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Sunday, May 30, 2010

LOST finale

For those that watch Lost, the finale was unbelievable. It's rare when a high profile movie or series finale can live up to the hype but this did. Was thoroughly entertained and thought the story, acting, and everything else about it was fantastic.

Again, it's hard for such shows to live up to the hype. Dark Knight is another good example of a movie living up to the expectations. It was already had large expectations but with Ledger's passing it almost went to another level as everyone was saying his performance was Oscar worthy and this and that. Even with all the hype, it ended up being better than I could have hoped.

It was similar with Lost and it's just too bad that it is over but it went out on top and for me, it was a satisfying way to end the show.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sayers vs. Urlacher

There's a battle brewing between ex Bears and Urlacher. Gale Sayers started it with some comments back in May about Cutler sucking and Urlacher getting older and Lovie's job on the line. He continued saying they needed some WRs and had other needs. I don't think this is out of line nor do I think it is inaccurate.

However, Urlacher took exception and was upset that there has been heavy media criticism of the Bears but was particularly hurt that criticism was coming from an ex Bear. On top of that, he fired back at Sayers saying the guy never won a championship or a playoff game.

A few other Bears have supported Sayers to include Dick Butkus, Dan Hampton, and Mike Ditka.

Again, I don't think Sayers said anything that many people don't already think. Urlacher's feelings got hurt and now he is sucking on sour grapes. He should just shut up and play and let that do the talking for him.

We'll how it all plays out on the field in a few months.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm back and I'M BAD!!!!!

Took a long layoff because I had been deeply depressed and dejected at the utter collapse of the Caps. But I dried the tears and dusted myself off, finally took a shower, and changed my clothes and I'M BACK, BABY!!!!!

Did you miss me?

Santana Moss on the juice!

So Moss has been linked to some doctor dude who supplies athletes with HGH and stuff.

Moss is like 5'10" and 190 lbs. I'm scared to think what he would look like w/o the juice.


Of course this means that they will bypass signing John Wall and draft an 8 foot, 120 lbs. project from Sudan.

OR we will draft John Wall only to have him suffer a debilitating knee injury in his first official practice. He will struggle for 4 years with the Wizards and then be traded or signed as a FA by the Detroit Pistons where he will become a perennial all star.

Les gotta love them!