just as Rambo is about to get started, he sees another person already pulling out the first batch of donuts. “Rambo, this is Ming Lee. We brought her on to support during the busy times and she works cheap so make sure to show her around and get her up to speed.” orders Murdoch. Rambo thinks, “Up to speed? It’s f’ing donuts, duckfuck!” Sadly, this is one of those times Rambo actually says what he is thinking. “Ram-BOOOOOOOOOO!!!” yells Murdoch. “Just get to work!” he continues. Murdoch leaves and Ming Lee smiles shyly at Rambo. Immediately, Rambo is entranced by her Asian beauty. His eyes widen and mouth starts drooling as he has a disgusting/perverted grin on his mouth. Rambo remains speechless as finally he has found something that has caught his eye and given him a purpose. In an effort to impress the young Asian he starts showing off his skills with the dough, the fryer, and all the other contraptions like he is Tom Cruise from Cocktail except instead of catching everything and looking cool, he is dropping everything and making a mess and a fool of himself. Still, Ming smiles and claps in excitement. Recognizing that he has impressed Ming (at least so he thinks), Rambo asks her if she wants a coffee and does three flips and a sow cow up on the shelves that house the large bags of coffee beans. However, the weight and impact of Rambo on the rickety shelves cause them to buckle and down come the heavy bags of coffee right on top of Rambo knocking him out cold. Ming continues to applaud and laugh not realizing that Rambo is out cold…
Get Ready 'Skins Fans!
Could be a VERY a exciting year with perhaps the greatest safety tandem in the league.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Thug Johnson - SUSPENDED!

Friday, June 1, 2007
What is going on with the Cubbies?
Looks like everyone is pressing but hopefully we will loosen up soon and catch on a hot streak. Another good thing is that the Brewers have REALLY cooled off so we are only about 6 games out even though we have been terrible. Hopefully the tide will turn soon.

HOF #81

So I was driving into work today and I saw a Redskins license plate with the following: HOF 81.
It is amazing to me that Monk has not gotten into the HOF as of yet. The guy had the following stats:
Among the league's all-time top 50 in:
Receptions: 6
Receiving yards: 11
Receiving TDs: 29t
Yards from scrimmage: 26
Consecutive games with at least one reception: 2(183)
All-Rookie: 1980
3-time Pro Bowler: 1984, 1985, 1986
2-time All-Pro: 1984, 1985
Keep in mind that he played in a running offense led by John Riggins AND when he ended his career, he was a leader OR higher up in many of the statistics listed above. Today, passing is more prevalent and WRs are getting a lot more opportunities to catch balls than they did in Monk's era.
It's a shame he has not gotten in the HOF yet. Hopefully his time is this year.